2016年12月31日 星期六




領導這項研究的里茲大學Phil Livermore博士表示:「歐洲太空總署的Swarm衛星正提供給我們有史以來最清楚的地核X光影像。從中我們不但能首度清楚看見這道噴流(jet stream)的存在,同時也可以藉此了解為何它會於此形成。」
共同作者,里茲大學數學院的Rainer Hollerbach表示:「當然,你需要一股力量才能將流體推往這道邊界。它可能由浮力提供,或許更有可能是來自於地核內部磁場的變化。」
歐洲太空總署Swarm任務的主持人,Rune Floberghagen表示:「[這項計畫]還可能帶來更驚人的發現。磁場無時無刻都在變動著,甚至會改變這道噴流的方向。」
共同作者,丹麥科技大學的Chris Finlay博士表示:「關於地核我們所知的還遠遠不及太陽。在更加理解我們地球內部的運作方式上,這道噴流的發現無疑是激勵人心的一步。」


Satellites help discover a jet stream in the Earth's core

A jet stream within the Earth's molten iron core has been discovered by scientists using the latest satellite data that helps create an 'x-ray' view of the planet.
Lead researcher Dr Phil Livermore, from the University of Leeds, said: "The European Space Agency's Swarm satellites are providing our sharpest x-ray image yet of the core. We've not only seen this jet stream clearly for the first time, but we understand why it's there."
"We can explain it as an accelerating band of molten iron circling the North Pole, like the jet stream in the atmosphere," said Dr Livermore, from the School of Earth and Environment at Leeds.
Because of the core's remote location under 3,000 kilometres of rock, for many years scientists have studied the Earth's core by measuring the planet's magnetic field -- one of the few options available.
Previous research had found that changes in the magnetic field indicated that iron in the outer core was moving faster in the northern hemisphere, mostly under Alaska and Siberia.
But new data from the Swarm satellites has revealed these changes are actually caused by a jet stream moving at more than 40 kilometres per year.
This is three times faster than typical outer core speeds and hundreds of thousands of times faster than the speed at which the Earth's tectonic plates move.
The European Space Agency's Swarm mission features a trio of satellites which simultaneously measure and untangle the different magnetic signals which stem from Earth's core, mantle, crust, oceans, ionosphere and magnetosphere. They have provided the clearest information yet about the magnetic field created in the core.
The study, published today in Nature Geoscience, found the position of the jet stream aligns with a boundary between two different regions in the core. The jet is likely to be caused by liquid in the core moving towards this boundary from both sides, which is squeezed out sideways.
Co-author Professor Rainer Hollerbach, from the School of Mathematics at Leeds, said: "Of course, you need a force to move the liquid towards the boundary. This could be provided by buoyancy, or perhaps more likely from changes in the magnetic field within the core."
Rune Floberghagen, ESA's Swarm mission manager, said: "Further surprises are likely. The magnetic field is forever changing, and this could even make the jet stream switch direction.
"This feature is one of the first deep-Earth discoveries made possible by Swarm. With the unprecedented resolution now possible, it's a very exciting time -- we simply don't know what we'll discover next about our planet."
Co-author Dr Chris Finlay, from the Technical University of Denmark said: "We know more about the Sun than the Earth's core. The discovery of this jet is an exciting step in learning more about our planet's inner workings."
原始論文:Philip W. Livermore, Rainer Hollerbach, Christopher C. Finlay.An accelerating high-latitude jet in Earth’s coreNature Geoscience, 2016; DOI: 10.1038/ngeo2859
引用自:University of Leeds. "Satellites help discover a jet stream in the Earth's core." ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 19 December 2016.

2016年12月29日 星期四





在新仙女木期(Younger Dryas)之前,氣候正從冰河期狀態逐漸暖化成跟今日相仿的溫度,之前覆蓋北美的廣大冰層也已經完全消融。然而,在大約12,900年前,氣溫卻突然驟降回冰河期的狀態,並持續了將近1200年。於此同時,北美洲的猛瑪象和乳齒象也邁入滅絕。
兩篇新論文皆指出用來支持這兩條線索的證據和解釋並站不住腳。撞擊說的擁護者發表說他們找到了六方白碳石(lonsdaleite),這種罕見的鑽石型態通常跟衝擊作用有關。然而,我們卻證實他們把石墨烯和石墨烷的多晶聚集體(polycrystalline aggregate)誤認成了六方白碳石。其中一篇論文的第一作者Tyrone Daulton博士說。此外,我們也證明了撞擊說擁護者發表的奈米鑽石含量測量結果具有重大缺陷。在新仙女木期開始時,並沒有證據可以指出奈米鑽石的含量有出現高峰,因此無法推論當時曾經發生過撞擊事件。
第二篇論文的第一作者Andrew Scott教授表示:新仙女木期是因撞擊事件而導致的想法,確實相當有趣也非常引人注目。但是過去數年以來,越來越多的方法論研究成果,卻無法支持這則故事。我們的研究顯示過往被認為代表了這起事件的記號,實際上有很多是辨識錯誤或判讀錯誤之下的結果。

Studies refute hypothesis on what caused abrupt climate change thousands of years ago

Two new studies in the Journal of Quaternary Science refute the hypothesis that one or more comets/bolides struck North America approximately 12,900 years ago triggering rapid climate change and the start of the Younger Dryas period.
Prior to the Younger Dryas, the climate had gradually warmed from glacial conditions to near modern temperatures, and the massive ice sheets in North America were in full retreat; however, approximately 12,900 years ago, temperatures rapidly plummeted and returned to glacial conditions for about a 1200 year long period. Also about this time, the mammoths and mastodons became extinct in North America.
The two papers challenge two lines of evidence reported and used by others to support the impact theory. One is the report of elevated concentrations of nanometer-sized diamonds in sediments deposited at the onset of the Younger Dryas. It is claimed that these diamonds were formed during an impact. The other is the interpretation that paleofire evidence at a key archaeological site demonstrates massive wildfires at the beginning of the Younger Dryas. It is claimed that the impact caused wildfires that spanned the continent.
Each paper shows that the evidence and interpretations supporting these two lines of arguments do not stack up. "Impact proponents report the rare form of diamond, lonsdaleite, that is usually associated with shock processing; however, we show that they misidentified polycrystalline aggregates of graphene and graphane as lonsdaleite," said Dr. Tyrone Daulton, lead author of one of the papers. "Further, we show that the nanodiamond concentration measurements reported by impact proponents are critically flawed. There is no evidence for a spike in the nanodiamond concentration at the onset of the Younger Dryas to suggest that an impact event occurred."
Prof. Andrew Scott, lead author of the second paper said, "The idea of a Younger Dryas impact was an interesting one that has drawn much attention; however, increasingly methodological research over the past few years has failed to corroborate that story. Our research has shown that many of the markers for such an event have been misinterpreted or misidentified."
原始論文:1. Tyrone L. Daulton, Sachiko Amari, Andrew C. Scott, Mark Hardiman, Nicholas Pinter, R. Scott Anderson. Comprehensive analysis of nanodiamond evidence relating to the Younger Dryas Impact HypothesisJournal of Quaternary Science, 2016; DOI: 10.1002/jqs.2892
2. Andrew C. Scott, Mark Hardiman, Nicholas Pinter, R. Scott Anderson, Tyrone L. Daulton, Ana Ejarque, Paul Finch, Alice Carter-champion. Interpreting palaeofire evidence from fluvial sediments: a case study from Santa Rosa Island, California, with implications for the Younger Dryas Impact HypothesisJournal of Quaternary Science, 2016; DOI: 10.1002/jqs.2914

引用自:Wiley. "Studies refute hypothesis on what caused abrupt climate change thousands of years ago." ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 19 December 2016.

2016年12月27日 星期二





一個知名的例子便是太平洋火環(Pacific Ring of Fire)。根據美國國家海洋與大氣總署(NOAA),這條25,000英哩長的環太平洋帶狀區域,因為含有成串的海底火山 (大約450)和地震發生帶而為人所知。
近日由德拉瓦大學的Jessica Warren,和牛津大學與明尼蘇達大學雙城分校的科學家進行的研究,提出了全新的一組數據有助於科學家了解這項問題。
一項歷時已久的爭議是由地震波性質變化而辨識出的古氏不連續面(Gutenberg discontinuity),是否可以代表板塊的底部。

Tectonic shift? Study of olivine provides new data for measuring Earth's surface

Plate tectonics, the idea that the surface of the Earth is made up of plates that move apart and come back together, has been used to explain the locations of volcanoes and earthquakes since the 1960s.
One well-known example of this is the Pacific Ring of Fire, a 25,000-mile stretch of the Pacific Ocean known for its string of underwater volcanoes (nearly 450 of them) and earthquake sites, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).
On the Pacific Coast, this area sits along the subduction zone known as the Cascadia plate, which runs down the west coast of Canada to the west coast of the United States. Most earthquakes are said to occur at subduction zones or along faults in tectonic plates.
What actually defines a tectonic plate and how thick plates are, however, has remained a hotly debated topic. This is because while scientists know that the top of the plate is the surface of the Earth, defining the plate's bottom boundary has been challenging.
A recent study by the University of Delaware's Jessica Warren and colleagues at the University of Oxford and the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, provides a new data set that scientists can use to understand this problem.
Understanding the thickness of the plate is important to understanding how plates move around, both when they form at mid-ocean ridges and later on when the material goes back down into the Earth through subduction zones such as those in Cascadia, the Andes, Japan and Indonesia," said Warren, assistant professor in the Department of Geological Sciences in the College of Earth, Ocean, and Environment.
"It also can help scientists model and predict future earthquake and volcanic hazards, where they might occur and how deep the devastation might be depending on what the models show."
Olivine a robust model of Earth's interior
To understand what's happening inside the Earth, scientists must be creative because studying the interior of the Earth in situ is impossible.
Instead, scientists study how seismic waves pass through the Earth and then invert the signal that is received to reverse engineer what's happening. They also model the thermal properties of the rock, including where temperature changes occur, because they know that the interior of the Earth is hotter than the surface crust.
"Science has been telling us that what we predict for temperature changes within the Earth should agree with what the seismic waves are telling us. The problem has been that these two models don't agree," said Warren, a petrology expert who studies the origin of rocks and how they formed.
One longstanding argument has been whether the Gutenberg discontinuity -- the identification of a change in seismic properties -- represents the bottom of the plate.
To investigate this problem, Warren and her colleagues performed laboratory experiments on olivine, the main mineral found in the Earth's mantle (the upper ~250 miles of the planet). Olivine also is the main mineral in peridotite rock, which is considered to be a robust model of the interior of the Earth's composition.
The researchers took olivine and added melt (also known as basalt) to mimic how a new plate is created at a mid-ocean ridge. The team then twisted the olivine-melt mixture under high temperatures and high pressure to determine the influence of melt on the alignment of olivine crystals. They then used these experiments to predict the seismic signature of this rock and compared it to the seismic signature associated with the Gutenberg discontinuity.
The team's results showed that the Gutenberg discontinuity does not define the bottom of the plate, but instead is caused by the presence of olivine-melt mixtures within tectonic plates.
"I've spent over a decade studying how olivine minerals are oriented in peridotite rocks because the flow patterns provide a historical record of how these rocks from the mantle have changed and deformed over time," says Warren.
The research team's results suggest the best way to model the plate thickness is based on the thermal profile and the conductive cooling that occurs as a plate ages.
"We think that the bottom of the plate is below where you have a cooling in the temperature profile. It is a layer that is associated with melt being trapped or frozen in the rock and changing the seismic properties in the rock that subsequently produced the layer that we're imaging," she said. "By our estimates, this would mean that the tectonic plates in the ocean are approximately 100 kilometers or about 62 miles thick. "
The team's data also offers an explanation for the Guttenberg discontinuity, Warren continued, saying that it corresponds to melt that was trapped or frozen in the rock after melting at mid-ocean ridges, which produced a change in how the seismic waves pass through the rock.
原始論文:Lars N. Hansen, Chao Qi, Jessica M. Warren. Olivine anisotropy suggests Gutenberg discontinuity is not the base of the lithosphereProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2016; 113 (38): 10503 DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1608269113

引用自:University of Delaware. "Tectonic shift? Study of olivine provides new data for measuring Earth's surface." ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 15 December 2016. 

2016年12月23日 星期五


發表於《當代生物學》( Current Biology)上的這篇研究有助於填補恐龍羽毛構造及演化上的細節,這是難以從化石證據中推論出來的。
加拿大薩斯喀徹爾皇家博物館的Ryan McKellar表示:「這塊新樣本保存了一條動物幼體尾巴中的八塊脊椎骨,分佈於周遭的羽毛保留了立體構造與細微結構。」
2015年,來自北京中國地質大學的研究第一作者Lida Xing,在緬甸密支那的琥珀市場中發現了這件獨一無二的樣品。
布里斯托大學地球科學院的教授Mike Benton補充:「這項研究的驚人之處在於能夠看到一條恐龍尾巴上的所有細節,包含骨頭、肌肉、皮膚以及羽毛;並且可以想像這隻小傢伙的尾巴被樹液黏住,之後可能因為無法脫困而死亡。」
這項發現顯示琥珀具有可以用來補足化石紀錄的重要價值。Ryan McKellar補充:「雖然琥珀碎片僅能保存古代生態系的隻字片語,但是它們可以記錄生物的細微構造、其立體排列方式以及容易腐敗的部分,這些是很難用其他類型的樣品來研究的。」

Amber specimen offers rare glimpse of feathered dinosaur tail
Researchers from China, Canada, and the University of Bristol have discovered a dinosaur tail complete with its feathers trapped in a piece of amber.
The finding reported today in Current Biology helps to fill in details of the dinosaurs' feather structure and evolution, which can't be surmised from fossil evidence.
While the feathers aren't the first to be found in amber, earlier specimens have been difficult to definitively link to their source animal, the researchers say.
Ryan McKellar, from the Royal Saskatchewan Museum in Canada, said: "The new material preserves a tail consisting of eight vertebrae from a juvenile; these are surrounded by feathers that are preserved in 3D and with microscopic detail.
"We can be sure of the source because the vertebrae are not fused into a rod or pygostyle as in modern birds and their closest relatives. Instead, the tail is long and flexible, with keels of feathers running down each side. In other words, the feathers definitely are those of a dinosaur not a prehistoric bird."
The study's first author Lida Xing from the China University of Geosciences in Beijing discovered the remarkable specimen at an amber market in Myitkyina, Myanmar in 2015.
The amber piece was originally seen as some kind of plant inclusion and destined to become a curiosity or piece of jewellery, but Xing recognized its potential scientific importance and suggested the Dexu Institute of Palaeontology buy the specimen.
The researchers say the specimen represents the feathered tail of a theropod preserved in mid-Cretaceous amber about 99 million years ago. While it was initially difficult to make out details of the amber inclusion, Xing and his colleagues relied on CT scanning and microscopic observations to get a closer look.
The feathers suggest the tail had a chestnut-brown upper surface and a pale or white underside. The specimen also offers insight into feather evolution. The feathers lack a well-developed central shaft or rachis. Their structure suggests that the two finest tiers of branching in modern feathers, known as barbs and barbules, arose before a rachis formed.
Professor Mike Benton from the School of Earth Sciences at the University of Bristol, added: "It's amazing to see all the details of a dinosaur tail -- the bones, flesh, skin, and feathers -- and to imagine how this little fellow got his tail caught in the resin, and then presumably died because he could not wrestle free.
"There's no thought that dinosaurs could shed their tails, as some lizards do today."
The researchers also examined the chemistry of the tail inclusion where it was exposed at the surface of the amber. The analysis shows that the soft tissue layer around the bones retained traces of ferrous iron, a relic left over from haemoglobin that was also trapped in the sample.
The findings show the value of amber as a supplement to the fossil record. Ryan McKellar added: "Amber pieces preserve tiny snapshots of ancient ecosystems, but they record microscopic details, three-dimensional arrangements, and labile tissues that are difficult to study in other settings.
"This is a new source of information that is worth researching with intensity, and protecting as a fossil resource."
The researchers say they are now "eager to see how additional finds from this region will reshape our understanding of plumage and soft tissues in dinosaurs and other vertebrates."
原始論文:Lida Xing, Ryan C. McKellar, Xing Xu, Gang Li, Ming Bai, W. Scott Persons IV, Tetsuto Miyashita, Michael J. Benton, Jianping Zhang, Alexander P. Wolfe, Qiru Yi, Kuowei Tseng, Hao Ran, Philip J. Currie. A Feathered Dinosaur Tail with Primitive Plumage Trapped in Mid-Cretaceous AmberCurrent Biology, 2016; DOI: 10.1016/j.cub.2016.10.008
引用自:University of Bristol. "Amber specimen offers rare glimpse of feathered dinosaur tail." ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 8 December 2016.