刊於上周《美國國家科學院院報》(Proceedings of the
National Academy of Sciences)的研究中描述了這項成果。此研究由威斯康辛大學麥迪遜分校的博士後研究員Randy Williams與他的指導教授,地質科學系的Laurel Goodwin主持。
Williams觀察了留存在這些方解石中的放射性元素――鈾和釷。根據鈾衰變成釷的速率,Williams可以將它們當作一種時鐘來使用。他和研究團隊中的其餘成員,包括柏克萊地質年代學中心的Warren Sharp和新墨西哥礦業理工學院的Peter Mozley,藉此測量出礦脈中每一「世代」的方解石年代為何,而定出地震彼此之間的相對發生時間。對比至較近期的地震事件之後,研究人員估計發生在布蘭卡山斷層的地震規模為6.2至6.9。
Goodwin解釋:「當孔隙水壓(pore pressure)的增加幅度遠遠超出背景值,斷層就會破壞並形成裂縫,而釋出盆地中的流體。」Williams表示注入廢水使壓力增加的速率,可能超出大部分斷層在過往地質年代中曾經歷過的速率。
use radioactive clock to document longest earthquake record
Using radioactive elements
trapped in crystallized, cream-colored "veins" in New Mexican rock,
geologists have peered back in time more than 400,000 years to illuminate a
record of earthquakes along the Loma Blanca fault in the Rio Grande rift.
is the longest record of earthquakes ever documented on a fault, showing 13
distinct seismic events -- nine of which occurred at regular intervals
averaging 40,000-to-50,000 years and four that clustered together just
five-to-11,000 years apart.
work, described in a study published last week in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences,
was led by University of Wisconsin-Madison postdoctoral researcher Randy
Williams and his advisor, Laurel Goodwin, a professor in the UW-Madison
geoscience department.
weren't expecting any of this," Goodwin says. "It's been quite the
odyssey for us."
researchers initially set out to better understand the background, or default,
earthquake activity along the 14-mile-long Loma Blanca fault, south of
Albuquerque. An intraplate fault like this generally produces earthquakes much
less frequently than those at the boundaries of tectonic plates, like
California's San Andreas Fault, and tends to be less well understood by
geologists. However, some intraplate faults have experienced increased
seismicity in recent years, likely due to deep injection wells used for
wastewater disposal.
places like Texas, Oklahoma and Ohio, Williams explains, earthquake activity
has been linked to high-pressure wastewater injected far beneath Earth's
surface. In part to better understand these human-driven events, the
researchers wanted to get a handle on what mechanical factors control natural
earthquakes and how often a given fault slips to cause one.
can't predict an exact date for when they will occur, and it's unlikely that we
ever will," Goodwin explains, "but we want to understand what is
driving them so we can better prepare."
look for answers, Williams began to examine "veins" made of the
mineral calcite that streak segments of rock along the fault. Calcite
precipitates out of pressurized fluids that travel through rock near faults
during some earthquakes and gets deposited in layers, like rings of a tree.
During subsequent earthquakes, the calcite fractures and heals, leaving a
distinct signature like old broken bones.
looked at the radioactive elements uranium and thorium trapped in these calcite
crystals, using them as a kind of clock based on the rate at which uranium
decays into thorium. He and the rest of the research team, which includes
Warren Sharp from the Berkeley Geochronology Center and Peter Mozley of the New
Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, could measure the age of each
"generation" of calcite found in the veins and determine when
earthquakes occurred relative to one another. The magnitude of these
earthquakes at Loma Blanca has been estimated to be between 6.2 and 6.9, by
analogy with more recent events.
team showed that earthquakes on the fault were controlled by two different
processes. Earthquakes that occurred at regular intervals were the result of
accumulated stress that eventually caused the fault to fail every 40,000 years
or so but were not driven by fluids. However, the unusual cluster of
earthquakes that occurred roughly 430,000 years ago was the result of an
increase in fluid pressure deep beneath the surface. Increases in fluid
pressure in Earth can decrease the friction between the two sides of a fault,
leading to easier sliding -- like the pressurized air on an air hockey table.
team also showed that calcite associated with two seismic events in the
earthquake cluster indicates very rapid carbon dioxide degassing, which can
occur when fluid under high pressure is released -- like opening the top of a
shaken bottle of soda.
pore pressure increases far enough over the background level, the fault fails
and cracks form, releasing fluid from the basin," Goodwin explains.
Williams says that injected wastewater is likely to increase pressure at a
faster rate than most faults have experienced in the geologic past.
findings also help contribute to a longstanding question in geology regarding
the mechanics of earthquakes in intraplate faults and whether they occur
periodically or randomly in time.
Williams is working to improve the methods the team used. "We want to
understand how the calcite-dating method can be used to contribute to
documenting the seismic record of other faults," he says.
原始論文:Randolph T. Williams, Laurel B. Goodwin, Warren D. Sharp,
Peter S. Mozley. Reading a 400,000-year record of earthquake frequency
for an intraplate fault. Proceedings of the National Academy of
Sciences, 2017; 201617945 DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1617945114
引用自:University of Wisconsin-Madison. "Geologists use
radioactive clock to document longest earthquake record." ScienceDaily.
ScienceDaily, 2 May 2017.