By Robert Sanders
根據加州大學柏克萊分校的研究,北美洲在250萬年當中總共出現了25億隻暴龍,只有非常小的一部分被古生物學家挖掘出來並加以研究。(圖片來源:Julius Csotonyi/Science magazine)
Gaylord Simpson甚至認為這是無法辦到的。
在生命科學大樓裡的加州大學古生物博物館外面展示著這副暴龍的化石翻模,原版的化石目前展示於華盛頓的史密森尼學會。這副近乎完整的暴龍骨骸1990年出土於蒙大拿州東部的惡地。圖片來源: Keegan Houser / UC Berkeley
Marshall表示變數中最大的不確定性,主要圍繞在他們無法確定暴龍生態裡的某些性質,像是牠們血液的恆溫程度有多高。研究依據的數據源自加州大學聖塔芭芭拉分校的John Damuth之前發表現生動物的身體質量與族群密度之間的關係,也稱為達姆斯定律。他說雖然兩者之間的關係非常強烈,但是生理條件和生態棲位相同的動物,還是會因為在生態上的差異而讓族群密度有很大的差別。舉例來說,雖然美洲虎和土狼的大小差不多,但是土狼在棲地中的密度卻比美洲虎高出50倍。
Damuth, UC Santa Barbara
圖中是一具暴龍的顎骨。加州大學古生物博物館已故的古生物學家Harley Garbani在1977年從蒙大拿州的地獄溪地層發現這具化石。圖片來源:加州大學古生物博物館,2011
How many T. rexes were there? Billions.
How many Tyrannosaurus rexes roamed North America during the Cretaceous
That’s a question Charles Marshall pestered his
paleontologist colleagues with for years until he finally teamed up with his
students to find an answer.
What the team found, to be published this week in the
journal Science, is that about 20,000
adult T. rexes probably lived at any
one time, give or take a factor of 10, which is in the ballpark of what most of
his colleagues guessed.
What few paleontologists had fully grasped, he said,
including himself, is that this means that some 2.5 billion lived and died over
the approximately 2 1/2 million years the dinosaur walked the earth.
Until now, no one has been able to compute population
numbers for long-extinct animals, and George Gaylord Simpson, one of the most
influential paleontologists of the last century, felt that it couldn’t be done.
Marshall, director of the University of California
Museum of Paleontology, the Philip Sandford Boone Chair in Paleontology and a
UC Berkeley professor of integrative biology and of earth and planetary
science, was also surprised that such a calculation was possible.
“The project just started off as a lark, in a way,”
he said. “When I hold a fossil in my hand, I can’t help wondering at the
improbability that this very beast was alive millions of years ago, and here I
am holding part of its skeleton — it seems so improbable. The question just
kept popping into my head, ‘Just how improbable is it? Is it one in a thousand,
one in a million, one in a billion?’ And then I began to realize that maybe we
can actually estimate how many were alive, and thus, that I could answer that
Marshall is quick to point out that the uncertainties
in the estimates are large. While the population of T. rexes was most likely 20,000 adults at any give time, the 95%
confidence range — the population range within which there’s a 95% chance that
the real number lies — is from 1,300 to 328,000 individuals. Thus, the total
number of individuals that existed over the lifetime of the species could have
been anywhere from 140 million to 42 billion.
“As Simpson observed, it is very hard to make
quantitative estimates with the fossil record,” he said. “In our study, we
focused in developing robust constraints on the variables we needed to make our
calculations, rather than on focusing on making best estimates, per se.”
He and his team then used Monte Carlo computer
simulation to determine how the uncertainties in the data translated into
uncertainties in the results.
The greatest uncertainty in these numbers, Marshall
said, centers around questions about the exact nature of the dinosaur’s
ecology, including how warm-blooded T.
rex was. The study relies on data published by John Damuth of UC Santa
Barbara that relates body mass to population density for living animals, a
relationship known as Damuth’s Law. While the relationship is strong, he said,
ecological differences result in large variations in population densities for
animals with the same and ecological niche. For example, jaguars and hyenas are
about the same size, but hyenas are found in their habitat at a density 50
times greater than the density of jaguars in their habitat.
“Our calculations depend on this relationship for
living animals between their body mass and their population density, but the
uncertainty in the relationship spans about two orders of magnitude,” Marshall
said. “Surprisingly, then, the uncertainty in our estimates is dominated by
this ecological variability and not from the uncertainty in the paleontological
data we used.”
As part of the calculations, Marshall chose to treat T. rex as a predator with energy
requirements halfway between those of a lion and a Komodo dragon, the largest
lizard on Earth.
The issue of T.
rex‘s place in the ecosystem led Marshall and his team to ignore juvenile T. rexes, which are underrepresented in
the fossil record and may, in fact, have lived apart from adults and pursued
different prey. As T. rex crossed
into maturity, its jaws became stronger by an order of magnitude, enabling it
to crush bone. This suggests that juveniles and adults ate different prey and
were almost like different predator species.
This possibility is supported by a recent study, led
by evolutionary biologist Felicia Smith of the University of New Mexico, which
hypothesized that the absence of medium-size predators alongside the massive
predatory T. rex during the late
Cretaceous was because juvenile T. rex filled
that ecological niche.
What the fossils
tell us
The UC Berkeley scientists mined the scientific
literature and the expertise of colleagues for data they used to estimate that
the likely age at sexual maturity of a T.
rex was 15.5 years; its maximum lifespan was probably into its late 20s;
and its average body mass as an adult — its so-called ecological body mass, —
was about 5,200 kilograms, or 5.2 tons. They also used data on how quickly T. rexes grew over their life span: They
had a growth spurt around sexual maturity and could grow to weigh about 7,000
kilograms, or 7 tons.
From these estimates, they also calculated that each
generation lasted about 19 years, and that the average population density was
about one dinosaur for every 100 square kilometers.
Then, estimating that the total geographic range of
T. rex was about 2.3 million square kilometers, and that the species survived
for roughly 2 1/2 million years, they calculated a standing population size of
20,000. Over a total of about 127,000 generations that the species lived, that
translates to about 2.5 billion individuals overall.
With such a large number of post-juvenile dinosaurs
over the history of the species, not to mention the juveniles that were
presumably more numerous, where did all those bones go? What proportion of
these individuals have been discovered by paleontologists? To date, fewer than
100 T. rex individuals have been
found, many represented by a single fossilized bone.
“There are about 32 relatively well-preserved,
post-juvenile T. rexes in public
museums today,” he said. “Of all the post-juvenile adults that ever lived, this
means we have about one in 80 million of them.”
“If we restrict our analysis of the fossil recovery
rate to where T. rex fossils are most
common, a portion of the famous Hell Creek Formation in Montana, we estimate we
have recovered about one in 16,000 of the T.
rexes that lived in that region over that time interval that the rocks were
deposited,” he added. “We were surprised by this number; this fossil record has
a much higher representation of the living than I first guessed. It could be as
good as one in a 1,000, if hardly any lived there, or it could be as low as one
in a quarter million, given the uncertainties in the estimated population
densities of the beast.”
Marshall expects his colleagues will quibble with
many, if not most, of the numbers, but he believes that his calculational
framework for estimating extinct populations will stand and be useful for
estimating populations of other fossilized creatures.
“In some ways, this has been a paleontological
exercise in how much we can know, and how we go about knowing it,” he said.
“It’s surprising how much we actually know about these dinosaurs and, from
that, how much more we can compute. Our knowledge of T. rex has expanded so greatly in the past few decades thanks to
more fossils, more ways of analyzing them and better ways of integrating
information over the multiple fossils known.”
The framework, which the researchers have made
available as computer code, also lays the foundation for estimating how many
species paleontologists might have missed when excavating for fossils, he said.
“With these numbers, we can start to estimate how
many short-lived, geographically specialized species we might be missing in the
fossil record,” he said. “This may be a way of beginning to quantify what we
don’t know.”
原始論文:Charles R.
Marshall, Daniel V. Latorre, Connor J. Wilson, Tanner M. Frank, Katherine M.
Magoulick, Joshua B. Zimmt, Ashley W. Poust. Absolute abundance and
preservation rate of Tyrannosaurus rex. Science, 2021
DOI: 10.1126/science.abc8300
引用自:University of California - Berkeley. "How
many T. rexes were there? Billions”