2022年3月14日 星期一



By Felix Würsten

動物在54000萬年前的迅速發展永久改變了地球,甚至達到下部地函。由蘇黎世聯邦理工學院的研究員Andrea Giuliani主持的團隊,發現地函深處的岩石具有那次生物的迅速發展留下的痕跡。

金柏利岩是一種成分複雜的岩石,它們是從非常深的地方來到地球表面。圖中是一片富含碳酸鹽的金柏利岩薄片。圖片來源:David Swart / Messengers of the Mantle Exhibition


不過比較不明顯的是,反過來看也沒錯:地表發生的事物可以影響地球內部,甚至達到非常深的地方。蘇黎世聯邦理工學院地球科學系的Andrea Giuliani是瑞士國家科學基金會Ambizione計畫資助的研究員,她主持的國際團隊在發表於期刊《科學前緣》(Science Advances)的新研究中得出了上述結論。根據該研究,地球表面生物的發展過程對下部地函的一部分造成了影響。











Traces of life in the Earth's deep mantle

The rapid development of fauna 540 million years ago has permanently changed the Earth - deep into its lower mantle. A team led by ETH researcher Andrea Giuliani found traces of this development in rocks from this zone.

It is easy to see that the processes in the Earth's interior influence what happens on the surface. For example, volcanoes unearth magmatic rocks and emit gases into the atmosphere, and thus influence the biogeochemical cycles on our planet.

What is less obvious, however, is that the reverse is also true: what happens on the Earth's surface effect the Earth's interior - even down to great depths. This is the conclusion reached by an international group of researchers led by Andrea Giuliani, SNSF Ambizione Fellow in the Department of Earth Sciences at ETH Zurich, in a new study published in the journal Science Advances. According to this study, the development of life on our planet affects parts of Earth’s lower mantle.

Carbon as a messenger

In their study, the researchers examined rare diamond-​bearing volcanic rocks called kimberlites from different epochs of the Earth's history. These special rocks are messengers from the lowest regions of the Earth's mantle. Scientists measured the isotopic composition of carbon in about 150 samples of these special rocks. They found that the composition of younger kimberlites, which are less than 250 million years old, varies considerably from that of older rocks. In many of the younger samples, the composition of the carbon isotopes is outside the range that would be expected for rocks from the mantle.

The researchers see a decisive trigger for this change in composition of younger kimberlites in the Cambrian Explosion. This relatively short phase - geologically speaking - took place over a period of few tens of million years at the beginning of the Cambrian Epoch, about 540 million years ago. During this drastic transition, almost all of today's existing animal tribes appeared on Earth for the first time. "The enormous increase in life forms in the oceans decisively changed what was happening on the Earth's surface," Giuliani explains. "And this in turn affected the composition of sediments at the bottom of the ocean."

From the oceans to the mantle and back

For the Earth's lower mantle, this changeover is relevant because some of the sediments on the seafloor, in which material from dead living creatures is deposited, enter the mantle through plate tectonics. Along the subduction zones, these sediments - along with the underlying oceanic crust - are transported to great depths. In this way, the carbon that was stored as organic material in the sediments also reaches the Earth's mantle. There the sediments mix with other rock material from the Earth's mantle and after a certain time, estimated to at least 200-​300 million years, rise to the Earth's surface again in other places - for example in the form of kimberlite magmas.

It is remarkable that changes in marine sediments leave such profound traces, because overall, only small amounts of sediment are transported into the depths of the mantle along a subduction zone. "This confirms that the subducted rock material in the Earth's mantle is not distributed homogeneously, but moves along specific trajectories," Giuliani explains.

The Earth as a total system

In addition to carbon, the researchers also examined the isotopic composition of other chemical elements. For example, the two elements strontium and hafnium showed a similar pattern to carbon. "This means that the signature for carbon cannot be explained by other processes such as degassing, because otherwise the isotopes of strontium and hafnium would not be correlated with those of carbon," Giuliani notes.

The new findings open the door for further studies. For example, elements such as phosphorus or zinc, which were significantly affected by the emergence of life, could also provide clues as to how processes at the Earth's surface influence the Earth's interior. "The Earth is really a complex overall system," Giuliani says. "And we now want to understand this system in more detail."

原始論文:Andrea Giuliani, Russell N. Drysdale, Jon D. Woodhead, Noah J. Planavsky, David Phillips, Janet Hergt, William L. Griffin, Senan Oesch, Hayden Dalton, Gareth R. Davies. Perturbation of the deep-Earth carbon cycle in response to the Cambrian ExplosionScience Advances, 2022; 8 (9) DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.abj1325

引用自:ETH Zurich. "Traces of life in the Earth's deep mantle."

