Robert Perkins
加州理工學院工程與應用科學部(EAS)的研究學者Vito Rubino表示:「在破裂釋放地殼內部斷層的過程中,摩擦力具有關鍵地位。動摩擦力的推估值會影響地震預警科學中的許多層面,包括破裂會以多快的速率發生、地面晃動的性質以及斷層面上殘留應力的多寡。然而,動摩擦力的確切性質仍然是地震科學中最大的未知數之一。」
Communications),主要作者為Rubino。他的合作對象包括加州理工學院EAS的航空與機械工程學教授Ares Rosakis,以及EAS和加州理工學院地質與行星部合聘的機械工程與地球物理教授Nadia Lapusta。
wind tunnel)的設施中進行這項研究。在此設施中,研究人員利用最新的高速光學量測技術和其他技術來研究地震破裂如何發生。
在此研究中,研究人員運用新的量測技術來記錄模擬地震的發生過程。該技術結合了高速攝影(每秒200萬張)和一種稱為數位影像相關(digital image
此研究標題為「Understanding dynamic friction through
spontaneously evolving laboratory earthquakes」。支持此研究的單位為美國國家科學基金會、美國地質調查所和南加州地震中心。
How friction evolves during an earthquake
By simulating earthquakes in a lab,
engineers at Caltech have documented the evolution of friction during an
earthquake—measuring what could once only be inferred, and shedding light on
one of the biggest unknowns in earthquake modeling.
Before an earthquake, static friction
helps hold the two sides of a fault immobile and pressed against each other. During
the passage of an earthquake rupture, that friction becomes dynamic as the two
sides of the fault grind past one another. Dynamic friction evolves throughout
an earthquake, affecting how much and how fast the ground will shake and thus,
most importantly, the destructiveness of the earthquake.
"Friction plays a key role in how
ruptures unzip faults in the earth's crust," says Vito Rubino, research
scientist at Caltech's Division of Engineering and Applied Science (EAS).
"Assumptions about dynamic friction affect a wide range of earthquake
science predictions, including how fast ruptures will occur, the nature of
ground shaking, and residual stress levels on faults. Yet the precise nature of
dynamic friction remains one of the biggest unknowns in earthquake
Previously, it commonly had been
believed that the evolution of dynamic friction was mainly governed by how far
the fault slipped at each point as a rupture went by—that is, by the relative
distance one side of a fault slides past the other during dynamic sliding.
Analyzing earthquakes that were simulated in a lab, the team instead found that
sliding history is important but the key long-term factor is actually the slip
velocity—not just how far the fault slips, but how fast.
Rubino is the lead author on a paper on
the team's findings that was published in Nature Communications on
June 29. He collaborated with Caltech's Ares Rosakis, the Theodore von Kármán Professor of Aeronautics
and Mechanical Engineering at EAS, and Nadia Lapusta, professor of mechanical
engineering and geophysics, who has joint appointments with EAS and the Caltech
Division of Geological and Planetary Sciences.
The team conducted the research at a
Caltech facility, directed by Rosakis, that has been unofficially dubbed the
"seismological wind tunnel." At the facility, researchers use
advanced high-speed optical diagnostics and other techniques to study how
earthquake ruptures occur.
"Our unique facility allows us to
study dynamic friction laws by following individual, fast-moving shear ruptures
and recording friction along their sliding faces in real time," Rosakis
says. "This allows us for the first time to study friction point-wise and
without having to assume that sliding occurs uniformly, as is done in classical
friction studies," Rosakis adds.
To simulate an earthquake in the lab,
the researchers first cut in half a transparent block of a type of plastic
known as homalite, which has similar mechanical properties to rock. They then
put the two pieces together under pressure, simulating the static friction that
builds up along a fault line. Next, they placed a small nickel-chromium wire
fuse at the location where they wanted the epicenter of the quake to be.
Triggering the fuse produced a local pressure release, which reduced friction
at that location, and allowed a very fast rupture to propagate up the miniature
In this study, the team recorded these
simulated earthquakes using a new diagnostic method that combines high-speed
photography (at 2 million frames per second) with a technique called digital
image correlation, in which individual frames are compared and contrasted with
one another and changes between those images—indicating motion—are tracked with
sub-pixel accuracy.
"Some numerical models of
earthquake rupture, including the ones developed in my group at Caltech, have
used friction laws with slip-velocity dependence, based on a collection of rock
mechanics experiments and theories. It is gratifying to see those formulations
validated by the spontaneous mini-earthquake ruptures in our study, "
Lapusta says.
In future work, the team plans to use
its observations to improve the existing mathematical models about the nature
of dynamic friction and to help create new ones that better represent the
experimental observations; such new models would improve computer earthquake
The study is titled "Understanding
dynamic friction through spontaneously evolving laboratory earthquakes." This
research was supported by the National Science Foundation, the U.S. Geological
Survey, and the Southern California Earthquake Center.
Rubino, A. J. Rosakis, N. Lapusta. Understanding dynamic friction through
spontaneously evolving laboratory earthquakes. Nature Communications, 2017; 8:
15991 DOI: 10.1038/ncomms15991
Institute of Technology. "How friction evolves during an earthquake: By
simulating quakes in a lab, engineers study the way that friction changes along
a fault during a seismic event."