2021年1月18日 星期一




By Tim Stephens


在歐胡島沙灘上從沙子流出的地下水滲流。一項評估全球地下水滲流的成果發現其對於海洋化學的影響比過往認為的還要更高。圖片來自:Jenny Bernier

這項新發現18日發表在《自然通訊》(Nature Communications)。對於全球生地化循環的模型以及運用同位素紀錄來解讀地球氣候歷史的研究來說,此發現可以帶來重要的啟發。

「地下水滲流的特性非常難以描述,因此一直都在模擬全球生地化循環時造成不確定性,」主持這項研究的第一作者,加州大學聖塔克魯茲分校的研究生Kimberley Mayfield表示。「世界各地的研究人員齊聚一堂,花費了大量心力才成功完成這項研究。」



加州大學聖塔克魯茲分校的研究教授Adina Paytan是共同作者。她說雖然地下水是海水相當重要的來源之一,但因為人們無法看見它們而且難以進行測量,因此很容易就會忽略它們。





New analysis highlights importance of groundwater discharge into oceans

A global assessment of the impact of groundwater on ocean chemistry is important for understanding the weathering of rocks and its effects on climate

An invisible flow of groundwater seeps into the ocean along coastlines all over the world. Scientists have tended to disregard its contributions to ocean chemistry, focusing on the far greater volumes of water and dissolved material entering the sea from rivers and streams, but a new study finds groundwater discharge plays a more significant role than had been thought.

The new findings, published January 8 in Nature Communications, have implications for global models of biogeochemical cycles and for the interpretation of isotope records of Earth’s climate history.

“It’s really hard to characterize groundwater discharge, so it has been a source of uncertainty in the modeling of global cycles,” said first author Kimberley Mayfield, who led the study as a graduate student at UC Santa Cruz. “It took a large effort by researchers around the world who came together to make this happen.”

The researchers focused on five key elements—lithium, magnesium, calcium, strontium, and barium—measuring concentrations and isotope ratios in coastal groundwater at 20 sites around the world, and using previously published data from additional sites.

“Those elements are important because they come from the weathering of rocks, and weathering of silicate rocks accounts for a huge uptake of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere over long time scales,” Mayfield explained.

Coauthor Adina Paytan, a research professor in UCSC’s Institute of Marine Sciences, said groundwater is an important source of inputs to the oceans, but has been easy to ignore because it is unseen and hard to measure.

“This is the first global assessment of groundwater discharge for most of these elements,” Paytan said. “This information is useful for our understanding of how weathering of rock is related to climate, not only in the present but also in the past.”

The study estimated that the amount of these elements entering the sea from groundwater is at least 5%, and up to 16%, of the contributions from rivers based on the latest global groundwater flux estimates. The results also showed that the isotopic composition of groundwater discharge can be different from that of rivers.

“The composition of groundwater discharge is very dependent on coastal geology, whereas river water is more influenced by the interiors of continents,” Mayfield said. “It’s important to recognize that groundwater makes a difference globally, and now that we have this large data set, people can keep improving it with more sampling and develop better models of global groundwater discharge.”

原始論文:Kimberley K. Mayfield, Anton Eisenhauer, Danielle P. Santiago Ramos, John A. Higgins, Tristan J. Horner, Maureen Auro, Tomas Magna, Nils Moosdorf, Matthew A. Charette, Meagan Eagle Gonneea, Carolyn E. Brady, Nemanja Komar, Bernhard Peucker-Ehrenbrink, Adina Paytan. Groundwater discharge impacts marine isotope budgets of Li, Mg, Ca, Sr, and BaNature Communications, 2021; 12 (1) DOI: 10.1038/s41467-020-20248-3

引用自:University of California - Santa Cruz. "New analysis highlights importance of groundwater discharge into oceans.”

