2021年1月6日 星期三






為了重建河川流量的歷史變化,研究人員運用了樹輪的數據。先前Cook等人在2010年發表的研究把亞洲各地的樹輪數據連結起來,創造出一份古代乾旱紀錄,稱為季風亞洲乾旱年鑑(Monsoon Asia Drought Atlas MADA)。新加坡科技設計大學的研究人員將MADA輸入他們的河川流量模型當中,接著運用他們研發的新程序來根據水文氣候條件的相似程度,針對各條河川選擇MADA中最有關聯的子集。這道過程讓模型可以從原始的樹輪數據當中,揀選出對河川流量影響最大的氣候因子。

新加坡科技設計大學的博士生Nguyen Tan Thai Hung是第一作者,他解釋:「我們的結果顯示出亞洲河川的行為模式具有一致性。在相鄰或者接近的流域,大型的乾旱與嚴重的洪水期通常是同時發生。乾旱的範圍有時候大到可以從印度的哥達瓦里河延伸到東南亞的湄公河。這項結果對於水資源管理來說具有重大意義,特別是像泰國這種經濟仰賴多條河川的國家。」


新加坡科技設計大學的副教授Stefano Galelli是計畫主持人,他說:「研究結果對於政策制定者來說至關重要。我們需要知道過去一千年來河川流量變化的地點與原因,才能制定跟水利設施有關的重大決策。以東協電網為例,這項計畫的構想是把東協各國的水力、火力發電廠以及再生能源電廠,用一個系統互相聯結起來。我們的紀錄顯示出大乾旱曾經同時發生在數個發電廠的所在位置,因此現在我們可以利用這份資訊來設計出一種在這類極端事件發生時,不會受到太多損害的電網。」


Largest study of Asia’s rivers unearths 800 years of paleoclimate patterns

The SUTD study will be crucial for assessing future climatic changes and making more informed water management decisions.

813 years of annual river discharge at 62 stations, 41 rivers in 16 countries, from 1200 to 2012. That is the data that researchers at the Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD) produced after two years of research in order to better understand past climate patterns of the Asian Monsoon region.

Home to many populous river basins, including ten of the world’s biggest rivers, the Asian Monsoon region provides water, energy, and food for more than three billion people. This makes it crucial for us to understand past climate patterns so that we can better predict long term changes in the water cycle and the impact they will have on the water supply.

To reconstruct histories of river discharge, the researchers relied on tree rings. An earlier study by Cook et al. (2010) developed an extensive network of tree ring data sites in Asia and created a paleodrought record called the Monsoon Asia Drought Atlas (MADA). SUTD researchers used the MADA as an input for their river discharge model. They developed an innovative procedure to select the most relevant subset of the MADA for each river based on hydroclimatic similarity. This procedure allowed the model to extract the most important climate signals that influence river discharge from the underlying tree ring data.

“Our results reveal that rivers in Asia behave in a coherent pattern. Large droughts and major pluvial periods have often occurred simultaneously in adjacent or nearby basins. Sometimes, droughts stretched as far as from the Godavari in India to the Mekong in Southeast Asia. This has important implications for water management, especially when a country’s economy depends on multiple river basins, like in the case of Thailand,” explained first author Nguyen Tan Thai Hung, a PhD student from SUTD.

Using modern measurements, it has been known that the behaviour of Asian rivers is influenced by the oceans. For instance, if the Pacific Ocean becomes warmer in its tropical region in an El Niño event, this will alter atmospheric circulations and likely cause droughts in South and Southeast Asian rivers. However, the SUTD study revealed that this ocean-river connection is not constant over time. The researchers found that rivers in Asia were much less influenced by the oceans in the first half of the 20th century compared to the 50 years before and 50 years after that period.

“This research is of great importance to policy makers; we need to know where and why river discharge changed during the past millennium to make big decisions on water-dependent infrastructure. One such example is the development of the ASEAN Power Grid, conceived to interconnect a system of hydropower, thermoelectric, and renewable energy plants across all ASEAN countries. Our records show that ‘mega-droughts’ have hit multiple power production sites simultaneously, so we can now use this information to design a grid that is less vulnerable during extreme events,” said principal investigator Associate Professor Stefano Galelli from SUTD.

原始論文:Hung T. T. Nguyen, Sean W. D. Turner, Brendan M. Buckley, Stefano Galelli. Coherent Streamflow Variability in Monsoon Asia Over the Past Eight Centuries—Links to Oceanic DriversWater Resources Research, 2020; 56 (12) DOI: 10.1029/2020WR027883

引用自:Singapore University of Technology and Design. "Largest study of Asia's rivers unearths 800 years of paleoclimate patterns."

