2018年8月16日 星期四


By Talia Ogliore 

「地球上的生命對地表揮發性物質的總量變化相當敏感。」研究第一作者,該大學文理學院地球與行星科學系的地球化學助理教授Rita Parai表示,「而在數十億年的尺度下,地球深部發生的作用和地表的環境變化會互相影響。」
揮發性物質,像是水、二氧化碳和惰性氣體,會經由火山作用從地表噴出,而且也會從大氣注入回地球內部,這兩個作用稱為地函脫氣(mantle degassing)和地函注氣(mantle regassing)。由於這些交換過程決定了對生命來說相當重要的物質比方說碳、氮和水在地表的多寡,因此也控制了一個星球的適居程度。
Parai與加州大學戴維斯分校的Sujoy Mukhopadhyay共同發表的新模型建立出一個時間範圍,此時地球的氣體輸送過程從淨值以脫氣為主的狀態(也就是那些不斷冒出氣體的火山),逐漸傾向淨值為注氣的平衡狀態,這可能是由像是輸送帶一般進行的板塊運動造成的隱沒作用導致。

There and back again: Mantle xenon has a story to tell
Study constrains the history of volatile transport from the atmosphere into the deep Earth
The Earth has been through a lot of changes in its 4.5 billion year history, including a shift to start incorporating and retaining volatile compounds from the atmosphere in the mantle before spewing them out again through volcanic eruptions.
This transport could not have begun much before 2.5 billion years ago, according to new research by Washington University in St. Louis, published in the Aug. 9 issue of the journal Nature.
“Life on Earth cares about changes in the volatile budget of the surface,” said Rita Parai, assistant professor of geochemistry in Earth and Planetary Sciences in Arts & Sciences and first author of the study. “And there’s an interplay between what the deep Earth was doing and how the surface environment changed over billion-year timescales.”
Volatiles — such as water, carbon dioxide and the noble gases — come out of the mantle through volcanism and may be injected into the Earth’s interior from the atmosphere, a pair of processes called mantle degassing and regassing. The exchange controls the habitability of the planet, as it determines the surface availability of compounds that are critical to life — such as carbon, nitrogen and water.
The new model presented by Parai and collaborator Sujoy Mukhopadhyay, of the University of California, Davis, also establishes a range of dates during which the Earth shifted from a net degassing regime — again, think about those oozy volcanoes — to one that tilted the balance to net regassing potentially enabled by subduction, the conveyor-belt action of tectonic plates.
Mechanical properties change as water is added or removed from the mantle, so the onset of regassing had an important effect on the internal churning of the mantle, known as convection, which controls plate motions at the surface, Parai said.
Parai uses noble gases to address questions about how planetary bodies form and evolve over time. In this new research, she modeled the fate and transport of volatile compounds into the Earth’s mantle using xenon isotopes as tracers.
“Xenon is an excellent volatile tracer, because all minerals that carry water also carry xenon,” Parai said. “So if xenon regassing was negligible, water regassing must also have been negligible during the Archean (4 billion-2.5 billion years ago).”
Substantial regassing began sometime between a few hundred million to 2.5 billion years ago, the researchers found.
If plate tectonics and subduction began earlier than 2.5 billion years ago, then perhaps by then the Earth’s interior had cooled sufficiently for volatiles to remain in subducting plates, rather than getting released and percolating back to the surface through magmatism, Parai suggests.
“Most people rarely have an occasion to think about volatiles trapped in the Earth’s interior,” Parai said. “They’re present at low concentrations, but the mantle is huge in terms of mass. So for the Earth’s total volatile budget, the mantle is an important reservoir.”
She plans to focus her future research on pushing the limits of precision in xenon isotopic measurements in a variety of geological samples.
“The more observational constraints we have, the better,” she said.
原始論文:Rita Parai, Sujoy Mukhopadhyay. Xenon isotopic constraints on the history of volatile recycling into the mantleNature, 2018; 560 (7717): 223 DOI: 10.1038/s41586-018-0388-4
引用自:Washington University in St. Louis. "There and back again: Mantle xenon has a story to tell." 

