在加拿大的阿卡斯塔河某些富含矽的長英質岩石年代有40.2億年,是地球已知最古老的岩層。科學家發現它們可能是在地球的初生地殼內部於高溫下形成,且形成時的深度出乎意料地淺。熔化淺層地殼需要的高溫可能是由地球形成之後五億年左右的隕石轟炸提供,使得富含鐵的地殼熔化而形成我們今天看到的花崗岩。研究結果刊登於同儕審查期刊《自然―地質科學》(Nature Geoscience),之後於8月14日波士頓舉行的歌德施密特大會中首次發表。
阿卡斯塔片麻岩。圖片來源:Geology In
團隊主持人,澳洲伯斯科廷大學的Tim Johnson表示:「原始地球的地殼最上層是由富含鐵的玄武岩質岩石構成,我們的模擬顯示阿卡斯塔河的岩石是源自於這些早已存在的岩石形成的熔融物質。」
阿卡斯塔河是加拿大北方斯拉維穩定地塊(Slave Craton)的一部份岩層,此地塊位在黃刀鎮和大斯拉維湖之間。最初居住在此地的族群為提拉丘人,發現這些岩石的地質學家將其命名為「Idiwhaa」,即為提拉丘語中的「古代」。
愛爾蘭都柏林大學三一學院的Balz Kamber對此研究評論道:「考慮到大型或巨型撞擊事件本身帶有的極大能量,以及其他內太陽系行星和月球年代久遠的表面滿覆坑洞,長英質岩漿是由這類撞擊事件產生的想法確實是可行的。然而,在撞擊的極高溫度而產生的岩漿海下方,此處地殼淺層也能位於他們所指稱的溫度壓力範圍而發生熔融。也就是說,撞擊事件的間接結果也能形成這類岩石。」
Meteorite bombardment likely to have created the
Earth's oldest rocks
Scientists have found that 4.02 billion year old
silica-rich felsic rocks from the Acasta River, Canada - the oldest rock
formation known on Earth - probably formed at high temperatures and at a
surprisingly shallow depth of the planet's nascent crust. The high temperatures
needed to melt the shallow crust were likely caused by a meteorite bombardment
around half a billion years after the planet formed. This melted the iron-rich
crust and formed the granites we see today. These results are presented for the
first time at the Goldschmidt conference in Boston tomorrow (14 August),
following publication in the peer-reviewed journal Nature Geoscience.
The felsic rocks (rocks
rich in silica/quartz) found at the Acasta River in Canada, are the Earth's
oldest rocks, although there are older mineral crystals*. Scientists have long
known that the Acasta rocks are different to the majority of felsic rocks we
see today, such as the granites widely used as a building or decorative
material. Now a group of scientists from Australia and China have modelled the
formation of the oldest Acasta felsic rocks and found that they could only have
been formed at low pressures and very high temperatures.
Scientists believe that the
primitive crust largely comprised dark, silica-poor mafic rocks, so there has
been a question over how the Acasta River felsic rocks could have formed.
"Our modelling shows
that the Acasta River rocks derived from the melting of pre-existing iron-rich
basaltic rock, which formed the uppermost layers of crust on the primitive
Earth", said team leader Tim Johnson, from Curtin University, Perth.
"We used phase
equilibria and trace element modelling to show that the Acasta River rocks were
produced by partial melting of the original mafic rocks at very low pressures.
It would have needed something special to produce the 900°C temperatures needed
to generate these early felsic rocks at such low pressures, and that probably
means a drastic event, most likely the intense heating caused by meteorite
We estimate that rocks
within the uppermost 3km of mafic crust would have been melted in producing the
rocks we see today. We think that these ancient felsic rocks would have been
very common, but the passage of 4 billion years, and the development of plate
tectonics, means that almost nothing remains.
We believe that these rocks
may be the only surviving remnants of a barrage of extraterrestial impacts
which characterized the first 600 million years of Earth History".
The Acasta River is part of
the Slave Craton formation in Northern Canada, north of Yellowknife and the
Great Slave Lake. The area is the homeland of the Tlicho people, which led to
the geologists who discovered the rocks giving them the name
"Idiwhaa", derived from the Tlicho word for ancient.
Commenting, Dr Balz Kamber
(Trinity College Dublin) said that "The idea of making felsic melts by
large or giant impacts seems plausible considering the high-energy nature of
these events and the pockmarked ancient surfaces of other inner Solar System
planets and moons. However, the implied pressure-temperature regime might also
permit melting of shallow crust below a super-heated impact melt sea. In other
words, an indirect consequence of the impact itself".
* Rocks from Jack Hills in
Australia contain zircon crystals from up to 4.4 billion years ago, embedded in
younger rocks.
原始論文:Tim E.
Johnson, Nicholas J. Gardiner, Katarina Miljković, Christopher J. Spencer,
Christopher L. Kirkland, Phil A. Bland, Hugh Smithies. An impact melt
origin for Earth’s oldest known evolved rocks. Nature Geoscience,
2018; DOI: 10.1038/s41561-018-0206-5
Conference 2018. “Meteorite bombardment likely to have created the Earth's
oldest rocks.”