Isabelle Dubach
Van Kranendonk教授團隊裡的副研究員。
Van Kranendonk教授表示在尋找如此古老的生命時,這項發現是團隊迄今找到的證據中最為強力的。
Van Kranendonk教授說:「結果讓我們對這些岩石有更加深入的認識,探索遠古生命的科學也因此有了重大進展;更特別的是,對於尋找火星生命來說這同樣具有十分重大的幫助。我們現在有了新的目標與方法,來尋找遠古生命留下的痕跡。」
Djokic 是Baumgartner博士的同事,就在兩年多前她也在澳洲西部同一地區的溫泉沉積物中發現疊層石,因而把陸地上微生物出現的最古老證據往前推進5.8億年。
Van Kranendonk在皮爾巴拉進行為期一周的訓練,學習在這些古老的岩石中辨認生命留下來的痕跡。這是Van
Van Kranendonk教授說:「在人類搜尋地外生命以及解開火星的奧秘時,澳洲擁有的古代岩石以及我們對它們的專業知識能做出如此重大的貢獻,實在讓我感到相當自豪。」
Earliest signs of life: scientists find microbial remains
in ancient rocks
Scientists have found exceptionally
preserved microbial remains in some of Earth’s oldest rocks in Western
Australia – a major advance in the field, offering clues for how life on Earth
The UNSW researchers found the organic matter in
stromatolites – fossilised microbial structures – from the ancient Dresser
Formation in the Pilbara region of Western Australia.
The stromatolites have been thought to be of biogenic
origin ever since they were discovered in the 1980s. However, despite strong
textural evidence, that theory was unproven for nearly four decades, because
scientists hadn’t been able to show the definitive presence of preserved
organic matter remains – until today’s publication in prestigious journal Geology.
“This is an exciting discovery – for the first time,
we’re able to show the world that these stromatolites are definitive evidence
for the earliest life on Earth,” says lead researcher Dr Raphael Baumgartner, a
research associate of the Australian Centre for Astrobiology in Professor
Martin Van Kranendonk’s team at UNSW.
Professor Van Kranendonk says the discovery is the
closest the team have come to a “smoking gun” to prove the existence of such
ancient life.
“This represents a major advance in our knowledge of
these rocks, in the science of early life investigations generally, and – more
specifically – in the search for life on Mars. We now have a new target and new
methodology to search for ancient life traces,” Professor Van Kranendonk says.
Drilling deep,
looking closely
Ever since the Dresser Formation was discovered in
the 1980, scientists have wondered whether the structures were truly microbial
and therefore the earliest signs of life.
“Unfortunately, there is a climate of mistrust of
textural biosignatures in the research community. Hence, the origin of the
stromatolites in the Dresser Formation has been a hotly debated topic,” Dr
Baumgartner says.
“In this study, I spent a lot of time in the lab,
using micro-analytical techniques to look very closely at the rock samples, to
prove our theory once and for all.”
Stromatolites in the Dresser Formation are usually
sourced from the rock surface, and are therefore highly weathered. For this
study, the scientists worked with samples that were taken from further down
into the rock, below the weathering profile, where the stromatolites are
exceptionally well preserved.
“Looking at drill core samples allowed us to look at
a perfect snapshot of ancient microbial life,” Dr Baumgartner says.
Using a variety of cutting-edge micro-analytical
tools and techniques – including high-powered electron microscopy, spectroscopy
and isotope analysis – Dr Baumgartner analysed the rocks.
He found that the stromatolites are essentially
composed of pyrite – a mineral also known as ‘fool’s gold’ – that contains
organic matter.
“The organic matter that we found preserved within
pyrite of the stromatolites is exciting – we’re looking at exceptionally
preserved coherent filaments and strands that are typically remains of
microbial biofilms,” Dr Baumgartner says.
The researchers say that such remains have never been
observed before in the Dresser Formation, and that actually seeing the evidence
down the microscope was incredibly exciting.
“I was pretty surprised – we never expected to find
this level of evidence before I started this project. I remember the night at
the electron microscope where I finally figured out that I was looking at
biofilm remains. I think it was around 11pm when I had this ‘eureka’ moment,
and I stayed until three or four o'clock in the morning, just imaging and
imaging because I was so excited. I totally lost track of time,” Dr Baumgartner
Clues for search
for life on Mars
Just over two years ago, Dr Baumgartner’s colleague
Tara Djokic, a UNSW PhD candidate, found stromatolites in hot spring deposits
in the same region in WA, pushing back the earliest known existence of
microbial life on land by 580 million years.
“Tara's main findings were these exceptional
geyserite deposits that indicate that there have been geysers in this area, and
therefore fluid expulsions on exposed land surface,” Dr Baumgartner says.
“Her study was focused on the broader geological
setting of the paleo-environment – lending support to the theory that life
originated on land, rather than in the ocean – whereas my study really went
deeper on the finer details of the stromatolite structures from the area.”
The scientists say that both studies are helping us
answer a central question: where did humanity come from?
“Understanding where life could have emerged is
really important in order to understand our ancestry. And from there, it could
help us understand where else life could have occurred – for example, where it
was kick-started on other planets,” Dr Baumgartner says.
Just last month, NASA and European Space Agency (ESA)
scientists spent as week in the Pilbara with Martin Van Kranendonk for
specialist training in identifying signs of life in these same ancient rocks.
It was the first time that Van Kranendonk shared the region’s insights with a
dedicated team of Mars specialists – a group including the Heads of NASA and
ESA Mars 2020 missions.
“It is deeply satisfying that Australia’s ancient
rocks and our scientific know-how is making such a significant contribution to
our search for extra-terrestrial life and unlocking the secrets of Mars,” says
Professor Van Kranendonk.
原始論文:Raphael J.
Baumgartner, Martin J. Van Kranendonk, David Wacey, Marco L Fiorentini, Martin
Saunders, Stefano Caruso, Anais Pages, Martin Homann, Paul Guagliardo. Nano−porous
pyrite and organic matter in 3.5-billion-year-oldstromatolites record
primordial life. Geology, 2019; DOI: 10.1130/G46365.1
引用自:University of New South Wales. "Earliest
signs of life: Scientists find microbial remains in ancient rocks."