By Jules
地震研究人員在紐西蘭阿爾卑斯斷層附近採集沉積物以進行這篇研究。(圖片來源:Jamie Howarth/Victoria University of Wellington)
阿爾卑斯斷層附近的沉積物紀錄的地震可以追溯到數千年前。(圖片來源:Jamie Howarth/Victoria University of Wellington)
Study reveals the workings of nature's
own earthquake blocker
Findings point way toward more
detailed earthquake predictions
A new study finds a naturally occurring
“earthquake gate” that decides which earthquakes are allowed to grow into
magnitude 8 or greater.
Sometimes, the “gate” stops earthquakes in the
magnitude 7 range, while ones that pass through the gate grow to magnitude 8 or
greater, releasing over 32 times as much energy as a magnitude 7.
“An earthquake gate is like someone directing traffic
at a one-lane construction zone. Sometimes you pull up and get a green ‘go’
sign, other times you have a red ‘stop’ sign until conditions change,” said UC
Riverside geologist Nicolas Barth.
Researchers learned about this gate while studying
New Zealand’s Alpine Fault, which they determined has about a 75 percent chance
of producing a damaging earthquake within the next 50 years. The modeling also
suggests this next earthquake has an 82 percent chance of rupturing through the
gate and being magnitude 8 or greater. These insights are now published in the
journal Nature Geoscience.
Barth was part of an international research team
including scientists from Victoria University of Wellington, GNS Science, the
University of Otago, and the US Geological Survey.
Their work combined two approaches to studying
earthquakes: evidence of past earthquakes collected by geologists and computer
simulations run by geophysicists. Only by using both jointly were the
researchers able to get new insight into the expected behavior of future
earthquakes on the Alpine Fault.
“Big earthquakes cause serious shaking and landslides
that carry debris down rivers and into lakes,” said lead author Jamie Howarth,
Victoria University of Wellington geologist. “We can drill several meters
through the lake sediments and recognize distinct patterns that indicate an
earthquake shook the region nearby. By dating the sediments, we can precisely
determine when the earthquake occurred.”
Sedimentary records collected at six sites along the
Alpine Fault identified the extent of the last 20 significant earthquakes over
the past 4,000 years, making it one of the most detailed earthquake records of
its kind in the world.
The completeness of this earthquake record offered a
rare opportunity for the researchers to compare their data against a
100,000-year record of computer-generated earthquakes. The research team used
an earthquake simulation code developed by James Dieterich, distinguished
professor emeritus at UC Riverside.
Only the model with the fault geometry matching the
Alpine Fault was able to reproduce the earthquake data. “The simulations show
that a smaller magnitude 6 to 7 earthquake at the earthquake gate can change
the stress and break the streak of larger earthquakes,” Barth said. “We know
the last three ruptures passed through the earthquake gate. In our best-fit
model the next earthquake will also pass 82% of the time.”
Looking beyond New Zealand, earthquake gates are an
important area of active research in California. The Southern California
Earthquake Center, a consortium of over 100 institutions of which UCR is a core
member, has made earthquake gates a research priority. In particular, researchers
are targeting the Cajon Pass region near San Bernardino, where the interaction
of the San Andreas and San Jacinto faults may cause earthquake gate behavior
that could regulate the size of the next damaging earthquake there.
“We are starting to get to the point where our data
and models are detailed enough that we can begin forecasting earthquake
patterns. Not just how likely an earthquake is, but how big and how widespread
it may be, which will help us better prepare,” Barth said.
原始論文:Jamie D.
Howarth, Nicolas C. Barth, Sean J. Fitzsimons, Keith Richards-Dinger, Kate J.
Clark, Glenn P. Biasi, Ursula A. Cochran, Robert M. Langridge, Kelvin R.
Berryman, Rupert Sutherland. Spatiotemporal clustering of great
earthquakes on a transform fault controlled by geometry. Nature
Geoscience, 2021; DOI: 10.1038/s41561-021-00721-4
引用自:University of California - Riverside.
"Study reveals the workings of nature's own earthquake blocker.”