2017年5月2日 星期二


加拿大滑鐵盧大學的科學家領導由微生物學家、地球化學家和淡水學家組成的團隊,驚訝地發現加拿大北方地盾(Boreal Shield)的許多湖泊也許跟太古代(Archea)的海洋十分相似。太古代距今超過25億年前,當時只有微生物繁榮生長在沒有氧氣的世界。
這項發現的重要之處在於跟太古代的海洋擁有同樣重要性質的湖泊,在加拿大的北方地盾中竟有數以百萬計。直到現在,科學家仰賴的「類比湖泊」(analogue lake)――擁有跟遠古環境類似的湖泊――只有四處,大多是在偏遠地區或者生態系相當脆弱的地點發現。
「有了那麼多的湖泊可供研究,此發現改變了我們研究這塊領域的方法。」共同作者,滑鐵盧大學理學院生命科學系的博士生Jackson Tsuji表示,「令人興奮的是這些湖泊基本上就位在我們的後院,它們遠有的資訊可以對過去與現今的全球氣候,以及水資源管理有所啟發。」
刊登在《科學報導》(Scientific Reports)的這項發現,有望改變科學家研究最初生命形式所用的方法。一般認為它們起源的無氧海洋含有少量的硫與大量的鐵。許多北方地盾的湖泊同樣含有少量的硫與大量的鐵,並且每個夏季都會形成無氧水層。雖然這些水層在春季和秋季會互相混和,但它們可以很快地重新建立起分層狀態。
「過往我們認為要找到太古代海洋的適當類比,意謂著要找到一座不會發生混和作用的湖泊。舉例而言,現今所用的類比對象往往深達數百公尺且處於完全分層的狀態。」生命科學系的Josh Neufeld教授表示,「我們的重要發現之一是儘管會發生混和作用,此處的無氧生物群集仍然相當強盛。」
地球與環境科學系的教授Sherry Schiff表示:「因為有跨領域團隊帶來的可塑性讓我們能追尋意想不到的結果,加上最尖端的技術和工具才得以讓這個突破性的發現成真。」

Discovery in northern lakes may be key to understanding early life on Earth
A team of researchers has discovered that many Canadian lakes can provide new insights into ancient oceans, and their findings could advance research about greenhouse gas emissions, harmful algal blooms, and early life forms.
Scientists from the University of Waterloo led the team of microbiologists, geochemists, and freshwater specialists in a surprising finding that lakes of the Boreal Shield may be similar to oceans of the Archean Eon, a period more than 2.5 billion years ago when microbial life thrived in a world without oxygen.
This finding is important because there are millions of Boreal Shield lakes in Canada that likely share key properties with the Archean oceans. Until now, scientists have relied on only four so-called analogue lakes -- ones with similar primordial conditions -- most of which are found in remote or ecologically sensitive locations.
"With so many lakes to study, this discovery changes how we approach this field of research," said co-author Jackson Tsuji, a doctoral student in the Department of Biology in the Faculty of Science. "It's exciting that these lakes, which are basically in our backyard, hold information that could have implications for global climate, past and present, and water management."
Published in Scientific Reports, the findings have the potential to transform how scientists carry out research about Earth's earliest life forms, which originated in oxygen-free oceans thought to be low in sulphur and high in iron. Many Boreal Shield lakes, also low in sulphur and high in iron, develop oxygen-free layers each summer. Although these layers mix in the spring and fall, they re-establish quickly.
"We used to think finding a suitable Archean ocean analogue meant that you had to find a lake that didn't mix. For example, current analogues are hundreds of metres deep and completely stratified," said Josh Neufeld, a professor in the Department of Biology. "An important discovery here was how robust this oxygen-free community is, despite the mixing."
Researchers can use these lakes as living laboratories to study how microbes of the past might have functioned. The microbes detected in the sampled lakes are thought to metabolize iron compounds with the help of sunlight, which may help researchers understand how to predict and control harmful algal blooms because iron plays a key role in algal bloom formation.
In addition, the unique and previously unknown microbial communities, specifically methane-consuming microbes at the bottom of these lakes, have broad implications for greenhouse gas emissions.
The study compared aspects of the four current Archean-ocean analogues to two Boreal Shield lakes using water chemistry, microbial community profiles, and stable isotope patterns. The researchers' unique application of the latest biological and isotopic tools shows that similar biological processes to existing analogues are not only present, but active in the water, reoccurring every year.
"This groundbreaking discovery was possible because we had the flexibility to pursue some unexpected results with a multi-disciplinary team using state-of-the-art tools and techniques," said Sherry Schiff, a professor in the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences.
Boreal Shield lakes are widespread across the Boreal Shield, the largest of the Canadian ecozones, which extends across more than 20 per cent of Canada's land mass. Similar lakes are found in Finland, Norway, Sweden, and Russia.
原始論文:S. L. Schiff, J. M. Tsuji, L. Wu, J. J. Venkiteswaran, L. A. Molot, R. J. Elgood, M. J. Paterson, J. D. Neufeld. Millions of Boreal Shield Lakes can be used to Probe Archaean Ocean BiogeochemistryScientific Reports, 2017; 7: 46708 DOI: 10.1038/srep46708

引用自:University of Waterloo. "Discovery in northern lakes may be key to understanding early life on Earth." ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 27 April 2017. 

