2017年8月28日 星期一



在整部地球歷史中,大陸地殼經歷著形成與消滅的過程。科學家對此關係的消長有相當激烈的辯論,但他們已經漸漸同意大部分的大陸地殼是在地球歷史早期形成,而且從那時開始就有部分會循環回地函當中。要瞭解過去是由什麼作用主導了地殼循環並非易事,因為我們對於早期地球板塊運動的類型和力學原理擁有的資訊十分稀少。Chowdhury 等人在《自然―地質科學》(Nature Geoscience )撰寫的論文中,利用數值模擬顯示地球在太古宙晚期和元古宙早期溫度較高的時候,地殼循環的特性為緻密的下部大陸地殼剝離而沉入地函之中,其規模和速度可能比今日高上許多。

a. Chowdhury和其同事利用數值模擬顯示年輕、高溫地球的特點為具有層脫類型的板塊運動。下部大陸地殼和岩石圈地函會剝離而將大量下部地殼循環回地函當中。b. 相較來說,在現今條件下更常發生的是隱沒板塊斷裂,但此作用只能將少量的上部和下部大陸地殼循環回去。
Chowdhury 等人利用估計大陸地殼循環速率的變化,提出大約是在10億年前板塊運動的方式轉變成跟現今一樣。然而,此估計值會受到數值模型內建的假設以及跟地函溫度演變相關的不確定性影響,因此要明確指出板塊運動開始變成我們今日所知樣貌的時間點並不容易。更重要的是,我們必須記住板塊增生的速率不只會隨著時間變化,在個別碰撞帶之間的空間差異也有巨大的差別。對於特定時間點只利用單獨一個循環速率的平均估計值來代表可能無法完整呈現碰撞帶的複雜性和多變性。不過這項新的預估結果還是提供了一個重要的切入點,讓我們能探討全球尺度下地殼循環過程的生涯變化。

Plate tectonics: Crustal recycling evolution
The processes that form and recycle continental crust have changed through time. Numerical models reveal an evolution from extensive recycling on early Earth as the lower crust peeled away, to limited recycling via slab break-off today.
Continental crust has been created and destroyed throughout Earth's history. Estimates of the balance between this loss and gain are vigorously debated, but there is a mounting consensus that a large portion of continental crust formed early in Earth's history and has since been partly recycled back into the mantle12. Determining which processes were responsible for crustal recycling in the past is a difficult task because we have very little information on the dynamics and style of plate tectonics on early Earth. Writing in Nature Geoscience Chowdhury et al.3 use numerical simulations to show that when Earth was hotter — during the late Archaean and early Proterozoic — crustal recycling was probably much more extensive and rapid than today, and characterized by the peeling-off of dense lower continental crust into the mantle.
Today, subduction zones are sites of continental crust formation and destruction24. Continental crust is mainly created in volcanic arcs above subduction zones, where basaltic magma generates and subsequently differentiates to more felsic compositions. Relatively small amounts of continental crust are recycled back into the mantle as the tectonic plates collide, through subduction and erosion of continental material. Subduction is also a driver for plate tectonics. It is therefore natural that in past decades there has been considerable focus on understanding how subduction dynamics and, more generally, plate tectonic style has evolved. Observations of the geochemical signature of volcanic-arc magmas found in the felsic parts of Archaean continents has led to the idea that continental crust formed via subduction during the Archaean, too56. Yet some suggest that modern-style plate tectonics did not begin on Earth until later7 and that early continental crust might have formed by different mechanisms. For example, foundering of thick, dense mafic crust into the mantle followed by mantle melting and consequent fractionation of mafic magmas to create more felsic crust8. Although there is no agreement on the processes leading to its formation, we know that early continental crust was on average more mafic compared to the present-day continents that are more silica-rich9.
Recent continental growth models suggest that 60 to 70% of the present-day volume of continental crust was already present about three billion years ago1. However, only less than 10% of crust of that age is preserved today, implying that a large portion of the early continental crust has been lost back into the mantle.
Chowdhury and colleagues3 propose a mechanism that can explain both the extensive crustal recycling and the formation of a more felsic continental crust during the late Archaean and early Proterozoic. They use numerical modelling to simulate continental collision at different mantle temperatures; that is, at different times in Earth's history. Their simulations show that under the much hotter mantle conditions that characterized the younger Earth, delamination would be easier to achieve than today. This process would have been characterized by the peeling-off and sinking into the mantle of the dense lower continental crust, and sub-lithospheric mantle from the less dense upper continental crust, which remained at the surface (Fig. 1a). If widespread, then this process would have had the potential to recycle large amounts of lower continental crust rapidly. Moreover, this delamination could have triggered mantle upwelling that produced extensive felsic magmatism, leading to the formation of silicic continents.
Figure 1: The evolving style of plate tectonics and continental crustal recycling in collision zones.
a, Chowdhury and colleagues3 use numerical simulations to show that the younger, hotter Earth could have been characterized by a delamination style of plate tectonics. The lower continental crust and sub-lithospheric mantle could have peeled away, recycling large volumes of lower continental crust into the mantle. b, In contrast, under present-day conditions slab break-off is common, but this process only recycles small fragments of upper and lower continental crust.
As Earth's mantle temperature gradually decreased, the recycling style probably changed. Today, delamination still occurs in some collision zones, but it is much less common than modern-style subduction followed by slab break-off. Interestingly, the recycling potential of slab break-off is considerably smaller than for delamination because only a fragment of the continental crust detaches with the oceanic plate (Fig. 1b). Therefore, the model results show that it is much easier to preserve continental crust today than it was on early Earth.
The changing style of collisional dynamics and crustal recycling through time has some crucial consequences. For instance, it is thought that early continents, being more mafic and supported by a weaker mantle, would not have been above sea level. The removal of the sub-lithospheric mantle and the denser mafic part of the crust due to delamination, in addition to the production of more felsic material, would create lighter continents that could rise above sea level. The sub-aerial emergence of the continents would lead to changes in weathering, erosion and microbial habitation that would drastically change the cycles of some key volatile elements such as oxygen. Indeed, the model results from Chowdhury and colleagues suggest that recycling via delamination would have been widespread and the silicification of the continents would have reached a peak at a time roughly coincident with the Great Oxidation Event about 2.4 to 2.1 billion years ago10.
An interesting difference between a predominantly peeling-off style of recycling compared to a slab break-off style of recycling is the type of material that goes into the mantle, and thus the influence on mantle chemical composition. During delamination, the felsic upper crust remains at the surface, whereas with slab break-off a portion of the upper crust is recycled. In the present-day convecting mantle, this means that fragments of upper crust could be entrained into upwelling mantle plumes and melt together with the mantle to produce new oceanic crust at mid-ocean ridges with an enriched component.
Chowdhury et al.3 use estimates of the changes in continental crustal recycling flux to suggest that the transition to modern-style plate tectonics happened about one billion years ago. However, these estimates are affected by the intrinsic assumptions in numerical models and uncertainties related to the evolution of mantle temperature, so it is difficult to pinpoint when plate tectonics started in the form we know it today. More importantly, we have to keep in mind that the rate of crustal growth not only varies through time but also varies considerably in space, among individual collision zones. Using one average estimate of recycling flux as characteristic of a particular time might not fully represent the complexity and variability of collision zones. Nevertheless, these new estimates are an important starting point to investigate the fate of recycled crust at a global scale.

原始論文:Chowdhury, P., Gerya, T & Chakraborty, S. Emergence of silicic continents as the lower crust peels off on a hot plate-tectonic Earth. Nature Geoscience, 2017; DOI: 10.1038/ngeo3010

