2017年5月8日 星期一



傳統理論認為地球原始地殼的材料皆來自於火山活動。然而,加拿大麥基爾大學的地球科學家Don BakerKassandra Sofonio現在卻發表了一項嶄新的理論:這些材料的化學組成,有部分是從當時常處於雲霧繚繞的大氣中,沉降到地表而形成。
為了測試該理論,Baker和共同作者,麥基爾大學的碩士級研究助理Kassandra Sofonio花費數月發展並設計一系列的實驗室試驗,目的是要模仿早期地球充滿蒸氣的大氣。他們先在加熱到1550℃的空氣中,將等同地球矽酸鹽總體組成的物質跟水一起熔化,接著再磨成細粉。然後他們取微量粉末跟水一起封在由金和鈀做成的金屬囊中,將其置入高壓艙,提高溫度壓力至727℃與地表大氣壓力的100倍,藉此來模擬受到形成月球的撞擊大約100萬年之後,地球大氣的環境條件。在每次實驗之後,他們都會快速冷卻樣品,並分析溶化在高溫蒸氣中的物質。
他們的成果論文發表在期刊《地球與行星科學通訊》(Earth and Planetary Science Letters)。團隊假設的新理論認為今日我們所知最古老的岩石樣本中,部分是由「空中交代變質作用」(aerial metasomatism)形成。Sofonio創造此詞彙來描述發生在大約一百萬年之間,矽酸鹽礦物凝結並落回地面的過程。

New theory on how Earth's crust was created
Experimental findings could guide search for exoplanets that may harbor life
More than 90% of Earth's continental crust is made up of silica-rich minerals, such as feldspar and quartz. But where did this silica-enriched material come from? And could it provide a clue in the search for life on other planets?
Conventional theory holds that all of the early Earth's crustal ingredients were formed by volcanic activity. Now, however, McGill University earth scientists Don Baker and Kassandra Sofonio have published a theory with a novel twist: some of the chemical components of this material settled onto Earth's early surface from the steamy atmosphere that prevailed at the time.
First, a bit of ancient geochemical history: Scientists believe that a Mars-sized planetoid plowed into the proto-Earth around 4.5 billion years ago, melting the Earth and turning it into an ocean of magma. In the wake of that impact -- which also created enough debris to form the moon -- the Earth's surface gradually cooled until it was more or less solid. Baker's new theory, like the conventional one, is based on that premise.
The atmosphere following that collision, however, consisted of high-temperature steam that dissolved rocks on the Earth's immediate surface -- "much like how sugar is dissolved in coffee," Baker explains. This is where the new wrinkle comes in. "These dissolved minerals rose to the upper atmosphere and cooled off, and then these silicate materials that were dissolved at the surface would start to separate out and fall back to Earth in what we call a silicate rain."
To test this theory, Baker and co-author Kassandra Sofonio, a McGill undergraduate research assistant, spent months developing a series of laboratory experiments designed to mimic the steamy conditions on early Earth. A mixture of bulk silicate earth materials and water was melted in air at 1,550 degrees Celsius, then ground to a powder. Small amounts of the powder, along with water, were then enclosed in gold palladium capsules, placed in a pressure vessel and heated to about 727 degrees Celsius and 100 times Earth's surface pressure to simulate conditions in the Earth's atmosphere about 1 million years after the moon-forming impact. After each experiment, samples were rapidly quenched and the material that had been dissolved in the high temperature steam analyzed.
The experiments were guided by other scientists' previous experiments on rock-water interactions at high pressures, and by the McGill team's own preliminary calculations, Baker notes. Even so, "we were surprised by the similarity of the dissolved silicate material produced by the experiments" to that found in the Earth's crust.
Their resulting paper, published in the journal Earth and Planetary Science Letters, posits a new theory of "aerial metasomatism" -- a term coined by Sofonio to describe the process by which silica minerals condensed and fell back to earth over about a million years, producing some of the earliest rock specimens known today.
"Our experiment shows the chemistry of this process," and could provide scientists with important clues as to which exoplanets might have the capacity to harbor life Baker says.
"This time in early Earth's history is still really exciting," he adds. "A lot of people think that life started very soon after these events that we're talking about. This is setting up the stages for the Earth being ready to support life."
原始論文:Don R. Baker, Kassandra Sofonio. A metasomatic mechanism for the formation of Earth's earliest evolved crustEarth and Planetary Science Letters, 2017; 463: 48 DOI: 10.1016/j.epsl.2017.01.022

引用自:McGill University. "New theory on how Earth's crust was created: Experimental findings could guide search for exoplanets that may harbor life." ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 5 May 2017. 

