由布朗大學的地質學家領導,發表在期刊《自然―地質科學》(Nature Geoscience)的研究,主要立論於一段新建立起來的全球海溫紀錄,其區間橫跨了過去1200萬年。紀錄顯示在700萬至540萬年前的中新世(Miocene)末,有段時期海洋表面溫度特別的低。中新世全球氣候據信是比現在還要溫暖許多,但在這篇研究中發現的寒冷時期,海洋表面溫度卻驟降到近似於現在的數值。
「這是第一次有全球海洋表層溫度記錄將中新世晚期納入其中,而我們從中發現的溫度下降幅度連我們自己也感到相當驚訝。」領導此研究的布朗大學地球、環境與行星科學系的教授Timothy Herbert表示。「有了這段溫度變化,於此時開始發生的古生物學現象便開始顯得合理許多。」
在這段時期開始佔據主流地位的草本植物為「四碳」植物(C4 plant)。它們行光合作用的路徑跟樹木和其他植物有些微不同,造成四碳路徑在低二氧化碳的環境條件中可以行使得更有效率。「如果當時二氧化碳濃度變得較低,就比較利於這些四碳植物生存。」Herbert說,「因此我們可以將植被轉變的原因和造成中新世末期冷化事件的可能成因連結至同一現象。」
Ancient global cooling gave rise to modern ecosystems
7 million years ago, landscapes and ecosystems across the world began changing
dramatically. Subtropical regions dried out and the Sahara Desert formed in
Africa. Rain forests receded and were replaced by the vast savannas and
grasslands that persist today in North and South America, Africa and Asia.
Up to now, these events have generally been
explained by separate tectonic events -- the uplift of mountain ranges or the
alteration of ocean basins -- causing discrete and local changes in climate.
But in a new study, a team of researchers has shown that these environmental
changes coincided with a previously undocumented period of global cooling,
which was likely driven by a sharp reduction in atmospheric carbon dioxide.
The research, led by a Brown University geologist
and published in Nature Geoscience, is
based on a newly developed record of global sea surface temperatures spanning
the past 12 million years. The record reveals a distinct period of cooler sea
surface temperatures spanning 7 million to 5.4 million years ago, the end of
the Miocene epoch. The global climate during the Miocene is known to have been
much warmer than the present. During the cool period detected in this study,
sea surface temperatures dropped to near modern levels.
"This is the first time the late Miocene has
been put in a context of global sea surface temperatures, and we were surprised
to see the amount of cooling we found," said Timothy Herbert, professor in
the Department of Earth, Environmental and Planetary Sciences at Brown, who led
the study. "In light of this temperature change, the paleobiological
observations from this period start to make a lot more sense."
The new record of sea surface temperatures was
derived from ocean sediment sampled at 17 different sites around the world. The
sediment preserves the remains of a plankton species that varies cellular
chemistry with temperature. By measuring amounts of those temperature-sensitive
molecules, scientists can recreate temperature through time.
The late Miocene cool period was detected at every
site sampled, in both hemispheres and in every ocean basin on the planet. The
cooling was strongest toward the poles and more moderate toward the equator.
That pattern, Herbert says, suggests a global atmospheric cause for the
temperature decline. The most likely suspect is carbon dioxide (CO2).
"The hemispheric symmetry and the fact that
cooling is much greater at the high latitudes -- these are the fingerprints of
CO2-related temperature change," Herbert said. "We haven't
proven that it was a decline in CO2 because we're not measuring it
directly, but we're making a circumstantial case for a reduction in CO2."
The cooler temperatures would likely have played a
role in the drying of the subtropics in the late Miocene, the researchers say.
"A cooler world -- particularly a cooler ocean -- would have decreased
moisture in the atmosphere," Herbert said. "The hydrological cycle
basically slows down with cooling."
And if the cooling was indeed driven by a
reduction in atmospheric CO2, it could explain a critical shift in
global vegetation that occurred during the late Miocene: the transition from
forests to grassland and savanna in the subtropical regions of North and South
America, Asia and Africa. These ecosystems are still present today. In Africa,
these are the habitats associated with the evolution of our early human
Many of the grassy plant species that began
thriving during this period are "C4" plants. These species use a
slightly different photosynthetic pathway than trees and other plants. The C4
pathway is more efficient in low CO2 environments. "It could be that
that if CO2 declined,
these C4 species were favored," Herbert said. "So we can associate
that shift in vegetation with the same thing that we suspect was driving the
late Miocene cooling."
It isn't clear at this point what might have
driven a reduction in CO2 during
this period, Herbert says. It could be that there were large-scale geological
changes occurring at this time that affected the carbon cycle. Herbert's lab is
looking into that possibility now.
But what is clear is that there was a significant
global shift in global temperatures during the late Miocene.
"The prevailing view was that this wasn't a
particularly exciting time in terms of global climate," Herbert said.
"It turns out to be more interesting than people thought."
原始論文:Timothy D. Herbert, Kira T. Lawrence,
Alexandrina Tzanova, Laura Cleaveland Peterson, Rocio Caballero-Gill,
Christopher S. Kelly. Late Miocene global cooling and the rise of
modern ecosystems. Nature Geoscience, 2016; DOI:10.1038/ngeo2813
University. "Ancient global cooling gave rise to modern ecosystems."
ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 30 September 2016.