2021年8月2日 星期一



by Christina Larson


這張沒有日期的照片由加拿大勞倫森大學的Elizabeth Turner提供,顯示了她在加拿大西北領地的野外考察地點之一。根據2021728日星期三發表在期刊《自然》的研究報告,這位加拿大的地質學家也許在這片區域發現了地球上最早的動物化石紀錄。圖片來源:Elizabeth Turner


地質學家Elizabeth Turner在加拿大西北領地唯有靠直升機才能到達的偏遠區域發現了這些岩石,她從1980年代開始就在此地挖掘化石。從岩石薄片可以看到其中含有與現今的海綿骨骼類似的立體構造。

「我相信它們確實是古代的海綿,只有這類生物才擁有這種由絲狀有機物形成的網狀結構,」德國哥廷根大學的地質生物學家與海綿專家Joachim Reitner,表示。他並未參與此研究。


「這項發現最令人驚訝的部分是年代,」瑞典烏普薩拉大學的海綿專家Paco Cardenas表示。他也未參與此研究。「發現將進九億年前的海綿化石,勢必會大幅增進我們對於動物早期演化過程的認知。」



「我認為她的理由很有說服力,這確實十分值得發表――將證據呈現出來讓其他人可以加以檢視,」南加州大學的古生物學家David Bottjer表示。他並未參與這項研究。









「地球上的所有生物都有個祖先。我們總是預測動物出現的第一道證據會相當微小而隱晦,不過是條十分細微的線索,」麻省理工學院的地質生物學家Roger Summons表示。他並未參與此研究。


First sign of animal life on Earth may be a sponge fossil

A Canadian geologist may have found the earliest fossil record of animal life on Earth, according to a report published Wednesday in the journal Nature.

Around a billion years ago, a region of northwest Canada now defined by steep mountains was a prehistoric marine environment where the remains of ancient sponges may be preserved in mineral sediment, the paper says.

Geologist Elizabeth Turner discovered the rocks in a remote region of the Northwest Territories accessible only by helicopter, where she has been excavating since the 1980s. Thin sections of rock contain three-dimensional structures that resemble modern sponge skeletons.

"I believe these are ancient sponges—only this type of organism has this type of network of organic filaments," said Joachim Reitner, a geobiologist and expert in sponges at Germany's University of Gottingen, who was not involved in the research.

The dating of adjacent rock layers indicates the samples are about 890 million years old, which would make them about 350 million years older than the oldest undisputed sponge fossils previously found.

"What's most stunning is the timing," said Paco Cardenas, an expert on sponges at Sweden's Uppsala University, who was not involved in the research. "To have discovered sponge fossils from close to 900 million years ago will greatly improve our understanding of early animal evolution."

Many scientists believe the first animal groups included soft sponges or sponge-like creatures that lack muscles and nerves but have other features of simple animals, including cells with differentiated functions and sperm.

To be sure, there's very little scientific consensus or certainty about anything dating back a billion years ago, so other researchers will likely continue to vet and debate Turner's findings.

"I think she's got a pretty strong case. I think this is very worthy of publishing—it puts the evidence out there for other people to consider," said David Bottjer, a paleobiologist at University of Southern California, who was not involved in the research.

Scientists believe life on Earth emerged around 3.7 billion years ago. The earliest animals appeared much later, but exactly when is still debated.

Until now, the oldest undisputed fossil sponges date to around 540 million years ago, an era called the Cambrian period.

But scientists using a line of reasoning called the molecular clock —where they analyze the rate of genetic mutations to backdate when two species likely diverged—say that available evidence points to sponges emerging much earlier, around a billion years ago.

Yet no supporting physical evidence has yet been found until now.

"This would be the first time that a sponge fossil has been found from before the Cambrian, and not only before, but way before—that's what's most exciting," said Uppsala University's Cardenas, adding that the research seems to confirm the molecular clock estimates.

Fossil evidence is scant before the Cambrian period when animals first developed hard skeletons, exoskeletons and shells, which are more likely to be preserved.

"Those kinds of fossils belong to more complicated animals—obviously there has to be a back history" of simpler animals like sponges emerging first, said the paper's author Turner, who is based at Laurentian University in Ontario.

The dating of 890 million years ago is significant because, if the sponge's identification is confirmed, it shows that the first animals evolved before a time when oxygen in the atmosphere and ocean reached a level scientists once thought was necessary for animal life. Yet recent research shows that some sponges can survive with very little oxygen.

"Everything on Earth has an ancestor. It's always been predicted that the first evidence of animal life would be small and cryptic, a very subtle clue," said Roger Summons, an MIT geobiologist who was not involved in the research.

原始論文:Elizabeth C. Turner. Possible poriferan body fossils in early Neoproterozoic microbial reefs. Nature, 2021. DOI:10.1038/s41586-021-03773-z

