Liz Fuller-Wright
普林斯頓大學的地震學家Jessica Irving、她之前的研究生Wenbo Wu、以及其他研究人員共同以散射之後的地震波,測定地函中的過渡帶底部與頂部的起伏程度。他們發現位在410公里深的過渡帶頂部大體而言相當平滑;然而,位在660公里深的過渡帶底部,某些地方的起伏程度卻比地表的平均還要高。Wu說:「換句話說,660公里邊界有些地方的地形變化比洛磯山脈或是阿帕拉契山還要崎嶇。」註:本圖並非顯示出真實比例。圖片來源:Kyle McKernan
Massive 1994 Bolivian earthquake reveals mountains 660 kilometers
below our feet
Most schoolchildren learn that the Earth has three (or four) layers: a
crust, mantle and core, which is sometimes subdivided into an inner and outer
core. That’s not wrong, but it does leave out several other layers that
scientists have identified within the Earth, including the transition zone
within the mantle.
In a study published this week in Science, Princeton geophysicists Jessica
Irving and Wenbo Wu, in collaboration with Sidao Ni from the Institute of
Geodesy and Geophysics in China, used data from an enormous earthquake in
Bolivia to find mountains and other topography on the base of the transition
zone, a layer 660 kilometers (410 miles) straight down that separates the upper
and lower mantle. (Lacking a formal name for this layer, the researchers simply
call it “the 660-km boundary.”)
To peer deep into the Earth, scientists use the most
powerful waves on the planet, which are generated by massive earthquakes. “You
want a big, deep earthquake to get the whole planet to shake,” said Irving, an
assistant professor of geosciences.
Big earthquakes are vastly more powerful than small
ones — energy increases 30-fold with every step up the Richter scale — and deep
earthquakes, “instead of frittering away their energy in the crust, can get the
whole mantle going,” Irving said. She gets her best data from earthquakes that
are magnitude 7.0 or higher, she said, as the shockwaves they send out in all
directions can travel through the core to the other side of the planet — and
back again. For this study, the key data came from waves picked up after a
magnitude 8.2 earthquake — the second-largest deep earthquake ever recorded —
that shook Bolivia in 1994.
“Earthquakes this big don’t come along very often,”
she said. “We’re lucky now that we have so many more seismometers than we did
even 20 years ago. Seismology is a different field than it was 20 years ago, between
instruments and computational resources.”
Seismologists and data scientists use powerful
computers, including Princeton’s Tiger supercomputer cluster, to simulate the
complicated behavior of scattering waves in the deep Earth.
The technology depends on a fundamental property of
waves: their ability to bend and bounce. Just as light waves can bounce (reflect)
off a mirror or bend (refract) when passing through a prism, earthquake waves
travel straight through homogenous rocks but reflect or refract when they
encounter any boundary or roughness.
“We know that almost all objects have surface
roughness and therefore scatter light,” said Wu, the lead author on the new
paper, who just completed his geosciences Ph.D. and is now a postdoctoral
researcher at the California Institute of Technology. “That’s why we can see
these objects — the scattering waves carry the information about the surface’s
roughness. In this study, we investigated scattered seismic waves traveling
inside the Earth to constrain the roughness of the Earth’s 660-km boundary.”
The researchers were surprised by just how rough that
boundary is — rougher than the surface layer that we all live on. “In other
words, stronger topography than the Rocky Mountains or the Appalachians is
present at the 660-km boundary,” said Wu. Their statistical model didn’t allow
for precise height determinations, but there’s a chance that these mountains
are bigger than anything on the surface of the Earth. The roughness wasn’t
equally distributed, either; just as the crust’s surface has smooth ocean
floors and massive mountains, the 660-km boundary has rough areas and smooth
patches. The researchers also examined a layer 410 kilometers (255 miles) down,
at the top of the mid-mantle “transition zone,” and they did not find similar
“They find that Earth’s deep layers are just as
complicated as what we observe at the surface,” said seismologist Christine
Houser, an assistant professor at the Tokyo Institute of Technology who was not
involved in this research. “To find 2-mile (1-3 km) elevation changes on a
boundary that is over 400 miles (660 km) deep using waves that travel through
the entire Earth and back is an inspiring feat. … Their findings suggest that
as earthquakes occur and seismic instruments become more sophisticated and
expand into new areas, we will continue to detect new small-scale signals which
reveal new properties of Earth’s layers.”
What it means
The presence of roughness on the 660-km boundary has
significant implications for understanding how our planet formed and continues
to function. That layer divides the mantle, which makes up about 84 percent of
the Earth’s volume, into its upper and lower sections. For years, geoscientists
have debated just how important that boundary is. In particular, they have
investigated how heat travels through the mantle — whether hot rocks are
carried smoothly from the core-mantle boundary (almost 2,000 miles down) all
the way up to the top of the mantle, or whether that transfer is interrupted at
this layer. Some geochemical and mineralogical evidence suggests that the upper
and lower mantle are chemically different, which supports the idea that the two
sections don’t mix thermally or physically. Other observations suggest no
chemical difference between the upper and lower mantle, leading some to argue
for what’s called a “well-mixed mantle,” with both the upper and lower mantle
participating in the same heat-transfer cycle.
“Our findings provide insight into this question,”
said Wu. Their data suggests that both groups might be partially right. The
smoother areas of the 660-km boundary could result from more thorough vertical
mixing, while the rougher, mountainous areas may have formed where the upper
and lower mantle don’t mix as well.
In addition, the roughness the researchers found,
which existed at large, moderate and small scales, could theoretically be
caused by heat anomalies or chemical heterogeneities. But because of how heat
in transported within the mantle, Wu explained, any small-scale thermal anomaly
would be smoothed out within a few million years. That leaves only chemical
differences to explain the small-scale roughness they found.
What could cause significant chemical differences?
The introduction of rocks that used to belong to the crust, now resting quietly
in the mantle. Scientists have long debated the fate of the slabs of sea floor
that get pushed into the mantle at subduction zones, the collisions happening
found all around the Pacific Ocean and elsewhere around the world. Wu and
Irving suggest that remnants of these slabs may now be just above or just below
the 660-km boundary.
“It’s easy to assume, given we can only detect
seismic waves traveling through the Earth in its current state, that
seismologists can’t help understand how Earth’s interior has changed over the
past 4.5 billion years,” said Irving. “What’s exciting about these results is
that they give us new information to understand the fate of ancient tectonic
plates which have descended into the mantle, and where ancient mantle material
might still reside.”
She added: “Seismology is most exciting when it lets
us better understand our planet’s interior in both space and time.”
原始論文:Wenbo Wu, Sidao Ni and Jessica Irving. Inferring
Earth's discontinuous chemical layering from the 660-kilometer boundary
topography. Science, 2019 DOI: 10.1126/science.aav0822
引用自:Princeton University. "Massive Bolivian earthquake
reveals mountains 660 kilometers below our feet."