2021年7月1日 星期四



by Erica K. Brockmeier

發表在《自然通訊》(Nature Communication)的新研究發現一堆沙子即使是在未受擾動的情形下仍會不停移動。透過極為敏銳的干涉光所得到的數據,賓州大學與范德堡大學的研究人員得出的結論挑戰了地質學與物理學之中,關於土壤以及其他種類的無序材料會有什麼行為的現有理論。

大多數的人們只有在山丘上的土壤突然軟化時才注意到它們會運動,這種現象稱為降伏(yield)。「假設你在山坡上面堆積一些砂土,之後如果有地震發生或是下雨,這些看似固體的物質就會變得像液體一樣,」研究主持人,賓州大學的Douglas Jerolmack表示。「目前的主流理論把其視為一種由裂隙造成的破壞。這會產生問題的原因在於模擬這種材料的時候依循的準則是固體力學,但卻是在模擬它們變成液體的那瞬間,因此從本質上來說就是矛盾的。」

這類模型意謂土壤還沒降伏時會是固體,因此不該有流動的行為,然而土壤在降伏點以下便會經由潛移(creep) 作用而緩慢地持續流動。地質學裡的主流解釋認為土壤潛移的原因是物理或生物作用造成的擾動,像是水分反覆地凍結融化、樹木倒塌、動物挖土…...等讓土壤移動的行為。

賓州大學的博士候選人Nakul S. Deshpande是研究主要作者,他的研究興趣是觀察靜止狀態下個別沙粒的運動。根據現有的理論,它們應該是完全不動的。「之前有些研究人員假設潛移中的沙粒會有某些行為而建立了模型,但實際上卻沒有人直接去觀察沙粒的動作,」Deshpande表示。

為此Deshpande策畫了一連串看似簡單的實驗。他在可以隔絕震動的工作台上放置小型的壓克力箱,然後在裡面倒出沙堆。接著他用稱為擴散波光譜法(diffusing-wave spectroscopy)的雷射光散射技術來進行觀察,這種方法對於非常微小的顆粒的動作十分敏銳。「從技術上來說這項實驗相當困難,」Deshpande談論這項研究時表示。「該技術在物理學中很少見到需要如此高解析度的情況;而在地球科學或地形學中還沒有用到它的前例。」

Jerolmack的實驗室,他們利用擴散波光譜法來研究沙堆中的顆粒非常細微的運動(圖版左邊)。收集到的數據以應變率分布圖來呈現(圖版右邊),結果顯示在未受擾動的情形下,經過11天之後顆粒仍在持續運動。圖片來源:Nakul Deshpande

DeshpandeJerolmack一起進行這項研究的還有他們長期合作的夥伴,賓州大學複雜流體實驗室的主持人 Paulo Arratia。他們從物理學、材料科學和工程學的背景來探討他們的實驗數據,藉此找出可供類比的系統與理論來解釋他們的結果。范德堡大學的David Furbish則提出了解釋,說明為什麼過往的模型在物理上並不適用,而且跟研究人員的發現會不一致。Furbish的專長是利用統計物理學來研究粒子的運動如何影響大尺度的地形演變。









Shifting sands, creeping soils, and a new understanding of landscape evolution

A new study published in Nature Communications finds that piles of sand grains, even when undisturbed, are in constant motion. Using highly-sensitive optical interference data, researchers from the University of Pennsylvania and Vanderbilt University present results that challenge existing theories in both geology and physics about how soils and other types of disordered materials behave.

Most people only become aware of soil movement on hillsides when soil suddenly loses its rigidity, a phenomenon known as yield. “Say that you have soil on a hillside. Then, if there’s an earthquake or it rains, this material that’s apparently solid becomes a liquid,” says principal investigator Douglas Jerolmack of Penn. “The prevailing framework treats this failure as if it’s a crack breaking. The reason that’s problematic is because you’re modeling the material by a solid mechanical criterion, but you’re modeling it at the point at which it becomes a liquid, so there’s an inherent contradiction.”

Such a model implies that, below yield the soil is a solid and therefore should not flow, but soil slowly and persistently “flows” below its yield point in a process known as creep. The prevailing geological explanation for soil creep is that it is caused by physical or biological disturbances, such as freeze-thaw cycles, fallen trees, or burrowing animals, that act to move soil.

In this study, lead author and Penn Ph.D. candidate Nakul S. Deshpande was interested in observing individual sand particles at rest which, based on existing theories, should be entirely immobile. “Researchers have built models by presuming certain behaviors of the soil grains in creep, but no one had actually just directly observed what the grains do,” says Deshpande.

To do this, Deshpande set up a series of seemingly simple experiments, creating sand piles in small plexiglass boxes on top of a vibration isolation worktable. He then used a laser light scattering technique called diffusing-wave spectroscopy, which is sensitive to very small grain movements. “The experiments are technically challenging,” Deshpande says about this work. “Pushing the technique to this resolution is not yet common in physics, and the approach doesn’t have a precedent in geosciences or geomorphology.”

Deshpande and Jerolmack also worked with long-time collaborator Paulo Arratia, who runs the Penn Complex Fluids Lab, to connect their data with frameworks from physics, materials science, and engineering to find analogous systems and theories that could help explain their results. Vanderbilt’s David Furbish, who uses statistical physics to study how particle motions influence large-scale landscape changes, provided explanation for why previous models were physically inadequate and inconsistent with what the researchers had found.

The first experiments were seemingly easy: Pour a pile of sand into the box, let it sit, and watch with the laser. But the researchers discovered that, while intuition and prevailing theories say that the undisturbed piles of sand should be static, sand grain piles are in fact a mass of constant movement and behave like glass.

“In every way that we can measure the sand, it is relaxing like a cooling glass,” says Deshpande. “If you were to take a bottle and melt it, then freeze it again, that behavior of those molecules in that cooling glass are, in every way that we’re capable of measuring, just like the sand.”

In physics, glass and soil particles are classic examples of a “disordered” system, one whose constituent particles are arranged randomly instead of in crystalline, well-defined structures. While disordered materials, a major focus area of Penn’s Materials Research Science & Engineering Center, share some common behaviors in terms of how they deform when stressed, there is an important difference between glass and a pile of sand. The molecules that make up glass are always moving randomly at a rate that depends on temperature, but sand grains are too large to do that. Because of that, physicists expect that a pile of sand would be “jammed” and unmoving, but these latest findings present a new way of thinking about soil for researchers in both physics and geology.

Another surprising result was that the rate of creeping soil could be controlled based on the types of disturbances used. While the undisturbed sandpile continued to creep for as long as the researchers observed, the rate of particle motion slowed through time in a process called aging. When sand particles were heated, this aging was reversed such that creep rates increased back to their initial value. Tapping the pile, in contrast, accelerated aging.

“We tend to think of things that drive soil toward yield, like shaking from an earthquake that triggers a landslide, but other disturbances in nature potentially drive soil further away from yield, or make it harder for a landslide to happen,” says Jerolmack. “Nakul’s ability to tune it further or closer to yield was like a bomb that went off for us, and this is an all-new area.”

In the near term, the researchers are working on follow-up experiments to recreate the impacts of localized disturbances using magnetic probes to understand how disturbances could lead a system further away from or closer to yield. They are also looking at data from field observations, from natural soil creep to catastrophic landslide events, to see if they can connect their lab experiments to what observers see in the field, potentially enabling new ways to detect catastrophic landscape failures before they happen.

The researchers hope that their work can be a starting point for refining existing theories that rely on a paradigm that, like a hillside whose soil particles have shifted over time, no longer holds weight. “When you observe something really counterintuitive and new, it’s going to now take a long time before that turns into a model to use,” says Jerolmack. “I hope on the geoscience side that people with sophisticated tools and techniques and experience will pick up where we’ve ended and say, ‘I have a new idea for seeking this signature in the field that you wouldn’t have thought of’—that natural handoff of scales and abilities and interests.”

原始論文:Nakul S. Deshpande, David J. Furbish, Paulo E. Arratia, Douglas J. Jerolmack. The perpetual fragility of creeping hillslopesNature Communications, 2021; 12 (1) DOI: 10.1038/s41467-021-23979-z

引用自:University of Pennsylvania. "Shifting sands, creeping soils, and a new understanding of landscape evolution." 

