By Amanda Morris
在新研究當中,研究人員探討的對象並非深海,而是日本北海道盧別岳的西北側露出的古代岩層。這些稱為凝灰岩的岩石是由經年累月堆積下來的火山灰固結而成。圖片來源:Luca Podrecca
新研究上個月底發表於期刊《科學前緣》(Science Advances)。這是文獻中迄今對於單次海洋缺氧事件的定年研究中,最詳細且解析度也非常高的結果。
Java Nui complex)的形成年代,其為一座位在西南太平洋、面積約為阿拉斯加的龐大火成岩區域。
chronology of Ocean Anoxic Event 1a: Framework for analysis of driving
Prehistoric rock
in Japan reveals clues to ocean extinction event
By studying prehistoric rocks and fossils
emerging from the side of Mount Ashibetsu in Japan, researchers have precisely
refined the timing and duration of Ocean Anoxic Event 1a (OAE 1a), an extreme
environmental disruption that choked oxygen from Earth’s oceans to cause
significant extinction, especially among plankton.
Researchers have long suspected that massive volcanic
eruptions undersea caused carbon dioxide (CO2) increases, global
warming and depleted oxygen (called anoxia) in the ocean during the Mesozoic
Period. Now, an international team of researchers, including Northwestern
University Earth scientists, determined the precise timing of the volcanic
eruption and OAE 1a, which started 119.5 million years ago. The work adds to a
growing volume of evidence that volcanic CO2 emissions directly
triggered the anoxic event.
The new study also determined that OAE 1a lasted for
just over 1.1 million years. This new information helps scientists better
understand how the Earth’s climate and ocean system operates and responds to
stress — especially as it relates to current warming.
The study was published late last month in the
journal Science Advances. It marks
the most detailed and highly resolved dating of an ocean anoxic event ever achieved.
“Ocean anoxic events occur in part as a consequence
of climatic warming in a greenhouse world,” said Northwestern’s Brad Sageman, a
senior author of the study. “If we want to make accurate predictions about what
we will see in the decades ahead with human-caused warming, this information is
invaluable. The best way to understand the future is to look at data from the
An expert on ancient climates, Sageman is a professor
of Earth, Environmental and Planetary Sciences at Northwestern’s Weinberg
College of Arts and Sciences and a co-director of the Paula M. Trienens
Institute for Sustainability and Energy.
A Northwestern
The Cretaceous Period experienced two major and
several minor ocean anoxic events, with OAE 1a as one of the two largest. The
most likely cause: volcanic eruptions rapidly injected massive amounts of CO2
into the ocean and atmosphere. These aren’t ordinary volcanoes but large
igneous provinces that erupt up to a million cubic kilometers of basalt over
several millions of years. When CO2 reacts with seawater, it forms a
weak carbonic acid, which literally dissolves sea creatures’ shells. The acid,
combined with low oxygen levels, has significant consequences for sea life.
Researchers first began pondering ocean anoxic events
in the mid-1970s, after a discovery by Northwestern geologist Seymour Schlanger
and Oxford professor Hugh Jenkyns. When examining sediment samples from the
Pacific Ocean floor, Schlanger and Jenkyns discovered black, organic
carbon-rich shales that matched samples — in composition and age — from both
the Atlantic Ocean and rock formations in Italy.
Widespread lack of oxygen was the most likely
explanation for these deposits. Anoxia prevents the breakdown of organic matter
from dead plants and animals, leading to a global pattern of organic
enrichment. Instead of decomposing, the settling plankton and other fossils
accumulated to form organic carbon-rich strata scattered around the globe.
“How were black shales forming at the same time in
the deep oceans and up on land?” Sageman asked. “Schlanger and Jenkyns realized
there must have been a massive global event that caused oxygen to decrease from
the ocean surface all the way down to the seafloor.”
solidified in stone
In the new study, researchers looked not to the
depths of the oceans but to ancient strata along the northwest edge of a
mountain on Japan’s Hokkaido Island. The rocks, or tuffs, formed from volcanic
ash that settled and solidified over time. Tectonic activity lifted these
layers above sea level during formation of the Japanese islands, leaving them
exposed and accessible where streams carve through the temperate rainforest of
Hokkaido. By collecting and analyzing the tuffs, Sageman, his Ph.D. student,
Luca Podrecca, and their collaborators gained a glimpse into geologic history.
“Magma comes out of a volcano in liquid form and then
begins to cool,” Sageman said. “During this process, crystals start to form. By
the time the tuff solidifies, the crystals become a tiny closed system. They
lock in atoms, and some of those atoms, like uranium, start to decay, meaning
they convert from one isotope to another. That provides a tool to date the
eruption, and, thus, date a specific layer within a stack of sedimentary rock.
While the expertise of team members from Tohuku University in Japan, Durham
University in the U.K. and Northwestern focuses on the characterization and
global correlation of the strata, our collaborators at the University of
Wisconsin-Madison and Boise State University are experts in the
geochronological analyses.”
The researchers also used other types of isotopes,
such as carbon, which tracks synchronous changes in the carbon cycle, and
osmium, which tracks volcanic activity and changes in ocean chemistry.
“These isotope systems provide tools for correlating
the OAE1a interval between sites in Hokkaido, southern France and other sites
all around the globe,” Sageman said. “They give us markers for instants in
geologic time.”
Pinpointing the
exact timeline
According to this evidence, an abrupt shift in carbon
isotope ratios — caused first by the spike in volcanic CO2 added to
the carbon cycle (and later by the excess burial of organic matter) — occurred
in the early Cretaceous at the beginning of OAE 1a. A concurrent shift in the
isotopic ratios of osmium reflects a massive input of volcanic material into
ocean waters. The timing of these events corresponds to eruption of the Ontong
Java Nui complex, an enormous igneous province about the size of Alaska located
in the southwestern Pacific Ocean.
Now that researchers know it took the oceans 1.1
million years to recover from the sharp increase in CO2, they have
more insight into how long the effects of CO2-driven warming events
might last and what the associated effects, such as ocean anoxia, may be.
“We’re already seeing zones with low oxygen levels in
the Gulf of Mexico,” Sageman said. “The main difference is that past events
unfolded over tens of thousands to millions of years. We’re driving roughly
similar levels of warming (or more) but doing so in less than 200 years.”
The study, “Radioisotopic chronology of Ocean Anoxic
Event 1a: Framework for analysis of driving mechanisms,” was supported by the
National Science Foundation, the U.K. Natural Environment Research Council and
the Japan Science Foundation.
原始論文:Youjuan Li,
Brad S. Singer, Reishi Takashima, Mark D. Schmitz, Luca G. Podrecca, Bradley B.
Sageman, David Selby, Toshiro Yamanaka, Michael T. Mohr, Keiichi Hayashi, Taiga
Tomaru, Katarina Savatic. Radioisotopic chronology of Ocean Anoxic
Event 1a: Framework for analysis of driving mechanisms. Science
Advances, 2024; 10 (47) DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.adn8365
引用自:Northwestern University. "Prehistoric rock
in Japan reveals clues to major ocean anoxic event."