成員包括紐約州立大學―賓漢頓大學的Rolf Quam,由以色列臺拉維夫大學的Israel Hershkovitz領導的國際大型團隊發現了在非洲之外找到過的最古老現代人類化石。這項發現顯示現代人離開非洲的時間至少比之前認為的還要早了50000年。
「Misliya是項令人興奮的發現。」共同作者,賓漢頓大學的人類學教授Rolf Quam表示,「它呈現了迄今最清楚的證據,顯示我們祖先從非洲遷移出去的時間比過去認為的還要早上許多。這也意謂現代人可能有更長的時間跟其他古人族相遇並產生互動,使他們有更多機會產生文化以及生物層面上的交流。」
這篇文章「The earliest modern humans outside Africa」發表於期刊《科學》(Science)。
Scientists discover oldest known modern
human fossil outside of Africa
A large international research team, led by Israel Hershkovitz
from Tel Aviv University and including Rolf Quam from Binghamton University,
State University of New York, has discovered the earliest modern human
fossil ever found outside of Africa. The finding suggests that modern humans
left the continent at least 50,000 years earlier than previously thought.
“Misliya is an exciting
discovery,” says Rolf Quam, Binghamton University anthropology professor and a
coauthor of the study. “It provides the clearest evidence yet that our
ancestors first migrated out of Africa much earlier than we previously
believed. It also means that modern humans were potentially meeting and interacting
during a longer period of time with other archaic human groups, providing more
opportunity for cultural and biological exchanges.”
The fossil, an upper
jawbone with several teeth, was found at a site called Misliya Cave in Israel,
one of several prehistoric cave sites located on Mount Carmel. Several dating
techniques applied to archaeological materials and the fossil itself suggest
the jawbone is between 175,000-200,000 years old, pushing back the modern human
migration out of Africa by at least 50,000 years.
Researchers analyzed the
fossil remains relying on microCT scans and 3D virtual models and compared it
with other hominin fossils from Africa, Europe and Asia.
“While all of the
anatomical details in the Misliya fossil are fully consistent with modern
humans, some features are also found in Neandertals and other human groups,”
said Quam, associate professor of anthropology at Binghamton. “One of the
challenges in this study was identifying features in Misliya that are found
only in modern humans. These are the features that provide the clearest signal
of what species the Misliya fossil represents.”
The archaeological evidence
reveals that the inhabitants of Misliya Cave were capable hunters of large game
species, controlled the production of fire and were associated with an Early
Middle Paleolithic stone tool kit, similar to that found with the earliest
modern humans in Africa.
While older fossils of
modern humans have been found in Africa, the timing and routes of modern human
migration out of Africa are key issues for understanding the evolution of our
own species, said the researchers. The region of the Middle East represents a
major corridor for hominin migrations during the Pleistocene and has been
occupied at different times by both modern humans and Neandertals.
This new discovery opens
the door to demographic replacement or genetic admixture with local populations
earlier than previously thought, said Quam. Indeed, the evidence from Misliya
is consistent with recent suggestions based on ancient DNA for an earlier
migration, prior to 220,000 years ago, of modern humans out of Africa. Several
recent archaeological and fossil discoveries in Asia are also pushing back the
first appearance of modern humans in the region and, by implication, the
migration out of Africa.
The article, “The earliest
modern humans outside Africa,” was published in Science Magazine.
Hershkovitz, Gerhard W. Weber, Rolf Quam, Mathieu Duval, Rainer Grün, Leslie
Kinsley, Avner Ayalon, Miryam Bar-Matthews, Helene Valladas, Norbert Mercier,
Juan Luis Arsuaga, María Martinón-Torres, José María Bermúdez de Castro, Cinzia
Fornai, Laura Martín-Francés, Rachel Sarig, Hila May, Viktoria A. Krenn,
Viviane Slon, Laura Rodríguez, Rebeca García, Carlos Lorenzo, Jose Miguel
Carretero, Amos Frumkin, Ruth Shahack-Gross, Daniella E. Bar-Yosef Mayer,
Yaming Cui, Xinzhi Wu, Natan Peled, Iris Groman-Yaroslavski, Lior Weissbrod,
Reuven Yeshurun, Alexander Tsatskin, Yossi Zaidner, Mina Weinstein-Evron. The
earliest modern humans outside Africa. Science, 26 Jan 2018
456-459 DOI: 10.1126/science.aap8369
引用自:Binghamton University. "Scientists
discover oldest known modern human fossil outside of Africa."