By David Hirsch
「如果先前發表的一系列研究結果中的一絲氧氣並不存在,科學界對於他們理解的地球前半段歷史,就需要加以批判並重新評估才行,」研究第一作者,達特茅斯學院的地球科學助理教授Sarah Slotznick表示。
「我們利用新工具來調查微量氧氣訊號的來源,」研究共同作者之一Jena Johnson表示。她是密西根大學地球與環境科學的助理教授。「我們發現沉積物堆積在海床之後發生的一連串變化,可能造成了那些代表氧氣的化學證據。」
「他們在十幾年前得出那些結果時都相當震驚,」這篇新研究的共同作者之一Joseph Kirschvink表示。他是加州理工學院地質生物學的教授,也是東京工業大學地球生命科學研究所的成員。「從其他地質指標得到的大量證據主張大氧化事件前自由氧並不存在,但他們卻得到了看似矛盾的發現。」
「如此古老的岩石所陳述的故事相當複雜,不只是這些泥巴在海底沉積時世界的樣貌,」研究共同作者Woodward Fischer表示。他是加州理工大學的地質生物學教授。「這些樣品還有沉積之後過了很久才產生的礦物,它們形成的時候古老的環境訊號會跟較年輕的混在一起,因而擾亂我們對於遠古地球環境的解讀。」
貢獻這項研究的還有西澳大學暨中國地質大學的Birger Rasmussen、聖安德魯斯大學暨地質遺產研究所的Timothy D. Raub、SLAC國家加速器實驗室的Samuel Webb以及中國地質大學的Jian-Wei Zi(訾建威)。
New research questions ‘whiff of
oxygen’ in Earth’s early history
Evidence arguing for a "whiff of oxygen" before the
Earth's Great Oxygenation Event 2.3 billion years ago are chemical signatures
that were probably introduced at a much later time, according to research
published in Science
The result rewinds previous
research findings that atmospheric oxygen existed prior to the so-called Great
Oxygenation Event-known to researchers as "GOE"- and has the
potential to rewrite what is known of the planet's past.
"Without the whiff of
oxygen reported by a series of earlier studies, the scientific community needs
to critically reevaluate its understanding of the first half of Earth's
history," said Sarah Slotznick, an assistant professor of earth sciences
at Dartmouth and first author of the study.
The study indicates that
the chemical data originally determined to suggest atmospheric oxygen earlier
in Earth's history may have been introduced by events hundreds of millions of
years later.
Additional analysis
conducted as part of the study reconfirms that Earth's atmosphere featured exceedingly
low oxygen levels prior to 2.3 billion years ago.
"We used new tools to
investigate the origins of the signals of trace oxygen," said Jena
Johnson, an assistant professor of earth and environmental sciences at the
University of Michigan and co-author of the study. "We found that a series
of changes after the sediments were deposited on the seafloor were likely
responsible for the chemical evidence of oxygen."
The Initiation of
For decades, scientists
have debated when measurable levels of oxygen first appeared in Earth's
atmosphere. The idea of the Great Oxygenation Event has developed over the last
century and is thought to be when oxygen levels began to increase over 2
billion years ago, paving the way for the rise of complex cells, animals, and
eventually humans.
More recently, however,
research on chemical signals correlated to oxygen has suggested earlier
transient appearances of oxygen, known as "whiffs."
In 2007, two parallel studies
found evidence of such a whiff of oxygen based on samples of the
2.5-billion-year-old Mount McRae Shale, part of a heavily studied 2004 drill
core collected in Western Australia by the NASA Astrobiology Drilling Program.
"When the results came
out a decade ago, they were startling," said Joseph Kirschvink, professor
of geobiology at Caltech, a member of the Earth-Life Science Institute at the
Tokyo Institute of Technology, and a co-author of the new study. "The
findings seemed to contradict abundant evidence from other geological
indicators that argued against the presence of free oxygen before the Great
Oxygenation Event."
A Research Origin
The 2007 studies were based
on evidence of oxidation and reduction of molybdenum and sulfur, two elements
that are widely used to test for the presence of atmospheric oxygen since it
cannot be measured directly in rock. The findings raised fundamental questions
about the early evolution of life on Earth.
The observation of early
oxygen was taken by some research groups to support earlier findings that
microscopic cyanobacteria -- early innovators in photosynthesis -- pumped
oxygen into the ancient atmosphere but that other Earth processes kept oxygen
levels low.
The 2007 studies, including
their implications about the origin of life and its evolution, have been widely
accepted and have served as the basis for a series of other research papers
over the last 14 years.
The new study dates back to
2009, when a Caltech-led team began efforts to conduct additional analysis. The
team, some of whom have since moved to other institutions, took over a decade
to collect and analyze data, resulting now in the first published study that
directly refutes the finding of a whiff of early oxygen.
"Rocks this old tell a
complicated story that goes beyond what the world was like when the mud was
deposited," said Woodward Fischer, a professor of geobiology at Caltech
and co-author of the study. "These samples also contain minerals that
formed long after their deposition when ancient environmental signals were
mixed with younger ones, confusing interpretations of the conditions on ancient
A Matter of Approach
The 2007 research papers
that found the whiff of oxygen prior to Earth's full oxygenation used bulk
analysis techniques featuring geochemical assessments of powdered samples
sourced from throughout the Mount McRae Shale. Rather than conducting a
chemical analysis on powder, the new research inspected specimens of the rock
using a series of high-resolution techniques.
For the new study, the
research team recorded images of the 2004 drill core on a flatbed optical
scanner. Based on those observations, they then collected thin samples for
additional analyses. The suite of approaches used on the physical specimens,
including synchrotron-based X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy, gave the team
additional insight into the geology and chemistry of the samples as well as the
relative timing of processes that were identified.
According to the research
paper: "Our collective observations suggest that the bulk chemical
datasets pointing toward a 'whiff' of oxygen developed during post-depositional
The new analysis shows that
the Mount McRae Shale formed from organic carbon and volcanic dust. The research
indicates that molybdenum came from volcanoes and subsequently concentrated
during what has been previously characterized as the whiff interval. During a
series of chemical and physical changes that turned these sediments into rock,
fracturing created pathways for several distinct fluids to carry in signals of
oxidation hundreds of millions of years after the rocks formed.
"Our observations of
abundant pyroclastic glass shards and intercalated tuff beds, paired with the
recent insight that volcanic glass is a major host of [molybdenum], offers a
new explanation for the [molybdenum] enrichments in the 'whiff' interval,"
the paper says.
Looking Back to Point
a Way Forward
If the molybdenum was not
from oxygen-based weathering of rocks on land and concentration in the ocean,
its presence does not support the original finding of early atmospheric oxygen.
By using a totally different methodology than that used in the first studies
that found a whiff of oxygen, the new research also calls into question
research that followed from those studies using the same style of bulk
"Our new,
high-resolution data clearly indicates that the sedimentary context of chemical
signals has to be carefully considered in all ancient records," said
In addition to providing an
alternate explanation for oxygen proxies that were found in the Mount McRae
Shale, the team confirmed that the level of atmospheric oxygen at the time
before the Great Oxygenation Event was very low, calling it
"negligible" in the approximate period 150 million years before the
abrupt change.
The findings call into
question the early existence of cyanobacteria, instead supporting other
hypotheses that oxygen-generating photosynthesis evolved only shortly before
the Great Oxygenation Event.
"We expect that our
research will generate interest both from those studying Earth and those
looking beyond at other planets," said Slotznick. "We hope that it
stimulates further conversation and thought about how we analyze chemical
signatures in rocks that are billions of years old."
Birger Rasmussen, of the
University of Western Australia and China University of Geosciences; Timothy D.
Raub, of the University of St Andrews and the Geoheritage Research Institute;
Samuel Webb, of SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory; and Jian-Wei Zi, of the
China University of Geosciences, all contributed to the study.
原始論文:Sarah P.
Slotznick, Jena E. Johnson, Birger Rasmussen, Timothy D. Raub, Samuel M. Webb,
Jian-Wei Zi, Joseph L. Kirschvink, Woodward W. Fischer. Reexamination
of 2.5-Ga “whiff” of oxygen interval points to anoxic ocean before GOE. Science
Advances, 2022; 8 (1) DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.abj7190
引用自:Dartmouth College. "New research questions
‘whiff of oxygen’ in Earth’s early history.”