他們的研究描述了化石碳――地球最古老單細胞生物的遺骸,是如何自24億年前左右開始進入地球內部深處並封於其中,此時也是大氣氧氣劇烈上升的時間點。這篇論文本周刊登於期刊《自然―地質科學》(Nature Geoscience)的線上版。
「這是一項很有趣的概念,為了讓更複雜的生物演化出來,最早的生命形式必須深埋於地函內部。」萊斯大學的地球科學教授Rajdeep Dasgupta表示,「要讓埋藏作用發生牽涉到兩種機制。首先,你需要某種形式的板塊運動,它可以將早期生命形式含有的碳帶回地球內部。第二,你需要適當的地球化學條件,才能把有機碳運至地球內部深處,而讓它們離開地表環境很長一段時間。」
在許多古老岩石中清楚呈現的「大氧化事件」(great oxidation event)係指大氣氧濃度急遽上升的現象,但其成因仍然尚無定論。由於地質學家熟知此事件,因此他們常將其簡稱為「GOE」。雖然如此,但科學家仍沒有共識是什麼造成了GOE。舉例來說,科學家知道地球最早的已知生命之一――單細胞的藍綠菌會捕捉大氣中的二氧化碳並釋放出氧氣。但是近期發現的化石將早期生命出現的時間點越來越往前推,科學家現在知道至少在GOE發生的5億年以前,藍綠菌就已經十分興盛。
「藍綠菌也許佔有一席之地,但是GOE實在太過劇烈――在這段期間氧氣濃度增加了多達10000倍――不可能單靠藍綠菌來解釋。」在萊斯大學進行博士論文研究的主要共同作者Megan Duncan表示,「必須要有一種機制來大量移除空氣中的還原碳,才能改變系統中的相對氧含量。」
研究支持了2016年同樣是萊斯大學的岩石學家Cin-Ty Lee和其同僚於論文中的發現。他們提出板塊運動、陸地形成以及早期生命的出現是形成氧含量豐富的地球大氣的關鍵要素。
Early organic
carbon got deep burial in mantle
Petrology experiments support tectonic role in Earth's
'great oxidation event'
Rice University petrologists who
recreated hot, high-pressure conditions from 60 miles below Earth's surface
have found a new clue about a crucial event in the planet's deep past.
study describes how fossilized carbon -- the remains of Earth's earliest
single-celled creatures -- could have been subsumed and locked deep in Earth's
interior starting around 2.4 billion years ago -- a time when atmospheric
oxygen rose dramatically. The paper appears online this week in the journal Nature Geoscience.
an interesting concept, but in order for complex life to evolve, the earliest
form of life needed to be deeply buried in the planet's mantle," said
Rajdeep Dasgupta, a professor of Earth science at Rice. "The mechanism for
that burial comes in two parts. First, you need some form of plate tectonics, a
mechanism to carry the carbon remains of early life-forms back into Earth.
Second, you need the correct geochemistry so that organic carbon can be carried
deeply into Earth's interior and thereby removed from the surface environment
for a long time."
issue is what caused the "great oxidation event," a steep increase in
atmospheric oxygen that is well-documented in countless ancient rocks. The
event is so well-known to geologists that they often simply refer to it as the
"GOE." But despite this familiarity, there's no scientific consensus
about what caused the GOE. For example, scientists know Earth's earliest known
life, single-celled cyanobacteria, drew down carbon dioxide from the atmosphere
and released oxygen. But the appearance of early life has been pushed further
and further into the past with recent fossil discoveries, and scientists now
know that cyanobacteria were prevalent at least 500 million years before the
may have played a role, but the GOE was so dramatic -- oxygen concentration
increased as much as 10,000 times -- that cyanobacteria by themselves could not
account for it," said lead co-author Megan Duncan, who conducted the
research for her Ph.D. dissertation at Rice. "There also has to be a
mechanism to remove a significant amount of reduced carbon from the biosphere,
and thereby shift the relative concentration of oxygen within the system,"
she said.
carbon without removing oxygen requires special circumstances because the two
elements are prone to bind with one another. They form one of the key
components of the atmosphere -- carbon dioxide -- as well as all types of
carbonate rocks.
and Duncan found that the chemical composition of the "silicate melt"
-- subducting crustal rock that melts and rises back to the surface through
volcanic eruptions -- plays a crucial role in determining whether fossilized
organic carbon, or graphite, sinks into the mantle or rises back to the surface
through volcanism.
now a research scientist at the Carnegie Institution in Washington, D.C., said
the study is the first to examine the graphite-carrying capacity of a type of
melt known as rhyolite, which is commonly produced deep in the mantle and
carries significant amounts of carbon to the volcanoes. She said the
graphite-carrying capacity of rhyolitic rock is crucial because if graphite is
prone to hitching a ride back to the surface via extraction of rhyolitic melt,
it would not have been buried in sufficient quantities to account for the GOE.
composition plays an important role," she said. "Scientists have
previously looked at carbon-carrying capacities in compositions that were much
more magnesium-rich and silicon-poor. But the compositions of these rhyolitic
melts are high in silicon and aluminum and have very little calcium, magnesium
and iron. That matters because calcium and magnesium are cations, and they
change the amount of carbon you can dissolve."
and Duncan found that rhyolitic melts could dissolve very little graphite, even
when very hot.
was one of our motivations," said Dasgupta, professor of Earth science.
"If subduction zones in the past were very hot and produced a substantial
amount of melt, could they completely destabilize organic carbon and release it
back to the surface?
we showed was that even at very, very high temperatures, not much of this
graphitic carbon dissolves in the melt," he said. "So even though the
temperature is high and you produce a lot of melt, this organic carbon is not
very soluble in that melt, and the carbon gets buried in the mantle as a
is neat is that with the onset and the expected tempo of crustal burial into
the deep mantle starting just prior to the GOE, and with our experimental data
on the efficiency of deep burial of reduced carbon, we could model the expected
rise of atmospheric oxygen across the GOE," Dasgupta said.
research supports the findings of a 2016 paper by fellow Rice petrologist
Cin-Ty Lee and colleagues that suggested that plate tectonics, continent
formation and the appearance of early life were key factors in the development
of an oxygen-rich atmosphere on Earth.
who increasingly focuses on exoplanetary systems, said the research could
provide important clues about what scientists should look for when evaluating
which exoplanets could support life.
原始論文:Megan S. Duncan, Rajdeep Dasgupta. Rise of
Earth’s atmospheric oxygen controlled by efficient subduction of organic carbon. Nature
Geoscience, 2017; DOI: 10.1038/ngeo2939
引用自:Rice University. "Early organic carbon got deep burial
in mantle: Petrology experiments support tectonic role in Earth's 'great
oxidation event'." ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 25 April 2017.