2021年1月13日 星期三





研究人員在發表於《自然通訊》(Nature Communications)的研究當中,證明一種經常在高緯度的海洋沉積物裡面發現的有機分子「四元不飽和烯酮」(tetra-unsaturated alkenone C37:4)),是由一或多種居住在冰裡的未知藻類所製造。當海冰密度有所增減的時候,這些居住於其中的藻類以及它們留下的分子也會跟著變多變少。

「我們證明這種分子是海冰密度的良好代用指標,」研究主要作者,布朗大學的博士生Karen Wang表示。「觀察不同年代的沉積物中這種分子的濃度,可以讓我們重建海冰密度隨時間的變化。」


「對於C37:4烯酮最常見的概念便是它們會『混淆溫度比例』。」布朗大學地球、環境與行星科學系的教授Yongsong Huang表示。他是這項經費來自美國國家科學基金會的計劃主持人。「沒有人知道它們來自哪裡,是否有任何利用價值。雖然之前有人提出一些理論,但都沒法確定下來。」








Researchers discover a new tool for reconstructing ancient sea ice to study climate change

A previously problematic molecule turns out to be a reliable proxy for reconstructing sea ice, a new study by Brown University researchers shows.

Sea ice is a critical indicator of changes in the Earth’s climate. A new discovery by Brown University researchers could provide scientists a new way to reconstruct sea ice abundance and distribution information from the ancient past, which could aid in understanding human-induced climate change happening now.

In a study published in Nature Communications, the researchers show that an organic molecule often found in high-latitude ocean sediments, known as tetra-unsaturated alkenone (C37:4), is produced by one or more previously unknown species of ice-dwelling algae. As sea ice concentration ebbs and flows, so do the algae associated with it, as well as the molecules they leave behind.

“We’ve shown that this molecule is a strong proxy for sea ice concentration,” said Karen Wang, a Ph.D. student at Brown and lead author of the research. “Looking at the concentration of this molecule in sediments of different ages could allow us to reconstruct sea ice concentration through time.”

Other types of alkenone molecules have been used for years as proxies for sea surface temperature. At different temperatures, algae that live on the sea surface make differing amounts of alkenones known as C37:2 and C37:3. Scientists can use the ratios between those two molecules found in sea sediments to estimate past temperature. C37:4 — the focus of this new study — had been long considered a bit of problem for temperature measurements. It turns up in sediments taken from closer to the Arctic, throwing off the C37:2/C37:3 ratios.

“That was mostly what the C37:4 alkenone was known for — throwing off the temperature ratios,” said Yongsong Huang, principal investigator of the National Science Foundation-funded project and a professor in Brown’s Department of Earth, Environmental and Planetary Science. “Nobody knew where it came from, or whether it was useful for anything. People had some theories, but no one knew for sure.”

To figure it out, the researchers studied sediment and sea water samples containing C37:4 taken from icy spots around the Arctic. They used advanced DNA sequencing techniques to identify the organisms present in the samples. That work yielded previously unknown species of algae from the order Isochrysidales. The researchers then cultured those new species in the lab and showed that they were indeed the ones that produced an exceptionally high abundance of C37:4.

The next step was to see whether the molecules left behind by these ice-dwelling algae could be used as a reliable sea ice proxy. To do that, the researchers looked at concentrations of C37:4 in sediment cores from several spots in the Arctic Ocean near the present-day sea ice margins. In the recent past, sea ice in these spots is known to have been highly sensitive to regional temperature variation. That work found that the highest concentrations of C37:4 occurred when climate was coldest and ice was at its peak. The highest concentrations dated back to the Younger-Dryas, a period of very cold and icy conditions that occurred around 12,000 years ago.  When climate was at its warmest and ice ebbed, C37:4 was sparse, the research found.

“The correlations we found with this new proxy were far stronger than other markers people use,” said Huang, a research fellow at the Institute at Brown for Environment and Society. “No correlation will be perfect because modeling sea ice is a messy process, but this is probably about as strong as you’re going to get.”

And this new proxy has some additional advantages over others, the researchers say. One other method for reconstructing sea ice involves looking for fossil remains of another kind of algae called diatoms. But that method becomes less reliable further back in time because fossil molecules can degrade. Molecules like C37:4 tend to be more robustly preserved, making them potentially better for reconstructions over deep time than other methods.

The researchers plan to further research these new algae species to better understand how they become embedded in sea ice, and how they produce this alkenone compound. The algae appear to live in brine bubbles and channels inside sea ice, but it may also bloom just after the ice melts. Understanding those dynamics will help the researchers to better calibrate C37:4 as a sea ice proxy.

Ultimately, the researchers hope that the new proxy will enable better understanding of sea ice dynamics through time. That information would improve models of past climate, which would make for better predictions of future climate change.

原始論文:Karen Jiaxi Wang, Yongsong Huang, Markus Majaneva, Simon T. Belt, Sian Liao, Joseph Novak, Tyler R. Kartzinel, Timothy D. Herbert, Nora Richter, Patricia Cabedo-Sanz. Group 2i Isochrysidales produce characteristic alkenones reflecting sea ice distributionNature Communications, 2021; 12 (1) DOI: 10.1038/s41467-020-20187-z

引用自:Brown University. "New tool for reconstructing ancient sea ice to study climate change."

