by Bob Yirka,
地震頻率高的時候通常可以對應地下水位低的時候,反之如此。圖片來源:Ya-Ju Hsu
Researchers find link
between earthquake timing and water cycle in Taiwan
A team of researchers from Taiwan, Canada
and the U.S. has found a link between the water cycle in Taiwan and the timing
of earthquakes there. In their paper published in the journal Science Advances, the group describes
their study of the water cycle in Taiwan and why it appears to be related to
the timing of earthquakes.
The work began when one of the team members noticed
that large earthquakes in Taiwan seemed to happen more often in the dry season.
Taiwan is subjected to heavy rains and frequent typhoons each year between May
and September. In other months, the amount of rainfall is much less. Prior
research has shown that because of the dramatic shifts in rainfall amounts,
groundwater levels change dramatically, as well. In this new effort, the
researchers wondered if reduced groundwater levels, which leave empty cavities
below ground, could be behind some of the many earthquakes experienced by the
country. To find out, they collected both earthquake and rainfall data for the
country, in some cases going back several hundred years. They also added
satellite data that allowed for measuring water storage on the island.
The researchers found seismic activity was indeed
highest during the dry season, particularly during the driest periods of
February, March and April—just before the start of monsoon season. They also
found that seismic activity was most quiet from July to September—typically the
wettest part of the year. The researchers also found that the decreased water
load belowground during the dry season often resulted in the land above rising,
which increased the odds of earthquakes occurring. They also found that there
were different factors involved in earthquakes that occurred on the east side
of the island versus the west. Earthquakes that occurred on the east side of
the island had a more complex pattern, and were less related to weather.
The researchers note that the annual stresses to the
land beneath the island could be contributing to deeper stresses that
occasionally result in ruptures of large faults, leading to some of the larger
earthquakes that occasionally rock the island. Their findings could have
implications for other parts of the world that experience dramatic fluctuations
in rainfall each year.
Hsu, Honn Kao, Roland Bürgmann, Ya-Ting Lee, Hsin-Hua Huang, Yu-Fang Hsu,
Yih-Min Wu, Jiancang Zhuang. Synchronized
and asynchronous modulation of seismicity by hydrological loading: A case study
in Taiwan. Science Advances, 2021;
7 (16): eabf7282 DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.abf7282
“Researchers find link between earthquake timing and water cycle in Taiwan.”