刊登在期刊《科學前緣》(Science Advances)的新研究挑戰了我們對於火山弧熔岩形成方式的理解,或許對地震和火山爆發災害的研究有所啟發。
「我們的研究清楚顯示現行的液體/沉積物熔融模型並不正確。」WHOI的地質學家,同時也是本論文的主要作者Sune Nielsen表示,「這項結論十分重要,因為最近20年對於隱沒帶的地球物理和地球化學資料,幾乎都是根據此模型來詮釋它們的意義。」
此研究奠基於一篇之前出版的論文,作者為德國法蘭克福歌德大學的教授Horst Marschall,他是Nielsen的同事和此研究的共同作者。根據對混雜岩露頭進行的野外觀察,Marschall注意到稱作貫入體(diapir)――由混雜岩物質形成的低密度液滴,可能會從隱沒板塊的表面緩緩上升,而將混和均勻的物質帶到火山弧之下的地函。
Volcanic arcs
form by deep melting of rock mixtures
Study changes our understanding of processes inside
subduction zones
Beneath the ocean, massive
tectonic plates collide and grind against one another, which drives one below
the other. This powerful collision, called subduction, is responsible for
forming volcanic arcs that are home to some of Earth's most dramatic geological
events, such as explosive volcanic eruptions and mega earthquakes.
new study published in the journal Science
Advances changes our
understanding of how volcanic arc lavas are formed, and may have implications
for the study of earthquakes and the risks of volcanic eruption.
led by the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) have discovered a
previously unknown process involving the melting of intensely-mixed metamorphic
rocks -- known as mélange rocks -- that form through high stress during
subduction at the slab-mantle boundary.
now, it was long-thought that lava formation began with a combination of fluids
from a subducted tectonic plate, or slab, and melted sediments that would then
percolate into the mantle. Once in the mantle, they would mix and trigger more
melting, and eventually erupt at the surface.
study clearly shows that the prevailing fluid/sediment melt model cannot be
correct," says Sune Nielsen, a WHOI geologist and lead author of the paper.
"This is significant because nearly all interpretations of geochemical and
geophysical data on subduction zones for the past two decades are based on that
what Nielsen and his colleague found was that mélange is actually already
present at the top of the slab before mixing with the mantle takes place.
study shows -- for the first time -- that mélange melting is the main driver of
how the slab and mantle interact," says Nielsen.
is an important distinction because scientists use measurements of isotope and
trace elements to determine compositions of arc lavas and better understand
this critical region of subduction zones. When and where the mixing, melting,
and redistribution of trace elements occurs generates vastly different isotopic
signature ratios.
study builds on a previous paper by Nielsen's colleague and co-author Horst
Marschall of Goethe University in Frankfurt, Germany. Based on field
observations of mélange outcrops, Marschall noted that blobs of low-density
mélange material, called diapirs, might rise slowly from the surface of the
subducting slab and carry the well-mixed materials into the mantle beneath arc
mélange-diapir model was inspired by computer models and by detailed field work
in various parts of the world where rocks that come from the deep slab-mantle
interface have been brought to the surface by tectonic forces," Marschall
says. "We have been discussing the model for at least five years now, but
many scientists thought the mélange rocks played no role in the generation of
magmas. They dismissed the model as 'geo-fantasy.'"
their new work, Nielsen and Marschall compared mixing ratios from both models
with chemical and isotopic data from published studies of eight globally
representative volcanic arcs: Marianas, Tonga, Lesser Antilles, Aleutians,
Ryukyu, Scotia, Kurile, and Sunda.
broad-scale analysis shows that the mélange mixing model fits the literature
data almost perfectly in every arc worldwide, while the prevailing sediment
melt/fluid mixing lines plot far from the actual data," Nielsen says.
the processes that occur at subduction zones is important for many reasons.
Often referred to as the planet's engine, subduction zones are the main areas
where water and carbon dioxide contained within old seafloor are recycled back
into the deep Earth, playing critical roles in the control of long-term climate
and the evolution of the planet's heat budget.
complex processes occur on scales of tens to thousands of kilometers over
months to hundreds of millions of years, but can generate catastrophic
earthquakes and deadly tsunamis that can occur in seconds.
large fraction of Earth's volcanic and earthquake hazards are associated with
subduction zones, and some of those zones are located near where hundreds of
millions of people live, such as in Indonesia," Nielsen says.
"Understanding the reasons for why and where earthquakes occur, depends on
knowing or understanding what type of material is actually present down there
and what processes take place."
research team says the study's findings call for a reevaluation of previously
published data and a revision of concepts relating to subduction zone
processes. Because mélange rocks have largely been ignored, there is almost
nothing known about their physical properties or the range of temperatures and
pressures they melt at. Future studies to quantify these parameters stand to
provide even greater insight into the role of mélange in subduction zones and
the control it exerts over earthquake generation and subduction zone volcanism.
原始論文:Sune G. Nielsen, Horst R. Marschall. Geochemical
evidence for mélange melting in global arcs. Science Advances,
2017; 3 (4): e1602402 DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.1602402
引用自:Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. "Volcanic arcs
form by deep melting of rock mixtures: Study changes our understanding of
processes inside subduction zones." ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 7 April