2021年8月23日 星期一





他們發現年代為33200萬年至41600萬年的岩石,保存在裡面的地球磁場強度不到現在的四分之一。這和科學家先前辨識出來,開始於12000萬年前左右的低磁場強度時期有類似之處。研究人員將新發現的時期稱為「古生代中期弱偶極」(Mid-Palaeozoic Dipole low MPDL)

這篇發表在《美國國家科學院院刊》(Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences)的研究支持了地球磁場強度具有週期性,每過2億年就會變弱的理論。2012年,利物浦大學主持的研究提出此想法,當時的限制之一是磁場強度缺乏比3億年前更早的可信數據,因此新研究填補了這段相當重要的空白時間。




利物浦大學的古地磁學家Louise Hawkins博士是文章主要作者。他說:「我們對StrathmoreKinghorn熔岩流地磁強度的詳細分析結果,是把Kiman超期(Superchron)還早的數據給填補起來的關鍵。Kiman超期是持續5000萬年左右,地磁磁極相當穩定並未發生翻轉的時期。」





Further evidence of 200 million-year cycle for Earth’s magnetic field

The findings of a new study by the University of Liverpool provides further evidence of an approximately 200 million-year long cycle in the strength of the Earth’s magnetic field.

Researchers performed thermal and microwave (a technique which is unique to the University of Liverpool) paleomagnetic analysis on rock samples from ancient lava flows in Eastern Scotland to measure the strength of the geomagnetic field during key time periods with almost no pre-existing, reliable data. The study also analysed the reliability of all of the measurements from samples from 200 to 500 million years ago, collected over the last ~80 years.

They found that between 332 and 416 million years ago, the strength of the geomagnetic field preserved in these rocks was less than quarter of what it is today, and similar to a previously identified period of low magnetic field strength that started around 120 million years ago. The researchers have coined this period “the Mid-Palaeozoic Dipole low (MPDL).”

Published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, the study supports the theory that the strength of the earth’s magnetic field is cyclical, and weakens every 200 million years, an idea proposed by a previous study lead by Liverpool in 2012. One of the limitations at the time was the lack of reliable field strength data available prior to 300 million years ago, so this new study fills in an important time gap.

The Earth’s magnetic field shields the planet from huge blasts of deadly solar radiation. It is not completely stable in strength and direction, both over time and space, and has the ability to completely flip or reverse itself with substantial implications.

Deciphering variations in past geomagnetic field strength is important as it indicates changes in deep Earth processes over hundreds of millions of years and could provide clues as to how it might fluctuate, flip or reverse in the future.

A weak field also has implications for life on our planet. A recent study has suggested that the Devonian-Carboniferous mass extinction is linked to elevated UV-B levels, around the same as the weakest field measurements from the MPDL.

Liverpool palaeomagnetist and lead author of the paper, Dr Louise Hawkins, said: “This comprehensive magnetic analysis of the Strathmore and Kinghorn lava flows was key for filling in the period leading up the Kiman Superchron, a period where the geomagnetic poles are stable and do not flip for about 50 million years.

“This dataset compliments other studies we have worked on over the last few years, alongside our colleagues in Moscow and Alberta, that fit between the ages of these two locations.

“Our findings, when considered alongside the existing datasets, supports the existence of an approximately 200-million-year long cycle in the strength of the Earth’s magnetic field related to deep Earth processes. As almost all of our evidence for processes within the Earth’s interior is being constantly destroyed by plate tectonics, the preservation of this signal for deep inside the Earth is exceedingly valuable as one of the few constraints we have.

“Our findings also provide further support that a weak magnetic field is associated with pole reversals, while the field is generally strong during a Superchron, which is important as it has proved nearly impossible to improve the reversal record prior to ~300 million years ago.”

原始論文:Louise M. A. Hawkins, J. Michael Grappone, Courtney J. Sprain, Patipan Saengduean, Edward J. Sage, Sheikerra Thomas-Cunningham, Banusha Kugabalan, Andrew J. Biggin. Intensity of the Earth's magnetic field: Evidence for a Mid-Paleozoic dipole low. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2021. DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2017342118

引用自:University of Livepool. “Further evidence of 200 million-year cycle for Earth’s magnetic field.”

