圖表顯示在恐龍活著的最後一千萬年,種化速率(藍線)有所下降,滅絕速率(紅線)則快速上升。兩者結合之後可以得出物種數目(黑線),顯示在6600萬年前的小行星撞擊事件不久之前,恐龍的種類就已經快速減少。圖片來源:Fabien L. Condamine
包括布里斯托大學的科學家在內的國際科學團隊,今日(6/29)發表在期刊《自然通訊》(Nature Communications)的新研究指出,恐龍可能早在最後的致命一擊來到的一千萬年前就已經開始衰亡。
Fabien Condamine補充:「這是生命演化史上的一個關鍵時刻。當時恐龍已經統治世界超過1億6000萬年,隨著牠們逐漸消失,其他的族群便開始崛起並掌管地球,當中也包括了哺乳類。」
Dinosaurs were in decline before the
The death of the dinosaurs 66 million
years ago was caused by the impact of a huge asteroid on the Earth. However,
palaeontologists have continued to debate whether they were already in decline
or not before the impact.
In a new study, published today in the journal Nature Communications, an international
team of scientists, which includes the University of Bristol, show that they
were already in decline for as much as ten million years before the final death
Lead author, Fabien Condamine, a CNRS researcher from
the Institut des Sciences de l’Evolution de Montpellier (France), said: “We
looked at the six most abundant dinosaur families through the whole of the
Cretaceous, spanning from 150 to 66 million years ago, and found that they were
all evolving and expanding and clearly being successful.
“Then, 76 million years ago, they show a sudden
downturn. Their rates of extinction rose and in some cases the rate of origin
of new species dropped off.”
The team used Bayesian modelling techniques to
account for several kinds of uncertainties such as incomplete fossil records,
uncertainties over age-dating the fossils, and uncertainties about the
evolutionary models. The models were each run millions of times to consider all
these possible sources of error and to find whether the analyses would converge
on an agreed most probable result.
Guillaume Guinot, also of the Institut des Sciences
de l’Evolution de Montpellier, who helped run the calculations, added: “In all
cases, we found evidence for the decline prior to the bolide impact.
“We also looked at how these dinosaur ecosystems
functioned, and it became clear that the plant-eating species tended to
disappear first, and this made the latest dinosaur ecosystems unstable and
liable to collapse if environmental conditions became damaging.”
Phil Currie, a co-author of the study, from the
University of Edmonton (Alberta, Canada), said: “We used over 1,600 carefully
checked records of dinosaurs through the Cretaceous.
“I have been collecting dinosaurs in North America,
Mongolia, China, and other areas for some time, and I have seen huge
improvements in our knowledge of the ages of the dinosaur-bearing rock
“This means that the data are getting better all the
time. The decline in dinosaurs in their last ten million years makes sense, and
indeed this is the best-sampled part of their fossil record as our study
Professor Mike Benton from the University of
Bristol’s School of Earth Sciences, another co-author, added: “In the analyses,
we explored different kinds of possible causes of the dinosaur decline.
“It became
clear that there were two main factors, first that overall climates were
becoming cooler, and this made life harder for the dinosaurs which likely
relied on warm temperatures.
“Then, the loss of herbivores made the ecosystems
unstable and prone to extinction cascade. We also found that the longer-lived
dinosaur species were more liable to extinction, perhaps reflecting that they
could not adapt to the new conditions on Earth.”
Fabien Condamine added: “This was a key moment in the
evolution of life. The world had been dominated by dinosaurs for over 160
million years, and as they declined other groups began their rise to dominance,
including the mammals.
“The dinosaurs were mostly so huge they probably
hardly knew that the furry little mammals were there in the undergrowth. But
the mammals began to increase in numbers of species before the dinosaurs had
gone, and then after the impact they had their chance to build new kinds of
ecosystems which we see today.”
原始論文:Fabien L.
Condamine, Guillaume Guinot, Michael J. Benton, Philip J. Currie. Dinosaur
biodiversity declined well before the asteroid impact, influenced by ecological
and environmental pressures. Nature Communications, 2021; 12
(1) DOI: 10.1038/s41467-021-23754-0
引用自:University of Bristol. "Dinosaurs were in decline before
the end, according to new study"