2016年10月23日 星期日






「從海洋生地化循環的角度可以合理解讀出甲烷有比氧氣還要危險的敵人。」此篇刊登於926日《美國國家科學院院刊》(Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences)的論文第一作者,加州大學河濱分校的研究生Stephanie Olson說。她也是「替代地球」團隊的成員之一。「當海洋有硫酸鹽時,你不可能從中得到大量甲烷。」

直到大氣出現氧氣並引發陸上氧化造成的岩石風化作用之後,硫酸鹽才不太造成影響。黃鐵礦之類的礦物被分解時會產生硫酸鹽,隨後會跟著河水流向大海。 Olson表示雖然氧氣較少代表海洋硫酸鹽含量也較低,但只要濃度有現在海洋的1%,就足以將甲烷消滅殆盡。

Olson和她「替代地球」團隊的另外兩位共同作者,喬治亞理工學院地球和大氣科學助理教授 Chris Reinhard,以及加州大學河濱分校生物化學特聘教授Timothy Lyons的主張中,他們推測10億年前海洋硫酸鹽將大氣甲烷濃度限制在110 ppm(百萬分之一),這跟先前某些模型呈現出大氣含有高達300 ppm的甲烷相比微小許多。





Reinhard依據替代地球小組近日發表於期刊科學( Science)地質( Geology)所顯示的獨立證據,注意到氧氣給予了甲烷另一次打擊。依據這兩篇論文的論述,直到氧氣於8億年前含量急遽攀升之前,較早岩石紀錄中的地化訊號顯示大氣含氧量非常低落,可能遠少於現今濃度的百分之一。




若我們在一顆系外行星上偵測到甲烷,由於其為一種生命跡象(biosignature)因此這顆行星會成為我們尋找生命的最佳候選對象之一。另外,在尋找火星生命的許多討論中也以甲烷為主軸。 Lyons說,然而,若外星文明在十億年前觀察我們的星球時,他們幾乎無法偵測到甲烷--儘管地球大部分歷史中很可能都有生物在不斷地產生甲烷。

Methane muted: How did early Earth stay warm?

For at least a billion years of the distant past, planet Earth should have been frozen over but wasn't. Scientists thought they knew why, but a new modeling study from the Alternative Earths team of the NASA Astrobiology Institute has fired the lead actor in that long-accepted scenario.
Humans worry about greenhouse gases, but between 1.8 billion and 800 million years ago, microscopic ocean dwellers really needed them. The sun was 10 to 15 percent dimmer than it is today -- too weak to warm the planet on its own. Earth required a potent mix of heat-trapping gases to keep the oceans liquid and livable.
For decades, atmospheric scientists cast methane in the leading role. The thinking was that methane, with 34 times the heat-trapping capacity of carbon dioxide, could have reigned supreme for most of the first 3.5 billion years of Earth history, when oxygen was absent initially and little more than a whiff later on. (Nowadays oxygen is one-fifth of the air we breathe, and it destroys methane in a matter of years.)
"A proper accounting of biogeochemical cycles in the oceans reveals that methane has a much more powerful foe than oxygen," said Stephanie Olson, a graduate student at the University of California, Riverside, a member of the Alternative Earths team and lead author of the new study published September 26 in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. "You can't get significant methane out of the ocean once there is sulfate."
Sulfate wasn't a factor until oxygen appeared in the atmosphere and triggered oxidative weathering of rocks on land. The breakdown of minerals such as pyrite produces sulfate, which then flows down rivers to the oceans. Less oxygen means less sulfate, but even 1 percent of the modern abundance is sufficient to kill methane, Olson said.
Olson and her Alternative Earths coauthors, Chris Reinhard, an assistant professor of earth and atmospheric sciences at Georgia Tech University, and Timothy Lyons, a distinguished professor of biogeochemistry at UC Riverside, assert that during the billion years they assessed, sulfate in the ocean limited atmospheric methane to only 1 to 10 parts per million -- a tiny fraction of the copious 300 parts per million touted by some previous models.
The fatal flaw of those past climate models and their predictions for atmospheric , Olson said, is that they ignore what happens in the oceans, where most methane originates as specialized bacteria decompose organic matter.
Seawater sulfate is a problem for methane in two ways: Sulfate destroys methane directly, which limits how much of the gas can escape the oceans and accumulate in the atmosphere. Sulfate also limits the production of methane. Life can extract more energy by reducing sulfate than it can by making methane, so sulfate consumption dominates over methane production in nearly all marine environments.
The numerical model used in this study calculated sulfate reduction, methane production, and a broad array of other biogeochemical cycles in the ocean for the billion years between 1.8 billion and 800 million years ago. This model, which divides the ocean into nearly 15,000 three-dimensional regions and calculates the cycles for each region, is by far the highest resolution model ever applied to the ancient Earth. By comparison, other biogeochemical models divide the entire ocean into a two-dimensional grid of no more than five regions.
"There really aren't any comparable models," says Reinhard, who was lead author on a related paper in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences that described the fate of oxygen during the same model runs that revealed sulfate's deadly relationship with methane.
Reinhard notes that oxygen dealt methane an additional blow, based on independent evidence published recently by the Alternative Earths team in the journals Science and Geology. These papers describe geochemical signatures in the rock record that track extremely low oxygen levels in the atmosphere, perhaps much less than 1 percent of modern values, up until about 800 million years ago, when they spiked dramatically.
Less oxygen seems like a good thing for methane, since they are incompatible gases, but with oxygen at such extremely low levels, another problem arises.
"Free oxygen [O2] in the atmosphere is required to form a protective layer of ozone [O3], which can shield methane from photochemical destruction," Reinhard said. When the researchers ran their model with the lower oxygen estimates, the ozone shield never formed, leaving the modest puffs of methane that escaped the oceans at the mercy of destructive photochemistry.
With methane demoted, scientists face a serious new challenge to determine the greenhouse cocktail that explains our planet's climate and life story, including a billion years devoid of glaciers, Lyons said. Knowing the right combination other warming agents, such as water vapor, nitrous oxide, and carbon dioxide, will also help us assess habitability of the hundreds of billions of other Earth-like planets estimated to reside in our galaxy.
"If we detect methane on an exoplanet, it is one of our best candidates as a biosignature, and methane dominates many conversations in the search for life on Mars," Lyons said. "Yet methane almost certainly would not have been detected by an alien civilization looking at our planet a billion years ago -- despite the likelihood of its biological production over most of Earth history."
原始論文:Stephanie L. Olson, Christopher T. Reinhard, Timothy W. Lyons. Limited role for methane in the mid-Proterozoic greenhouseProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2016; 201608549 DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1608549113
引用自:University of California - Riverside. "Methane muted: How did early Earth stay warm?." ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 7 October 2016. 

