隨著科學家陸續找到30億年前海洋已經有生命存在的證據,這些遠古化石卻也造成了一種矛盾。包括於如此早期的海洋中生活的單細胞細菌在內,生物都需要穩定供給磷才能生存,但是「除非有從陸地上侵蝕而來的磷,否則很難說明它們的來源。」威斯康辛大學麥迪遜分校地質科學系的Aaron Satkoski表示。「因此要解釋我們在如此久遠的時代中找到的化石是相當困難的。」
為了估計32.6億年前兩種因素個別影響多少,地球化學教授Clark Johnson和Satkoski從南非採集形成於當時的樣品,並且比較兩種不同形式的重晶石礦物中同位素的差異。其中膠結在一起的顆粒是在水中分別形成,之後沉澱至海床時才彼此黏合。
而立方體或者片狀的重晶石則是直接於海床形成。Johnson、Satkoski及其同僚Brian Beard推測顆粒狀重晶石反映了海水化學成分,因此也可看出是否有任何從陸地侵蝕而來的物質。另一方面,片狀重晶石則代表了海水化學跟熱泉流體混和後的結果。這篇研究的關鍵為精確測量兩種重晶石的同位素組成。所謂同位素是指化學性質相同但質量不同的原子。
這項甫發表於《地球和行星科學通訊》(Earth and Planetary Science Letters)的論文將確實有大規模陸地侵蝕作用發生的時間點提前了4億年。
Life in ancient oceans enabled by erosion from land
scientists continue finding evidence for life in the ocean more than 3 billion
years ago, those ancient fossils pose a paradox. Organisms, including the
single-celled bacteria living in the ocean at that early date, need a steady
supply of phosphorus, but "it's very hard to account for this phosphorus
unless it is eroding from the continents," says Aaron Satkoski, a
scientist in the geoscience department at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
"So that makes it really hard to explain the fossils we see at this early
Satkoski, who is first author of a new report on
ocean chemistry from this remote period, says the conventional wisdom of
geology has envisioned an oceanic planet, with little or no land above the
waves. "Starting back in the 1960s, for various reasons people claimed
there was very little continental mass, and so there wasn't enough weathering
to affect the chemistry of the ocean. But there wasn't much real data from more
than 3 billion years ago to support that."
Discoveries of fossil remains of bacteria from
over 3 billion years ago have changed that picture, says Satkoski. "But if
there was life in the ocean, you need some amount of continental weathering
taking place to deliver phosphorus so the organisms can live."
The major influences on ocean chemistry today are
hydrothermal flow (hot water that has circulated through the crust) and surface
weathering (the river transport of material eroded from land into the ocean).
To evaluate each influence 3.26 billion years ago,
geoscience Professor Clark Johnson and Satkoski collected samples from South
Africa and compared isotopes in two forms of a rock called barite. The cemented
granules had formed in the water, then fused after dropping to the ocean floor.
A solid, or bladed, type of barite had formed at
the ocean floor. Johnson, Satkoski and colleague Brian Beard assumed that the
granular rock would reflect ocean water chemistry, and therefore any eroded,
continental material. The bladed barite would represent a mix of ocean
chemistry and hydrothermal flow. The study hinged on precise measurements of
isotopes -- atoms that are chemically identical but that have different masses.
The result was a nearly infinitesimal -- but still
significant -- difference in the isotope ratios, signifying that the granular
barite indeed was derived from sediment eroded from land. In other words, a
significant amount of erosion was taking place 3.26 billion years ago.
Their report, just published online by Earth and Planetary Science Letters,
pushes back the first solid date for large-scale continental erosion by 400
million years.
"It's a guess how much of the planet's
surface was land, but it could be as high as two-thirds of the area of today's
continents," says Johnson, who leads the NASA Astrobiology Institute at
the University of Wisconsin. "Some previous estimates had no continents at
"When people were thinking about ocean
chemistry, it was always centered on hydrothermal flow, but there was little
data," Johnson says. "We are trying to put some data into the
The finding about continents jibes with evidence
from igneous rocks -- those sourced in hot, molten rock -- which indicated that
the surface became rigid enough to support mountain belts, which would have
eroded, during this period. "Now that we have a more complete picture, the
story becomes more coherent," Satkoski says.
The result also meshes with climate data, as
intense continental weathering could result from an increase in carbon dioxide
in the atmosphere. Although the sun was relatively cold at that time, the
oceans were not frozen, Satkoski says. "That suggests there was more
greenhouse gas in the atmosphere, which would produce a warmer climate combined
with increased weathering, because carbon dioxide creates carbonic acid and
acid rain, which speeds chemical weathering."
The presence of continents also indicates that the
broad, slow movements of plate tectonics had started at this distant time.
"Conventional wisdom says Earth had few continents because it did not have
plate tectonics, which is how continents are made," Satkoski says.
"Our evidence says the opposite." Overall, the result provides a
satisfying unification of diverse streams of evidence, Johnson says. "We
are moving toward an explanation for the presence of life, and the nutrients in
the ocean, and why Earth was not frozen. They seem to fit together, but this is
a very different picture of the early Earth than we had just 20 years ago.
原始論文:Aaron M. Satkoski, Donald R. Lowe, Brian L. Beard, Max L.
Coleman, Clark M. Johnson. A high continental weathering flux into
Paleoarchean seawater revealed by strontium isotope analysis of 3.26 Ga barite. Earth
and Planetary Science Letters, 2016; 454: 28 DOI:10.1016/j.epsl.2016.08.032
引用自:University of Wisconsin-Madison. "Life in ancient oceans
enabled by erosion from land." ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 26 September