Are methane seeps in the Arctic slowing
global warming?
Good news about climate change is
especially rare in the Arctic. But now comes news that increases in one
greenhouse gas—methane—lead to the dramatic decline of another. Research off
the coast of Norway’s Svalbard archipelago suggests that where methane gas
bubbles up from seafloor seeps, surface waters directly above absorb twice as
much carbon dioxide (CO2) as surrounding waters. The findings
suggest that—in isolated spots in the Arctic—methane seeps in isolated spots in
the Arctic could lessen the impact of climate change.
is … totally unexpected,” says Brett Thornton, a geochemist at Stockholm
University who was not involved in the research. These new findings challenge
the popular assumption that methane seeps inevitably increase the global
greenhouse gas burden.
未參與此研究,瑞典斯德哥爾摩大學的地球化學家Brett Thornton表示:「這真的是……完全出乎意料。」這項新發現挑戰了廣為接受的假設中,認為甲烷冷泉必然會增加全球溫室氣體的總量。
is a potent greenhouse gas. Molecule for molecule, it traps nearly 30 times as
much heat in the atmosphere as CO2. But scientists know relatively
little about its role in the global carbon cycle. Most atmospheric methane
comes from biological sources—belching bovines and bacteria feasting on decomposing
litter—or from the burning of fossil fuels. In the ocean, methane bubbles up
from deep seeps, where it is often stored in icelike crystal lattices of water
called hydrates. When those hydrates “melt,” because of changing
temperatures and pressures, the methane is released, and it can percolate into
the atmosphere above.
find out just how much methane the Arctic Ocean was contributing to the global
balance, biogeochemist John Pohlman of the U.S. Geological Survey in Woods
Hole, Massachusetts, set out to measure the gas close to the ocean surface
above known methane seeps near Svalbard during the Arctic summer. He and his
team were surprised by how little methane they found. But the bigger surprise
was that surface water CO2 levels
dropped whenever their ship crossed a seep. “[The CO2 data] became the most important part
of the story,” Pohlman says.
任職於美國麻塞諸塞州伍茲霍爾海洋研究所,美國地質調查局的地球化學家John Pohlman,為了找出北極海對全球甲烷的收支平衡貢獻了多少,於是在北極夏季出發前往斯瓦巴附近的甲烷冷泉,測量其上方接近海洋表層的氣體性質。他們發現的甲烷含量之少時常令他和他的團隊感到十分驚訝。但最大的驚喜是每次他們的船隻經過冷泉時,表層水中的二氧化碳含量便會下降。Pohlman說:「[二氧化碳的數據]成為整個故事中最重要的一章。」
combined with other data—sudden drops in water temperature, along with
increases in dissolved oxygen and pH at the surface—the lower CO2 levels
were telltale signs of bottom water upwelling and photosynthesis, Pohlman says.
Pohlman and his team conclude that the same physical forces that are pushing
the methane bubbles up are also pumping nutrient-rich cold waters from the sea
bed to the surface, fertilizing phytoplankton
blooms that soak up CO2, they write today in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
Pohlman說結合其他數據――表層水溫突然下降,以及溶氧量和pH值上升――便能看出二氧化碳含量下降是底層水上湧和光合作用在該處發生的跡象。Pohlman和他的團隊今日在期刊《美國國家科學院院刊》(Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences)中撰寫的結論認為,推動甲烷氣泡往上冒出的物理作用力,也將海底富含養分的冷水往上泵至海洋表面,帶給會吸收二氧化碳的光合浮游生物養分並使其大量增長。
a “fertilization effect” would be “really surprising,” says Thornton, who has
studied methane emissions above seeps in the Laptev and East Siberian seas.
“There are lots of nutrients in bottom water and bringing that to the surface
could certainly [result in] draw down of CO2.”
fact, the study finds that in such zones, nearly 1900 times more CO2 is being absorbed than methane
emitted. That’s a small but real consolation for those concerned about global
warming, Pohlman says: In these limited zones, the atmospheric benefit from CO2 sequestration
is about 230 times greater than the warming effect from methane emissions.
whether the findings apply to ocean seeps in other parts of the world is still
a big question. Svalbard is in many ways a bellwether. Some methane seeps occur
because the hydrates there are barely stable, and can be upset by slight
changes in temperature and pressure. Globally, methane hydrate reservoirs may
hold as much as one-third the carbon content of all fossil fuels. And with similar seeps along
continental margins worldwide, there has been growing concern
that methane emissions will dramatically increase as oceans warm.
Pohlman says one can’t count on the methane fertilizing effect being the same
everywhere. Even in his study area, it’s apt to change with the seasons. He
notes that his team’s data were collected in the constant sunlight of Arctic
summer. During the dark polar night, photosynthesis would drop to nearly
nothing, and methane emissions wouldn’t be offset by declining CO2.
原始論文:John W. Pohlman, Jens Greinert,
Carolyn Ruppel, Anna Silyakova, Lisa Vielstädte, Michael Casso, Jürgen Mienert,
and Stefan Bünz. Enhanced CO2
uptake at a shallow Arctic Ocean seep field overwhelms the positive warming
potential of emitted methane. PNAS,
2017 Doi:10.1073/pnas.1618926114