這些較小的岩體大概位在地下2600公里深。由於地震波經過它們時會大幅變慢,因此又被稱作「超低速帶」(ultra-low velocity zones)。長久以來地質科學家認為這些區域處於部分熔融狀態;然而,假設中由炙熱岩石組成的這些區域,其中卻有許多經常被觀測到位於深部地函較冷的地區,為此地質科學家困惑了數十年之久。
Communications)。主要作者,亞利桑納州立大學地球與太空探索學院的助理教授Mingming Li表示:「過往認為這些小區域跟他們周圍的岩石相同,不過是處於部分熔融狀態。但是從它們在全球都有分布,且密度、形狀和大小有很多變化來看,它們的組成可能截然不同。」
Li是共同作者,密西根州立大學的地球與環境科學家Allen McNamara的研究生。其他共同作者還有亞利桑那州立大學的Edward Garnero和Shule Yu。
一年之前,Garnero和McNamara發表地球深處有兩處岩石形成的巨型構造,可能是跟地函其他部分不同的物質組成。他們將這些構造稱作熱化學堆(thermochemical piles),或簡稱為「團塊」。雖然科學家還不清楚團塊的起源和成分,但他們猜測團塊擁有地球形成及運作方式的重要線索。
Puzzling pockets of rock deep in
Earth's mantle
Michigan State
University and Arizona State University geoscientists have used computer
modeling to find an explanation for how pockets of mushy rock have accumulated
at the boundary between Earth's core and mantle.
The relatively small rock bodies
reside roughly 1800 miles below the surface. Known as “ultra-low velocity
zones” because seismic waves greatly slow down as they pass through them, they
have been long thought to be partially molten. However, they have puzzled
geoscientists for decades because many of these assumed hot rock zones are
often observed in cooler regions of the deep mantle.
"These small regions have
been assumed to be a partially molten version of rock that surrounds
them," said Mingming Li, assistant professor in ASU's School of Earth
and Space Exploration and lead author of the paper published in the current
issue of Nature Communications.
"But their global distribution and large variation of density, shape and
size suggest that they have a different composition."
Li was a graduate student of
Allen McNamara, coauthor and MSU earth and environmental scientist. The
additional coauthors are Edward Garnero and Shule Yu of ASU.
“We don’t know what ultra-low
velocity zones are,” McNamara said. “They are either hot, partially-molten
portions of otherwise normal mantle or they are something else entirely, some
other composition. In fact, the seismic evidence allows for both possibilities.
We decided to perform computational modeling of mantle convection to
investigate whether their shapes and positions can provide the answer to that
A year ago, Garnero and McNamara
reported that two gigantic structures of rock deep in the Earth are likely made
of something different from the rest of the mantle. They called the structures
thermochemical piles, or more simply "blobs." The origin and
composition of the blobs were unknown, but the scientists suspected they held
important clues as to how the Earth was formed and how it works.
The team’s computer modeling
explained how these small, isolated pockets of rock, the ultra-low velocity
zones, are associated with the location of the much bigger blobs. They also
showed that most of these ultra-low velocity zones are different in composition
than their surrounding mantle.
So the problem the team faced was
finding a way to make small pockets of rock that explained these seismic
observations, namely, that they existed near the margins of the larger
thermochemical piles, and in some cases, far away from the hot massive blobs.
"How could partially melted
mantle rock exist in the cold areas in tiny spots?” Garnero asked. “If it's hot
enough to melt there, shouldn't we expect massive melt zones in the hottest
regions? But we do not see that."
The team found that the hottest
regions above the core-mantle boundary are well inside the blobs. This suggests
that some pockets located well inside the large blobs may be caused by partial
melting alone, Li added.
Li's computer modeling showed
that pockets of distinctly different rock composition will migrate from
anywhere on the core-mantle boundary towards the margins of the large blobs.
“The margins of the
thermochemical piles,” McNamara said, “are where mantle flow patterns are
converging, and therefore, these areas provide a collection depot for denser
types of rock.”
The secret driving this movement
is heat which powers mantle convection.
Earth's mantle is made of hot
rock, but it behaves more like fudge simmering slowly on a stove. For the
mantle, the heat is provided by both radioactivity of mantle rock and from the
core which lies just below, the center of which is about as hot as Sun's
surface. Mantle rock responds to this heat with a slow churning – convective –
"The details are not
completely clear," Li said. But the modeling shows that rocks of different
composition respond to the convection in a way that gathers compositionally
similar materials together. This moves the small pockets of chemically distinct
rocks to the edges of the hotter blobs above the core-mantle boundary.
“We ran 3D high resolution
computer modeling and we developed a method to track the movement of both the
small pockets of ultra-low velocity zones and the much larger thermochemical
piles,” Li said. “This allows us to study how the small pockets are moved
around and how their locations can be related to their origin.”
What was different about their
“What was new and computationally
challenging about our approach,” McNamara said, “is that our modeling
simultaneously took into account vastly different scales of motion, from global
mantle-scale convection patterns, to the large thermochemical piles in the
lower mantle, to the very small-scale pockets of ultra-low velocity zone at the
“What we ultimately found,”
continues McNamara, “is that if ultra-low velocity zones are caused by melting
of otherwise normal mantle, they should be located well inside of the
thermochemical piles, where mantle temperatures are the hottest. If they are
instead caused by some other composition, then although they could originate
outside of the piles, they would continually be carried toward the edges of
piles by mantle convection, where they collect. This is consistent with what we
see in the seismic observations.”
Where do the different materials
come from in the first place?
“There are several
possibilities,” Garnero said. "Some of the material might be associated
with former basaltic oceanic crust that got subducted deeply. Or it might be
associated with chemical reactions between the outer core's iron-rich fluid and
the crystalline silicate mantle."
The origin of ultra-low velocity
zones is currently unsolved, but the process of collecting the material into
small pockets of rock is clear.
"You can have various
mechanisms, such as plate tectonics, that push rock of differing chemistries
into the deepest mantle anywhere on Earth,” Garnero said. "But once these
different rocks have gone down deep, convection wins and sweeps them to the hot
regions, namely, where the continental-sized thermochemical piles reside.
原始論文:Mingming Li, Allen K. McNamara, Edward J. Garnero, Shule
Yu. Compositionally-distinct ultra-low velocity zones on Earth’s
core-mantle boundary. Nature Communications, 2017; 8 (1) DOI: 10.1038/s41467-017-00219-x
引用自:Arizona State University. "Puzzling pockets of rock
deep in Earth's mantle explained."