2019年2月13日 星期三



除了碳以外,生物也需要別的元素才能生存,比方說硫。硫元素有16個質子,在自然界最常見的三種穩定硫同位素分別為擁有16個中子的32S17個中子的 33S18個中子的34S。許多微生物進行代謝時用的燃料為硫酸鹽,這是一種存在於自然界,跟四個氧原子鍵結的含硫化合物。反應過程中會排出另一種含硫化合物――硫化物。這些由古代微生物代謝後產生的硫化物廢物會儲存在地質紀錄中,而我們便可以分析像黃鐵礦(FeS2)之類的礦物來得到硫同位素的比例。微生物留下的硫同位素記錄了以含硫化合物為主的生物代謝作用,最遠可追溯至大約35億年前。過往有數百篇研究探討硫酸鹽代謝後產生的硫同位素訊號,為何在古代和現代都有很大的變化。
這項新研究是首先探討遠古生物代謝旺盛程度的幾篇論文之一,科學家闡明了在微生物代謝硫的作用中一項很重要的生物變因,並釐清了什麼樣的細胞狀態會導致哪種類型的硫同位素分餾。得知代謝作用如何改變穩定同位素的比例後,可以預測生物會留下什麼樣的同位素訊號,因此可以把代謝作用和同位素訊號之間做出連結。30幾億年前記錄微生物硫酸鹽代謝作用的硫同位素比例,和這份論文中預測微生物代謝旺盛時會產生的硫同位素比例一致,顯示生命在遠古海洋的活動十分旺盛。ELSI的副教授Shawn McGlynn稱呼這項研究開拓的新研究領域為「演化和同位素酵素學」(evolutionary and isotopic enzymology)。利用這類資料,科學家接下來可以探討別的元素的代謝作用,像是碳和氮。此外,對酵素的演化和地球歷史有更多的瞭解之後,也能更全面的解釋地球化學紀錄跟細胞狀態和生態之間的關聯。

Research suggests life thrived on Earth 3.5 billion years ago
3.5 billion years ago Earth hosted life, but was it barely surviving, or thriving? A new study carried out by a multi institutional team with leadership including the Earth-Life Science Institute (ELSI) of Tokyo Institute of Technology (Tokyo Tech) provides new answers to this question. Microbial metabolism is recorded in billions of years of sulfur isotope ratios that agree with this study's predictions, suggesting life throve in the ancient oceans. Using this data, scientists can more deeply link the geochemical record with cellular states and ecology.
Scientists want to know how long life has existed on Earth. If it has been around for almost as long as the planet, this suggests it is easy for life to originate and life should be common in the Universe. If it takes a long time to originate, this suggests there were very special conditions that had to occur. Dinosaurs, whose bones are presented in museums around the world, were preceded by billions of years by microbes. While microbes have left some physical evidence of their presence in the ancient geological record, they do not fossilize well, thus scientists use other methods for understanding whether life was present in the geological record.
Presently, the oldest evidence of microbial life on Earth comes to us in the form of stable isotopes. The chemical elements charted on the periodic are defined by the number of protons in their nuclei, for example, hydrogen atoms have one proton, helium atoms have two, carbon atoms contain six. In addition to protons, most atomic nuclei also contain neutrons, which are about as heavy as protons, but which don't bear an electric charge. Atoms which contain the same number of protons, but variable numbers of neutrons are known as isotopes. While many isotopes are radioactive and thus decay into other elements, some do not undergo such reactions; these are known as "stable" isotopes. For example, the stable isotopes of carbon include carbon 12 (written as 12C for short, with 6 protons and 6 neutrons) and carbon 13 (13C, with 6 protons and 7 neutrons).
All living things, including humans, "eat and excrete." That is to say, they take in food and expel waste. Microbes often eat simple compounds made available by the environment. For example, some are able to take in carbon dioxide (CO2) as a carbon source to build their own cells. Naturally occurring CO2 has a fairly constant ratio of 12C to 13C. However, 12CO2 is about 2 % lighter than 13CO2, so 12CO2 molecules diffuse and react slightly faster, and thus the microbes themselves become "isotopically light," containing more 12C than 13C, and when they die and leave their remains in the fossil record, their stable isotopic signature remains, and is measurable. The isotopic composition, or "signature," of such processes can be very specific to the microbes that produce them.
Besides carbon there are other chemical elements essential for living things. For example, sulfur, with 16 protons, has three naturally abundant stable isotopes, 32S (with 16 neutrons), 33S (with 17 neutrons) and 34S (with 18 neutrons). Sulfur isotope patterns left behind by microbes thus record the history of biological metabolism based on sulfur-containing compounds back to around 3.5 billion years ago. Hundreds of previous studies have examined wide variations in ancient and contemporary sulfur isotope ratios resulting from sulfate (a naturally occurring sulfur compound bonded to four oxygen atoms) metabolism. Many microbes are able to use sulfate as a fuel, and in the process excrete sulfide, another sulfur compound. The sulfide "waste" of ancient microbial metabolism is then stored in the geological record, and its isotope ratios can be measured by analyzing minerals such as the FeS2 mineral pyrite.
This new study reveals a primary biological control step in microbial sulfur metabolism, and clarifies which cellular states lead to which types of sulfur isotope fractionation. This allows scientists to link metabolism to isotopes: by knowing how metabolism changes stable isotope ratios, scientists can predict the isotopic signature organisms should leave behind. This study provides some of the first information regarding how robustly ancient life was metabolizing. Microbial sulfate metabolism is recorded in over a three billion years of sulfur isotope ratios that are in line with this study's predictions, which suggest life was in fact thriving in the ancient oceans. This work opens up a new field of research, which ELSI Associate Professor Shawn McGlynn calls "evolutionary and isotopic enzymology." Using this type of data, scientists can now proceed to other elements, such as carbon and nitrogen, and more completely link the geochemical record with cellular states and ecology via an understanding of enzyme evolution and Earth history.
原始論文:Min Sub Sim, Hideaki Ogata, Wolfgang Lubitz, Jess F. Adkins, Alex L. Sessions, Victoria J. Orphan, Shawn E. McGlynn. Role of APS reductase in biogeochemical sulfur isotope fractionationNature Communications, 2019; 10 (1) DOI: 10.1038/s41467-018-07878-4
引用自:Tokyo Institute of Technology. "Life thrived on Earth 3.5 billion years ago, research suggests: Scientists use stable sulfur isotopes to understand ancient microbial metabolism." ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 8 February 2019.

