5月1日刊登在期刊《自然》(Nature)的研究,闡述了沿著逆衝斷層(thrust fault)的地震發生時,地面如何分裂開來,然後再迅速閉合回去的過程。
「事實上,現在模擬地震用的電腦模型大多已經內建此設定。模型被程式規定為斷層的上下盤不能分開彼此。」這篇刊於《自然》論文的主要作者之一,加州理工學院航空與機械工程學系的教授Ares Rosakis表示。「此發現彰顯出實驗與觀察的價值所在。電腦模型的真實程度只能到達內建的先決條件所允許的樣貌。」
該國際團隊在位於加州理工學院,非正式名稱為「地震學風洞」(Seismological Wind Tunnel)的設施中模擬地震而發現了扭轉現象。設施一開始是由Rosakis 和Hiroo Kanamori共同主持。Rosakis是研究物質如何破壞的工程師,而Hiroo Kanamori則是探討地震物理機制的地震學家,同時也是此篇刊於《自然》研究的共同作者。「加州理工學院的研究環境很大程度地幫助我們跟其他不同領域的科學家有密切合作機會。」Kanamori表示,「我們這些地震學家在跟Rosakis教授團隊的合作中獲益良多,因為要實際進行實驗來驗證我們在地震學中的概念通常是很困難的。」
共同作者,巴黎高等師範學院的研究科學家Harsha Bhat說:「這是一個地震學家、構造學者和工程師良好合作的絕佳案例。直白來說,也是美/法的合作成果。」Bhat之前曾在加州理工學院進行博士後研究。
Earthquakes can make thrust faults open violently and snap shut
Experiments reveal a new mechanism that could explain the source of a
destructive feature of the 2011 Tohoku earthquake
It is a common
trope in disaster movies: an earthquake strikes, causing the ground to rip open
and swallow people and cars whole. The gaping earth might make for cinematic
drama, but earthquake scientists have long held that it does not happen.
Except, it
can, according to new experimental research from Caltech.
The work,
appearing in the journal Nature on May 1, shows how the earth can split open —
and then quickly close back up — during earthquakes along thrust faults.
Thrust faults
have been the site of some of the world’s largest quakes, such as the 2011
Tohoku earthquake off the coast of Japan, which damaged the Fukushima nuclear
power plant. They occur in weak areas of the earth’s crust where one slab of
rock compresses against another, sliding up and over it during an earthquake.
A team of engineers
and scientists from Caltech and École normale supérieure (ENS) in Paris have
discovered that fast ruptures propagating up toward the earth’s surface along a
thrust fault can cause one side of a fault to twist away from the other,
opening up a gap of up to a few meters that then snaps shut.
Thrust fault
earthquakes generally occur when two slabs of rock press against one another,
and pressure overcomes the friction holding them in place. It has long been
assumed that, at shallow depths the plates would just slide against one another
for a short distance, without opening.
researchers investigating the Tohoku earthquake found that not only did the
fault slip at shallow depths, it did so by up to 50 meters in some places. That
huge motion, which occurred just offshore, triggered a tsunami that caused
damage to facilities along the coast of Japan, including at the Fukushima
Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant.
In the Nature
paper, the team hypothesizes that the Tohoku earthquake rupture propagated up
the fault and — once it neared the surface — caused one slab of rock to twist
away from another, opening a gap and momentarily removing any friction between
the two walls. This allowed the fault to slip 50 meters.
That opening
of the fault was supposed to be impossible.
“This is
actually built into most computer models of earthquakes right now. The models
have been programed in a way that dictates that the walls of the fault cannot
separate from one another,” says Ares Rosakis, Theodore von Kármán Professor of
Aeronautics and Mechanical Engineering at Caltech and one of the senior authors
of the Nature paper. “The findings demonstrate the value of experimentation and
observation. Computer models can only be as realistic as their built-in
assumptions allow them to be.”
international team discovered the twisting phenomenon by simulating an
earthquake in a Caltech facility that has been unofficially dubbed the
“Seismological Wind Tunnel.” The facility started as a collaboration between
Rosakis, an engineer studying how materials fail, and Hiroo Kanamori, a
seismologist exploring the physics of earthquakes and a coauthor of the Nature
study. “The Caltech research environment helped us a great deal to have close
collaboration across different scientific disciplines,” Kanamori said. “We
seismologists have benefited a great deal from collaboration with Professor
Rosakis’s group, because it is often very difficult to perform experiments to
test our ideas in seismology.”
At the
facility, researchers use advanced high-speed optical diagnostics to study how
earthquake ruptures occur. To simulate a thrust fault earthquake in the lab,
the researchers first cut in half a transparent block of plastic that has
mechanical properties similar to that of rock. They then put the broken pieces
back together under pressure, simulating the tectonic load of a fault line.
Next, they place a small nickel-chromium wire fuse at the location where they
want the epicenter of the quake to be. When they set off the fuse, the friction
at the fuse’s location is reduced, allowing a very fast rupture to propagate up
the miniature fault. The material is photoelastic, meaning that it visually
shows — through light interference as it travels in the clear material — the
propagation of stress waves. The simulated quake is recorded using high-speed
cameras and the resulting motion is captured by laser velocimeters (particle
speed sensors).
“This is a
great example of collaboration between seismologists, tectonisists and
engineers. And not to put too fine a point on it, US/French collaboration,”
says Harsha Bhat, coauthor of the paper and a research scientist at ENS. Bhat
was previously a postdoctoral researcher at Caltech.
The team was
surprised to see that, as the rupture hit the surface, the fault twisted open and
then snapped shut. Subsequent computer simulations — with models that were
modified to remove the artificial rules against the fault opening — confirmed
what the team observed experimentally: one slab can twist violently away from
the other. This can happen both on land and on underwater thrust faults,
meaning that this mechanism has the potential to change our understanding of
how tsunamis are generated.
Gabuchian, Ares J. Rosakis, Harsha S. Bhat, Raúl Madariaga, Hiroo Kanamori.
Experimental evidence that thrust earthquake ruptures might open faults.
Nature, 2017; DOI:
引用自:California Institute of Technology. "Earthquakes can
make thrust faults open violently and snap shut: Experiments reveal a new
mechanism that could explain the source of a destructive feature of the 2011
Tohoku earthquake."