2024年2月7日 星期三



地球科學家揭露了陸地形成謎團中缺失的環節,他們修改後的起源故事不需要板塊構造運動開始運作,或是其他外來因素來解釋陸地的形成。反之,上周發表於《自然通訊》(Nature Communications)的發現,只需要在地球歷史最初數億年形成的海底高原,內部發生的地質內營力就可以解釋陸地的形成。





「我們追蹤了一組特定的稀有元素,它們不會受到蝕變作用影響,因此可以把岩漿的原始訊號保存下來,指示這些新型TTG地殼的岩漿來源,」Matthijs Smit博士表示。他是英屬哥倫比亞大學地球、海洋與大氣科學系的副教授與加拿大客席研究員。「這些元素讓我們可以回顧TTG岩漿一路以來經歷的化學變化,並且追溯熔融的組成至它們的初始狀態與來源——最有可能來自於某種輝長岩。」






這篇由Smit博士和他的英屬哥倫比亞大學團隊進行的研究,資料來源為至今分析過的所有TTG樣品,其為過去30多年研究人員仔細檢視世界各地出露的太古宙穩定地塊碎片的結果。這些資料使得Smit和團隊可以過濾掉地區性的異常值以及分析過程造成的問題,而得出岩石成分的真實變化趨勢。研究運用的大量資料,現在也可以從德國哥廷根大學營運的地球化學開源資料庫「海洋與陸地岩石地球化學」(Geochemistry of Rocks of the Oceans and Continents)取得。


Researchers uncover source rocks of the first real continents

Geoscientists have uncovered a missing link in the enigmatic story of how the continents developed—a revised origin story that doesn’t require the start of plate tectonics or any external factor to explain their formation. Instead, the findings published last week in Nature Communications, rely solely on internal geological forces that occurred within oceanic plateaus that formed during the first few hundred million years of Earth’s history.

A major hurdle in understanding how the continents formed during the Archean Eon (four to 2.5 billion years ago) has been identifying the building blocks of Earth’s early crust. Much of the “new” Archean crust formed during this period comprised a very distinct association of three types of granitoid rocks—tonalite, trondhjemite and granodiorite (TTG).

Understanding what went into making TTGs and the magmas they formed from has been difficult, because so many geological processes occurred between their initial melting and ultimate crystallization. Earlier researchers focused on the trace element composition of these rocks, hoping to find clues about TTG magmas and their source.

“We tracked a specific set of trace elements that aren’t affected by alteration and pristinely preserve signatures from the original magma that made new TTG crust,” said Dr. Matthijs Smit, associate professor and Canada Research Chair at the University of British Columbia’s (UBC) Department of Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences. “These elements allowed us to look back through the chemical changes that TTG magmas go through and trace the melt compositions back to their initial state and source—most likely a sort of gabbro.”

“Funnily enough, many people have varieties of this type of rock as a kitchen countertop,” Dr. Smit says. “In a way, many people are preparing their dinner on the type of rock that was responsible for making our modern continents.”

The Archean TTG crust is still part of the continents today. For instance, in North America they make up much of the Canadian Interior between the Cordillera mountain belt in the west and the Grenville and Appalachian mountain belts in the east. The majority of Ontario, Quebec, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Northwest Territories and Nunavut is made up of Archean crustal fragments that are dominated by TTGs and their slightly younger and more evolved granite counterparts.

“All of these rocks—and especially their combination—can be explained by the model we present,” said Dr. Smit. “Ours is a simple model in which TTGs, as well as the younger rocks that TTGs are typically associated with, resulted from the slow burial, thickening and melting of precursor crust that likely resembled oceanic plateaus. The continental crust was destined to develop the way it did, because it kept getting buried further and the rocks at its base had no choice but to melt. In doing so, they made the TTGs that proved a winning recipe for continental survival and growth.”

The UBC researchers’ discovery of a stand-alone “intra-crustal” mechanism to make TTGs dispels the long-standing theory that Archean TTGs are formed in Earth’s first subduction zones and mark the start of plate tectonics.

“There’s always been a ‘chicken-and-egg’ question of which came first—the start of plate tectonics or TTG magmatism to make new continental crust,” says Dr. Smit. “We show that these things may actually not be directly related. The recognition of the type of source rock makes this leap possible and also takes away the need to have other mechanisms, such as meteorite impact, explain the growth of the first real continents.”

The study by Dr. Smit and his UBC-based team used data from all the TTG samples ever analyzed—samples from Archean cratonic fragments exposed worldwide scrutinized by researchers over the past 30 years. This allowed Dr. Smit and his team to filter out local anomalies and analytical issues, and get at the actual trends in composition that the rocks capture. The study used a huge volume of data, now available in the open-source Geochemistry of Rocks of the Oceans and Continents geochemical data repository hosted by the Georg-August-Universität, Göttingen.

原始論文:Matthijs A. Smit, Kira A. Musiyachenko, Jeroen Goumans. Archaean continental crust formed from mafic cumulatesNature Communications, 2024; 15 (1) DOI: 10.1038/s41467-024-44849-4

引用自:University of British Columbia. "Source rocks of the first real continents." 

