此篇論文的通訊作者,休士頓大學自然科學學院的助理教授Yingcai Zheng是震波成像的專家,他說自1926年發現深層地震之後,地震學家就一直在試圖瞭解此現象。過往提出的理論包含流體造成的影響、runaway thermal heating或者礦物結晶構造瞬間破壞所造成的固態相變。
參與此研究的研究人員除了Zheng之外,還包括第一作者地球與大氣科學系的博士候選人Jiaxuan Li、地球物理學研究教授Leon Thomsen、地質學教授Thomas J. Lapen,以及深圳南方科技大學地副教授暨休士頓大學的兼任教授Xinding Fang。
「過去50年來,有越來越多的證據顯示大部分的深層地震並不遵守在多數淺層地震中看到的雙偶極輻射模式(double-couple radiation pattern)。」Zheng表示,「我們努力思索為什麼會有這樣的現象發生。」雙偶極模式是由已存在的斷層發生剪力破裂而造成。
研究人員表示即使到了深度更深的地方,還是能發現岩石的非均向性,代表菱鎂礦或排列整齊的碳酸岩質熔融囊(melt pocket)之類的物質,可能參與了產生深層破裂的過程。研究人員提出的非均向性程度相當高――大約有百分之25;而被廣為接受的亞穩定固態相變(meta-stable solid phase change)機制,則無法造成研究人員提出的,造成深層地震輻射模式所需的非均向性。
Researchers report new understanding of deep
Work suggests
deep earthquakes are hosted in anisotropic rocks
Researchers have known for decades that deep earthquakes - those
deeper than 60 kilometers, or about 37 miles below the Earth's surface -
radiate seismic energy differently than those that originate closer to the
surface. But a systematic approach to understanding why has been lacking.
Now a team of researchers
from the University of Houston has reported a way to analyze seismic wave
radiation patterns in deep earthquakes to suggest global deep earthquakes are
in anisotropic rocks, something that had not previously been done. The rock
anisotropy refers to differences in seismic wave propagation speeds when
measured along different directions.
Their findings were
published Monday, July 30, by the journal Nature Geoscience.
Most earthquakes occur at
shallow depths, according to the U.S. Geological Survey, and they generally
cause more damage than deeper earthquakes. But there are still substantial
questions about the causes of deep earthquakes.
Normal rocks are ductile,
or pliable, at these great depths because of high temperature and thus aren't
able to rupture in an abrupt fashion to produce deep earthquakes, which occur
below subduction zones where two tectonic plates collide at ocean trenches. The
plate being pushed under is referred to as the subducting slab. The fact that
deep earthquakes occur only in these slabs suggests some unusual process is
happening within the slab.
Yingcai Zheng, assistant
professor of seismic imaging in the UH College of Natural Sciences
and Mathematics and corresponding author for the paper, said seismologists have
sought to understand deep earthquakes since the phenomenon was discovered in 1926.
Hypotheses include the effect of fluids, runaway thermal heating or solid-phase
change due to sudden collapse of the mineral crystal structure.
In addition to Zheng,
researchers involved in the work include the first author Jiaxuan Li, a Ph.D.
candidate in the Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences; Leon Thomsen,
research professor of geophysics; Thomas J. Lapen, professor of geology; and
Xinding Fang, adjunct professor at UH and concurrently associate
professor at the Southern University of Science and Technology China.
"Over the past 50
years, there has been growing evidence that a large proportion of deep
earthquakes do not follow the double-couple radiation pattern seen in most
shallow earthquakes," Zheng said. "We set out to look at why that
happens." The double-couple pattern is caused by a shear rupture of a
pre-existing fault.
The work, funded by the
National Science Foundation, looked at potential reasons for the differing
radiation patterns; Zheng said earlier theories suggest that deep earthquakes
stem from a different rupture mechanism and possibly different physical and
chemical processes than those that spark shallow earthquakes.
But after studying the
radiation patterns of 1,057 deep earthquakes at six subduction zones worldwide,
the researchers determined another explanation. They found that the surrounding
rock fabric enclosing the deep quake alters the seismic radiation into a
non-double-couple pattern. "Both the common double-couple radiation
patterns and uncommon patterns of deep earthquakes can be explained
simultaneously by shear rupture in a laminated rock fabric," Li said.
Before the subducting plate
enters the trench, it can absorb sea water to form hydrated anisotropic
minerals. As the slab descends in the Earth's mantle, the water can be expelled
due to high pressure and high temperature conditions, a process known as
dehydration. The dehydration and strong shearing along the slab interface can
make the rock brittle and lead to rupture in intermediate-depth earthquakes,
defined as those between 60 kilometers and 300 kilometers deep (37 miles to 186
"We found at these
depths that the anisotropic rock fabric is always parallel to the slab surface,
although the slab can change directions greatly from place to place," Li
Anisotropy is also found in
rocks at even greater depths, which suggests materials such as magnesite or
aligned carbonatite melt pockets may be involved in generating the deep
ruptures, the researchers said. Because the inferred anisotropy is high --
about 25 percent -- the widely believed meta-stable solid phase change
mechanism is not able to provide the needed anisotropy inferred by the
原始論文:Jiaxuan Li,
Yingcai Zheng, Leon Thomsen, Thomas J. Lapen, Xinding Fang. Deep
earthquakes in subducting slabs hosted in highly anisotropic rock fabric. Nature
Geoscience, 2018; DOI: 10.1038/s41561-018-0188-3
引用自:University of Houston. "UH Researchers
Report New Understanding of Deep Earthquakes"