2018年1月26日 星期五


成員包括紐約州立大學賓漢頓大學的Rolf Quam,由以色列臺拉維夫大學的Israel Hershkovitz領導的國際大型團隊發現了在非洲之外找到過的最古老現代人類化石。這項發現顯示現代人離開非洲的時間至少比之前認為的還要早了50000年。
Misliya是項令人興奮的發現。」共同作者,賓漢頓大學的人類學教授Rolf Quam表示,「它呈現了迄今最清楚的證據,顯示我們祖先從非洲遷移出去的時間比過去認為的還要早上許多。這也意謂現代人可能有更長的時間跟其他古人族相遇並產生互動,使他們有更多機會產生文化以及生物層面上的交流。」
這篇文章The earliest modern humans outside Africa」發表於期刊《科學》(Science)

Scientists discover oldest known modern human fossil outside of Africa
A large international research team, led by Israel Hershkovitz from Tel Aviv University and including Rolf Quam from Binghamton University, State University of New York, has discovered the earliest modern human fossil ever found outside of Africa. The finding suggests that modern humans left the continent at least 50,000 years earlier than previously thought.
“Misliya is an exciting discovery,” says Rolf Quam, Binghamton University anthropology professor and a coauthor of the study. “It provides the clearest evidence yet that our ancestors first migrated out of Africa much earlier than we previously believed. It also means that modern humans were potentially meeting and interacting during a longer period of time with other archaic human groups, providing more opportunity for cultural and biological exchanges.”
The fossil, an upper jawbone with several teeth, was found at a site called Misliya Cave in Israel, one of several prehistoric cave sites located on Mount Carmel. Several dating techniques applied to archaeological materials and the fossil itself suggest the jawbone is between 175,000-200,000 years old, pushing back the modern human migration out of Africa by at least 50,000 years.
Researchers analyzed the fossil remains relying on microCT scans and 3D virtual models and compared it with other hominin fossils from Africa, Europe and Asia.
“While all of the anatomical details in the Misliya fossil are fully consistent with modern humans, some features are also found in Neandertals and other human groups,” said Quam, associate professor of anthropology at Binghamton. “One of the challenges in this study was identifying features in Misliya that are found only in modern humans. These are the features that provide the clearest signal of what species the Misliya fossil represents.”
The archaeological evidence reveals that the inhabitants of Misliya Cave were capable hunters of large game species, controlled the production of fire and were associated with an Early Middle Paleolithic stone tool kit, similar to that found with the earliest modern humans in Africa.
While older fossils of modern humans have been found in Africa, the timing and routes of modern human migration out of Africa are key issues for understanding the evolution of our own species, said the researchers. The region of the Middle East represents a major corridor for hominin migrations during the Pleistocene and has been occupied at different times by both modern humans and Neandertals.
This new discovery opens the door to demographic replacement or genetic admixture with local populations earlier than previously thought, said Quam. Indeed, the evidence from Misliya is consistent with recent suggestions based on ancient DNA for an earlier migration, prior to 220,000 years ago, of modern humans out of Africa. Several recent archaeological and fossil discoveries in Asia are also pushing back the first appearance of modern humans in the region and, by implication, the migration out of Africa.
The article, “The earliest modern humans outside Africa,” was published in Science Magazine.
原始論文:Israel Hershkovitz, Gerhard W. Weber, Rolf Quam, Mathieu Duval, Rainer Grün, Leslie Kinsley, Avner Ayalon, Miryam Bar-Matthews, Helene Valladas, Norbert Mercier, Juan Luis Arsuaga, María Martinón-Torres, José María Bermúdez de Castro, Cinzia Fornai, Laura Martín-Francés, Rachel Sarig, Hila May, Viktoria A. Krenn, Viviane Slon, Laura Rodríguez, Rebeca García, Carlos Lorenzo, Jose Miguel Carretero, Amos Frumkin, Ruth Shahack-Gross, Daniella E. Bar-Yosef Mayer, Yaming Cui, Xinzhi Wu, Natan Peled, Iris Groman-Yaroslavski, Lior Weissbrod, Reuven Yeshurun, Alexander Tsatskin, Yossi Zaidner, Mina Weinstein-Evron. The earliest modern humans outside AfricaScience, 26 Jan 2018 456-459 DOI: 10.1126/science.aap8369
引用自:Binghamton University. "Scientists discover oldest known modern human fossil outside of Africa."

2018年1月25日 星期四


但卡內基研究院的Yingwei Fei,以及同時隸屬於卡內基研究院和史密森尼學會的Colin Jackson領導的團隊進行的新研究,卻主張地函和地核的分離過程並非很有秩序地進行。
JacksonFei和共同作者――卡內基研究院的Neil BennettZhixue Du,以及史密森尼學會的Elizabeth Cottrell,利用鑽石高壓砧來重現地球的地核從地函分離時的極端環境,來測量碘在當時如何分散至金屬地核和矽酸鹽質地函。他們也證實了如果地函還在成長時最深處就已經分離出原型地核,則地函中這些區塊擁有的化學性質可以解釋現今觀察到鎢和氙同位素呈現的特殊訊號,代表直到今日這些區塊和地函其他區域始終沒有完全混和。
「讓人更加興奮的是有越來越多地球物理證據顯示,緊鄰在地核上方的地函事實上有些密度較高的區域,它們被稱為超低速帶(ultralow velocity zones)或是大型低剪力波速群(large low shear velocity provinces)。而我們的研究成果和這些觀察可以緊密結合。」Fei補充,「我們在此研究中發展的方法也讓我們擁有新的機會能夠直接研究在地球深處發生的作用。」

Earth's core and mantle separated in a disorderly fashion
Plumes of hot rock surging upward from the Earth's mantle at volcanic hotspots contain evidence that the Earth's formative years may have been even more chaotic than previously thought, according to new work from a team of Carnegie and Smithsonian scientists published in Nature.
It is well understood that Earth formed from the accretion of matter surrounding the young Sun. Eventually the planet grew to such a size that denser iron metal sank inward, to form the beginnings of the Earth's core, leaving the silicate-rich mantle floating above.
But new work from a team led by Carnegie's Yingwei Fei and Carnegie and the Smithsonian's Colin Jackson argues that this mantle and core separation was not such an orderly process.
"Our findings suggest that as the core was extracted from the mantle, the mantle never fully mixed," Jackson explained. "This is surprising because core formation happened in the immediate wake of large impacts from other early Solar System objects that Earth experienced during its growth, similar to the giant impact event that later formed the Moon. Before now, it was widely thought that these very energetic impacts would have completely stirred the mantle, mixing all of its components into a uniform state."
The smoking gun that led the team to their hypothesis comes from unique and ancient tungsten and xenon isotopic signatures found at volcanic hotspots, such as Hawaii. Although it was believed that these plumes originated from the mantle's deepest regions, the origin of these unique isotopic signatures has been debated. The team believes that the answer lies in the chemical behavior of iodine, the parent element of xenon, at very high pressure.
Isotopes are versions of elements with the same number of protons, but different numbers of neutrons. Radioactive isotope of elements, such as iodine-129, are unstable. To gain stability, iodine-129 decays into xenon-129. Therefore, the xenon isotopic signatures in plume mantle samples are directly related to iodine's behavior during the period of core-mantle separation.
Using diamond anvil cells to recreate the extreme conditions under which Earth's core separated from its mantle, Jackson, Fei, and their colleagues -- Carnegie's Neil Bennett and Zhixue Du and Smithsonian's Elizabeth Cottrell -- determined how iodine was partitioning between metallic core and silicate mantle. They also demonstrated that if the nascent core separated from the deepest regions of the mantle while it was still growing, then these pockets of the mantle would possess the chemistry needed to explain the unique tungsten and xenon isotopic signatures, provided these pockets remained unmixed with the rest of the mantle all the way up through the present day.
According to Bennett: "The key behavior we identified was that iodine starts to dissolve into the core under very high pressures and temperatures. At these extreme conditions, iodine and hafnium, which decay radioactively to xenon and tungsten, display opposing preferences for core-forming metal. This behavior would lead to the same unique isotopic signatures now associated with hotspots."
Calculations from the team also predict that the tungsten and xenon isotopic signatures should be associated with dense pockets of the mantle.
"Like chocolate chips in cookie batter, these dense pockets of the mantle would be very difficult stir back in, and this may be a crucial aspect to the retention of their ancient tungsten and xenon isotopic signatures to the modern day," Jackson explained.
"Even more exciting is that there is increasing geophysical evidence that there actually are dense regions of mantle, resting just above the core -- called ultralow velocity zones and large low shear velocity provinces. This work ties together these observations," Fei added. "The methodology developed here also opens new opportunities for directly studying the deep Earth processes."
This work was supported by the National Science Foundation, the Carnegie Institution for Science, and the Smithsonian Institution.
原始論文:Colin R. M. Jackson, Neil R. Bennett, Zhixue Du, Elizabeth Cottrell & Yingwei Fei. Early episodes of high-pressure core formation preserved in plume mantleNature, 2018 DOI: 10.1038/nature25446

引用自:Carnegie Institution for Science. "Earth's core and mantle separated in a disorderly fashion."

2018年1月24日 星期三


Andrault和其同事運用一種不同方式來測量地函的固相線:他們在極端高溫高壓的實驗環境下就地分析樣品是否有熔融產生。雖然就技術層面來說相當困難,但研究人員利用X光繞射和電導率成功測量出他們的樣品中不到整體體積1%的熔融物質,使得他們呈現的地函熔點或許是目前為止最貼近真實情況的。在較低的壓力下,他們的實驗結果跟過往的研究相當符合。然而,在壓力到達7 GPa以上,相當於地下大約200公里以下的時候,他們發現地函的固相線比之前的估計還要低200250°C

An Archaean mushy mantle
Stephen Parman
Experimental data reveal that Earth’s mantle melts more readily than previously thought, and may have remained mushy until two to three billion years ago.
Earth was completely molten when it formed 4.56 billion years ago, and it has been cooling ever since. Today, most of the Earth has solidified. The outer part of the metallic iron core is still liquid — the last survivor of the originally molten Earth. But the rocky, silicate mantle that surrounds the core is largely solid. The mantle has probably been solid for most of Earth’s history. Or so we thought. Writing in Nature Geoscience, Andrault and colleagues present high-pressure melting experiments that indicate that the mantle can melt at temperatures 200 to 250 °C lower than previously thought. So, 2 to 3 billion years ago, when Earth was hotter than today, much of the mantle could have been partially molten. The transition from an early mushy mantle to a solid one may have generated several significant changes attributed to this time period, including the shift to plate tectonics.
Earth’s temperature increases from essentially zero at the surface to thousands of degrees Celsius at the centre. But this geothermal gradient is not a simple, smooth curve. Chemical heterogeneities, phase changes and differing modes of heat transport (conduction versus convection) combine to yield a geothermal gradient with varying slopes and numerous jumps. The temperature at which the solid mantle begins to melt — the solidus — also increases with depth. The slope is generally shallower than the geothermal gradient and, at low pressures, the solidus can cross the geothermal gradient, causing melting to occur.
Indeed, volcanic eruptions at Earth’s surface are evidence that the present-day mantle does melt in some places. Today, the mid-ocean ridges mark the primary location where the mantle solidus and geothermal gradient coincide. Melting and magmatism at these ridges — which encircle the globe — produces two-thirds of our planet’s crust. Still, the proportion of the total mantle that melts is small because most of it exists at temperatures below the solidus.
The mantle solidus is measured experimentally by heating rock samples representative of Earth’s interior over a range of pressures. But this is no easy task and has challenged experimentalists for decades, with studies producing widely disparate results. In most experiments, the presence of melt is determined by closely examining the sample after the experiment, once it has cooled to room temperature. However, finding tiny amounts of melt this way can be like searching for a needle in a haystack. Often the melts crystallize when the sample is cooled, making their identification nearly impossible.
Andrault and colleagues1 use a different approach to measure the mantle solidus. They analyse their samples for the existence of melt in situ at extreme high pressure and temperature. This is technically quite challenging, but the researchers use X-ray diffraction and electrical conductivity to detect less than 1 vol% melt in their samples, thus providing possibly the best constraints yet on the mantle’s melting point. At relatively low pressures, their experiments match previous work. However, at pressures above 7 GPa, which corresponds to a depth of about 200 km, they find that the mantle solidus is 200 to 250 °C lower than previous estimates.
Today, most of the mantle exists at temperatures below this newly determined solidus. But the early Earth was warmer. Although Earth’s exact cooling rate is not well constrained, it is plausible that 2 to 3 billion years ago, most of the mantle was above the solidus temperature and could have been mushy — composed of both magmatic melt and crystals. The existence of extensive mushy mantle would have lowered the viscosity of the mantle and changed the amount and types of volcanism on the planet.
Many geologic observations suggest this period 2 to 3 billion years ago was a time of great change on Earth: there was a spike in crustal ages, indicative of either increased crustal production or preservation, some lava types ceased production, oxygen rose in the atmosphere for the first time, and the first pervasive signs of plate tectonics appeared. What drove these changes is debated, but a transition from a mushy to a solid mantle provides a plausible and elegantly simple mechanism. Specifically, Andrault and colleagues propose that a mushy layer could have decoupled the mantle from the overlying lithosphere. As Earth cooled and the mush layer crystallized, the mantle and lithospheric plates could have become coupled, triggering the onset of subduction and plate tectonics, among other changes.
Although the in situ methods used by Andrault and colleagues are sensitive to the presence of exceedingly small amounts of melt, they do not readily quantify the amount of melt present. Future work will need to measure how quickly the amount of melt increases as temperature rises above the solidus (the melting rate). Previous work suggests that the melting rate can be highly non-linear, with very low rates of melt production at temperatures near the solidus and a dramatic increase in melt production only when a threshold temperature is reached. The higher-temperature solidi found by previous less-sensitive experimental approaches may actually be this threshold point, where the melt percent rises above about 1 vol%. If so, the difference between the modern and ancient mantle may be the presence of only a small amount of melt. Whether that would be enough to explain the large changes seen 2 to 3 billion years ago is not yet clear.
Andrault and colleagues use high-pressure experiments to show that the mantle solidus is lower than previously estimated, implying that it could have remained partially molten for much of the Archaean. Significant changes on Earth in this time period, including the initiation of plate subduction, may have resulted from this delayed solidification.
原始論文:Denis Andrault, Giacomo Pesce, Geeth Manthilake, Julien Monteux, Nathalie Bolfan-Casanova, Julien Chantel, Davide Novella, Nicolas Guignot, Andrew King, Jean-Paul Itié & Louis Hennet. Deep and persistent melt layer in the Archaean mantle. Nature Geoscience, 2018; doi:10.1038/s41561-017-0053-9

引用自:Stephen Parman. An Archaean mushy mantle. Nature Geoscience, 2018; doi:10.1038/s41561-018-0060-5

2018年1月22日 星期一


Maya L. Gomes
大約在25億年前,地球大氣的氧濃度突然開始飆升。此次「大氧化事件」(Great Oxidation Event)造成地表的生態系從無氧為主轉變成有氧狀態,最終使地球演化出複雜的生命形式。藍綠菌是此次變化的推手之一,這種細菌演化出的能力可以把水當作電子供應者來獲得能量,並釋放出副產物――氧氣。但是科學家仍不清楚大氧化事件是在產氧光合作用演化出來之後立刻發生,或者是一段時間之後才因為其他演化革新或是環境因素而引發。Eickmann等人在《自然―地質科學》(Nature Geoscience)撰寫的論文中,呈現的證據指出大約在30億年前的太古宙中期,海洋近岸地區有座氧氣綠洲。意謂藍綠菌演化出產氧光合作用之後過一段時間大氣才開始出現大規模的氧化現象。
Eickmann和其同事決心要解決此矛盾。他們呈現的硫同位素數據來自南非沉積岩中的黃鐵礦,其形成於30億年前卡普瓦克拉通(Kaapvaal Craton)上受到潮汐影響的淺海環境。數據中的黃鐵礦有兩種不同類型:全岩樣品磨碎後取出的浸染狀黃鐵礦細粒,以及用微鑽孔得到的黃鐵礦結核樣品。浸染狀黃鐵礦細粒跟過往研究一致,並沒有確切證據顯示曾經發生過跟質量相關的硫同位素分餾作用。相較之下,黃鐵礦結核的硫同位素訊號卻指示了在富含硫酸鹽的環境下,由微生物進行的跟質量相關的硫同位素分餾作用。相當重要的一點是,兩種類型的黃鐵礦都含有跟質量無關的硫同位素訊號,表示它們是在幾乎無氧的大氣中沉積而成。因此,當時必定有一座維持高硫酸鹽濃度的氧氣綠洲,使得黃鐵礦結核擁有跟質量相關的硫同位素訊號。

An Archaean oxygen oasis
The first of two stepwise increases in atmospheric oxygen occurred at the end of the Archaean eon. Analyses of sulfur and iron isotopes in pyrite reveal a near-shore environment that hosted locally oxygenated conditions in the Mesoarchaean era.
About 2.5 billion years ago, oxygen concentrations in the Earth’s atmosphere rose sharply. This Great Oxidation Event1,2 caused a transition from dominantly anaerobic to aerobic surface ecosystems, and ultimately led to the evolution of complex life on Earth. The agents of change were cyanobacteria, a type of bacteria that evolved the ability to gain energy using water as an electron donor, and release oxygen as a by-product. But it is not clear whether the Great Oxidation Event immediately followed the evolution of oxygenic photosynthesis or was initiated later by another evolutionary innovation or environmental driver. Writing in Nature Geoscience, Eickmann et al.3 present geochemical evidence for the existence of a near-shore marine oxygen oasis about 3 billion years ago, in the Mesoarchaean era. This suggests a delay between the evolution of oxygenic photosynthesis by cyanobacteria and the later widespread oxygenation of the atmosphere.
As the Mesoarchaean (3.2–2.8 billion years ago) falls before the Great Oxidation Event, atmospheric conditions are thought to have been mostly anoxic. Under an anoxic atmosphere, photochemical reactions can fractionate sulfur isotopes independent of mass. Thus, the change from mass-independent sulfur isotopic signatures preserved in older rocks to their absence in rocks younger than 2.45 billion years old is considered to be conclusive proof of the rise of oxygen at the Great Oxidation Event1. However, the mass-independent sulfur signal is muted during the Mesoarchaean, presenting a conundrum. This muted signal could be due to differences in atmospheric photochemistry4or dilution of the signal by sulfur with a mass-dependent signal. A likely culprit for the latter is the contribution of sulfur with a mass-dependent signal from microbial sulfate reduction. This requires high sulfate levels generated by enhanced oxidative weathering on land under an oxygenated atmosphere. But lack of evidence for mass-dependent fractionations in the Mesoarchaean has previously hampered the interpretation that mass-independent signatures were dampened by inputs from microbial sulfate reduction under elevated atmospheric oxygen and marine sulfate levels.
Eickmann and colleagues3 aim to resolve this conundrum. They present sulfur isotope data from pyrites in sediments from South Africa that were deposited 3 billion years ago in a tide-influenced, shallow-marine environment on the Kaapvaal Craton. The data come from two distinct types of pyrites: finely disseminated pyrite from powdered whole-rock samples and pyrite nodules that were sampled by micro-drilling. The finely disseminated pyrites show no conclusive evidence of mass-dependent sulfur isotope fractionation, in line with previous studies. In contrast, sulfur isotope signatures from the pyrite nodules are indicative of mass-dependent sulfur fractionation by microbial sulfate reduction in a sulfate-rich environment. Importantly, both types of pyrite carry mass-independent sulfur isotope signals indicating that they were deposited under a largely anoxic atmosphere. Thus, a localized oxygen oasis must have maintained sufficiently high sulfate levels to impart the mass-dependent sulfur isotope signals in the pyrite nodules.
To further explore redox heterogeneity and biogeochemical cycling in this Mesoarchaean shallow-marine environment, Eickmann and colleagues also analyse iron isotopes. They show that the pyrite nodules are depleted in the heavy iron isotope relative to iron that entered the Mesoarchaean deep sea from hydrothermal vents. The hydrothermally sourced iron became progressively depleted during upwelling owing to oxidation and subsequent precipitation, either by microbially mediated reactions or abiotic reactions in the presence of free oxygen. Eickmann et al. hypothesize that the residual iron reaching the near-shore environment was completely oxidized, inheriting the light isotope signal, and was the source of iron for pyrite nodule formation after subsequent reduction in the sediment.
The interpretation that the sulfur and iron isotopes indicate locally oxidized conditions relies on the assumption that the pyrite nodules were formed during early diagenesis and thus preserve information about the near-shore environment. The authors present geochemical and textural evidence in support of a primary environmental signal, similar to other Archaean pyrite nodule studies5. Understanding why the nodule pyrites in this study have different sulfur isotope signals from the disseminated pyrites if they formed from dissolution of disseminated pyrite in the sediments during early diagenesis6 may provide additional information about redox heterogeneity in Mesoarchaean oceans.
Although Eickmann and colleagues advance our understanding of the muted mass-independent signal in the Mesoarchaean, the oxygen oasis interpretation is, by nature, a localized condition. Thus, a challenge remains to explain how these local conditions might be related to the muted sulfur signature that is found in all the data generated from sediments deposited over approximately 400 million years. Further, after the Mesoarchaean — in the Neoarchaean — the mass-independent sulfur signal should continue to be increasingly diluted as sulfate accumulates in the ocean through oxidative weathering of terrestrial pyrite. But, in fact, the mass-independent signal is stronger in the Neoarchaean4. This could imply that the oxygen levels decreased in the Neoarchaean before the Great Oxidation Event. Alternatively, there may be additional processes, not yet recognized, of sulfur cycling associated with changing atmospheric photochemistry that strengthens the mass-independent signal.
The cause of the rapid rise of atmospheric oxygen at the end of the Archaean remains enigmatic. Biological innovations by existing cyanobacteria could have led to an expansion of their oxygenic photosynthetic activity and the accumulation of free oxygen in the atmosphere7. Or environmental changes, such as a global glaciation, could have led to a state change in biogeochemical cycling that tipped the scale towards higher atmospheric oxygen levels8. Either way, these hypotheses need to be tested in the rock record, and Eickmann and colleagues contribute an important piece of evidence that will be used to solve the mystery of the Great Oxidation Event.
There are many nuances in the sulfur isotope record of the Archaean. Although not necessarily absolving the cyanobacteria of responsibility, Eickmann and colleagues3provide further geochemical evidence to suggest that oxygen releasing cyanobacteria were present and active long before the Great Oxidation Event.
原始論文:Benjamin Eickmann, Axel Hofmann, Martin Wille, Thi Hao Bui, Boswell A. Wing & Ronny Schoenberg. Isotopic evidence for oxygenated Mesoarchaean shallow oceans. Nature Geoscience, 2018; Doi:10.1038/s41561-017-0036-x
引用自:Maya L. Gomes. An Archaean oxygen oasis. Nature Geoscience, 2018.