主要作者James Andrew站在阿曼一座強鹼性的泉水旁邊。現在這座湧泉流經的厚層碳酸鈣是數千年來從泉水當中沉澱出來的。背景則是由超基性岩形成的山脈。圖片來源:Everett Shock/ASU
James Andrew Leong、Tucker
作者在阿曼進行野外調查時拍下的照片。超基性岩和地下水發生化學反應之後會形成高鹼性的水。當這些水流回地表會和大氣中的二氧化碳反應而形成碳酸鈣,也就是照片當中的白色礦物。圖片來源:Leong/Shock/ASU |
Weathering rocks hold clues to Earth's
Great Oxidation Event
About 2.4 billion years ago, Earth’s
atmosphere underwent what is called the Great Oxidation Event (GOE). Prior to
the GOE, early Earth had far less molecular oxygen than we have today. After
the GOE, molecular oxygen began to increase in abundance, eventually making
life like ours possible.
For decades, researchers have tried to understand why
and how the GOE occurred.
A team of scientists, led by James Andrew Leong with
Tucker Ely (both of whom earned their doctoral degrees from ASU’s School of
Earth and Space Exploration in 2020) and ASU Professor Everett Shock, has
determined that weathering rocks might have contributed to the GOE. Their
results were recently published in Nature
Molecular oxygen is produced by plants and
photosynthetic microbes, but molecular oxygen is also consumed by organisms and
by the oxidation of iron, sulfur, carbon and other elements in rocks. Molecular
oxygen can also be consumed through reaction with reduced gases like hydrogen,
which can form during rock weathering.
Scientists studying the early Earth hypothesize that
the consumption of oxygen was perhaps more rapid than the production of oxygen
by photosynthesis, so oxygen was not able to accumulate in the atmosphere.
“It’s like when your bills exceed your income, money
can’t accumulate in a savings account. This appears to have been the situation
on the early Earth,” said co-author Shock, of ASU’s School of Earth and Space
Exploration and the School of Molecular Sciences.
For the GOE to occur under this hypothesis, the
consumption of oxygen had to slow with time, so that oxygen could build up in
the atmosphere.
Given that, Leong and his team set out to determine
what processes could be slowing down the consumption of oxygen on the early
Earth to produce an increase in oxygen.
“We know it’s probably not biological consumption,
which does a decent job of keeping up with oxygen production by photosynthesis,”
Shock said. “So we thought maybe the rate that oxygen was consumed by the
weathering of rocks was creating this change.”
To test their hypothesis, Leong and his team focused
on the weathering of a type of rock known as “ultramafic,” an igneous rock,
rich in magnesium and iron, with low silica content.
Ultramafic rocks comprise most of the Earth's upper
mantle, where they were formed at high temperatures. When these rocks are
brought to the surface and come into contact with water, the waterless minerals
that make up these rocks transform into minerals containing water. This process
is called serpentinization, after the main replacing mineral, serpentine. The
process also transforms the reacting groundwater into a highly alkaline water
with elevated gas content, in particular, hydrogen.
They were inspired to do this by research they had
conducted previously on hyperalkaline and gas-rich fluids found in the ultramafic
mountains of present-day Oman that was published in the AGU’s Journal of
Geophysical Research in 2021.
“Our previous field research in Oman led us to wonder
what the early Earth surface and atmosphere would have looked like when high pH
and hydrogen-rich fluids were as common as today's near-neutral pH groundwater
and rivers," Leong said. “Ultramafic rocks like those found in Oman are
rare in the Earth’s surface at the present-day, but were abundant during the
hotter early Earth.”
For their analysis, they conducted computer
simulations, based on a computer code that co-author Ely developed, to predict
the hydrogen generation potentials of thousands of rock compositions that were
common during the early Earth. From there, they could then draw connections
between rock compositions and their potentials to generate hydrogen and consume
With those simulations, the team then was able to
reconstruct the global hydrogen production and oxygen consumption rates via
serpentinization during early Earth and determine that the weathering of
ultramafic rocks could have helped facilitate the GOE.
“We were able to model the alteration of thousands of
rock compositions that are likely to be present on the early Earth,” Leong
said. “Our calculations show that many of these rocks, especially those that
are really ultramafic in composition or rich in magnesium, like those found in
Oman today, have very high potentials to generate hydrogen gas and help prevent
accumulation of oxygen. The decline in the abundance of ultramafic rocks in the
Earth’s surface towards the end of the Archean eon could have helped facilitate
the Great Oxidation Event.”
Andrew M. Leong., Tucker Ely, Everett L. Shock. Decreasing extents of Archean serpentinization contributed to the rise
of an oxidized atmosphere. Nature
Communications, 2021; 12 (7341) https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-021-27589-7
State University. “Weathering rocks hold clues to Earth's Great Oxidation Event”