By Peter
模型對於日本下方的隱沒板塊為何會分段提出了新觀點:板塊底部彎曲造成橄欖石晶體被壓碎。(圖片來源:Taras Gerya / ETH Zurich)
Tackley在電腦模型的幫助之下也確認了隱沒板塊真的會強度下降而容易變形。他們因此創建了「隱沒二元假說」(subduction dichotomy hypothesis),簡單來說便是地表的板塊為堅硬且高強度的(也就是無法變形),反之地函裡的板塊則是軟弱且低強度的。
Crushed resistance: Tectonic plate
sinking into a subduction zone
Geophysicists can use a new model to
explain the behaviour of a tectonic plate sinking into a subduction zone in the
Earth’s mantle: the plate becomes weak and thus more deformable when mineral
grains on its underside are shrunk in size.
The Earth’s surface consists of a few large plates
and numerous smaller ones that are continuously moving either away from or
towards each other at an extremely slow pace. At the boundaries of two plates,
the heavier oceanic plate sinks below the lighter continental plate in a
process that experts call subduction. For a long time, though, those experts
have been puzzling over what happens to the plate margin that dives into the
Earth’s mantle, known as the subducting slab. Some scientists assumed that the
slab remains as rigid and strong as the plate itself and simply bends due to
the gravity force and mechanical interaction with the Earth’s mantle.
Heavily deformed
plate margin
However, models of the Earth’s interior constructed
by scientists using seismic tomography revealed contradictory results: in the
western United States, for example, the researchers observed anomalies at
different depths on their tomographic images. These indicated that the slabs
submerged beneath the Americas may be segmented. The scientists therefore
concluded that the slabs in the mantle must be strongly deformed and are by no
means rigid and immobile.
With the aid of computer models, other researchers,
including ETH Professor Paul Tackley, confirmed that subducted slabs are indeed
weak and deformable. And they formulated the subduction dichotomy hypothesis
that can be expressed in simple terms: plates on the surface are rigid and
strong (read: non-deformable), while the slabs in the mantle are soft and weak.
Seeking a
plausible mechanism
“Until now, however, research has lacked a plausible mechanism
to explain how this bending occurs and why sinking plate margins (slabs) become
soft and weak,” says Taras Gerya, Professor of Geophysics at ETH Zurich.
Observations revealed that numerous faults are found
on the upper surface of a sinking plate where it meets the other plate.
Seawater penetrates the plate through these faults and is in fact literally
sucked in by suction forces. This weakens the plate on its upper side. Yet this
alone is not sufficient to explain the segmentation of the slab – the anomalies
observed on tomographic images. Another mechanism must also be at work to
weaken the underside of the margin enough for segmentation to occur.
Gerya and his American colleagues David Bercovici and
Thorsten Becker therefore suspected that compression of the underside of the
plate at the point where it bends downward was “crushing” large and strong,
millimetres size olivine crystals in the plate by forcing them to recrystallise
into much weaker, micrometres size granular aggregate – thereby reducing the
plate’s resistance and allowing it to bend.
Sinking plate
margin divided into segments
Using a new two-dimensional computer model that
integrated this grain reduction as a central mechanism, the three researchers
then studied the process in silico. Their study was recently published in the
journal Nature.
And indeed, the simulations revealed that sinking
plates deform due to the massive reduction of olivine grains on their
undersides, splitting into individual segments over time. These segments are
rigid and stiff, but remain connected to each other by weak hinges made of
ground grains.
In the simulations, parallel cracks appear at the
segment boundaries on the plate’s upper surface. Below these cracks are the
zones with “crushed” mineral grains.
“Just imagine you’re breaking a bar of chocolate,”
Gerya says with a grin. A bar of chocolate, too, can be divided into segments
only along the specified weak points. The squares of chocolate are rigid, but
the connecting pieces between them are weak. “That’s why a sinking plate isn’t
uniformly bent or deformed, but segmented.”
And here’s how it might play out in reality: The
heavier plate sinks under the lighter one. A weak spot with smaller mineral
grains within the sinking plate allows it to bend. The bending stress causes
the minerals to crumble in more places on the underside. The resulting weakness
leads to a fracture, and a segment forms. As the plate margin sinks deeper and
deeper into the mantle, it causes further segments to form at the bend. As a
result, the slab eventually resembles a chain with rigid links and bendable
connectors. At a depth of about 600 kilometres, the segmented plate margin
slides onto what is known as the 670 km discontinuity in the Earth’s mantle,
from which point it moves horizontally.
Clues from nature
support simulation
“The results of our simulations are consistent with
observations in nature,” Gerya explains. A great deal of research has been done
on the natural situation along the Japan Trench, where the Pacific plate sinks
below the Okhotsk plate. The pattern of faults found here is an exact match for
the pattern produced in the simulations.
Researchers have also studied the seismic velocity
structure of subducting Japan slab thoroughly using its recently produced
high-resolution seismic tomography model. They found that the velocity of the
seismic waves sent out by earthquakes was reduced at some nodes inside the
slab. The pattern with which these nodes occur in reality coincides with that
of the segment boundaries from the simulations. And both in nature and in the
computer model, it is zones with very small crystals only micrometres across
that are responsible for reducing the velocity of the seismic waves.
These tiny crystal grains also make the underside
plate material less viscous; in other words, it becomes runnier. Researchers at
the Japan Trench were able to demonstrate this, too. “That means our model is
very plausible and provides solid physical background for the hypothesis of
rigid plates with weak slabs,” Gerya says. But the research is far from over:
one of his Bachelor’s students, Simon Niggli, has modelled and described plate
fractures in three dimensions for the first time. Next the researchers want to
investigate whether the segmentation of plate margins can also be responsible
for strong earthquakes.
原始論文:T. V. Gerya,
D. Bercovici, T. W. Becker. Dynamic slab segmentation due to
brittle–ductile damage in the outer rise. Nature, 2021; 599
(7884): 245 DOI: 10.1038/s41586-021-03937-x
引用自:ETH Zurich. "Crushed resistance."