2019年9月23日 星期一


距今4.66億年前左右,遠在恐龍出現許久之前,地球變的相當寒冷。這段期間兩極的海洋開始結凍,同時全球氣溫進入新的範疇,提供新物種大量演化出來的良好條件。這段冰期的成因一直是個謎團,但最近發表在《科學前緣》(Science Advances)的新研究主張,一顆巨型小行星在外太空撞毀之後產生的塵埃進入地球大氣層,造成全球冷化而引發冰期。

2019年9月19日 星期四


這顆橄欖石含有只有幾微米大小的熔體包裹體(黑色斑點)。地球化學家將包裹體分離出來之後,運用質譜儀來分析它們的同位素組成。圖片來源:明斯特大學/Felix Genske

2019年9月18日 星期三


在此之前科學家缺乏一個有系統的大型資料庫涵蓋全世界各個氣候帶的河川,使他們無法全面探討氣候跟河川形狀之間的關係。研究團隊運用NASA太空梭蒐集到的數據,以及共同作者倫敦瑪麗王后大學的Stuart Grieve博士開發出的專門軟體,發展出新型且可以免費使用的河川縱剖面資料庫,其中涵蓋了超過33萬條世界各地的河川。
布里斯托大學地理科學院的Katerina Michaelides博士主持了這項研究,她說:「數十年來教科書上的傳統理論,都將河川縱剖面描繪成會往凹口向上的形狀演化。在前人發表的研究中,濕潤地區的河川遠比乾燥地區的河川更常出現並受到深入探討,造成現有理論偏向從濕潤地區河川得到的觀察結果。」

New research identifies a climate signature in rivers globally
A new study, led by scientists from the University of Bristol and published in the journal Nature, discovers a clear climatic signature on rivers globally that challenges existing theories.
For decades geoscientists have been trying to detect the influence of climate on the formation of rivers, but up to now there has been no systematic evidence.
If you walk from a river’s source to its mouth, you walk a path that descends in elevation. In some rivers, this path will descend steeply out of the uplands, and then flatten out in the lowlands. This results in an elevational profile (which we call the long profile) that has a concave up shape, similar to the shape of the inside of a bowl as you trace it from the inside rim to the bottom. In contrast, a straight long profile descends evenly in elevation, like a ramp, along the path as you walk from the source to the mouth.
The new research by Chen et al. shows that while river long profiles tend to be concave up in humid regions, they become progressively straighter in drier regions.
Lead author Shiuan-An Chen from the University of Bristol’s School of Geographical Sciences, said: “The long profile is formed gradually over tens of thousands to millions of years, so it tells a bigger story about the climate history of region. We would expect climate to affect the river long profile because it controls how much water flows in rivers and the associated force of water to move sediment along the riverbed.”
Up until now scientists have lacked a large, systematic dataset of rivers that spans the range of climate zones on Earth, enabling full exploration of the links between climate and river form. The research team produced a new, freely available, database of river long profiles, generated from data originally collected by NASA’s space shuttle. They used specialist software developed by co-author Dr Stuart Grieve at Queen Mary University London to develop a new long profile database that includes over 330,000 rivers across the globe.
The study shows for the first time at the global scale that there are distinct differences in river long profile shapes across climate zones, and that the reason behind these differences lies in the expression of aridity in streamflow in rivers.
In humid regions, rivers tend to have flow in them all year round which continually moves sediment and erodes the overall profile into a concave up shape.
As the climate becomes progressively arid (from semi-arid, to arid, to hyper-arid), rivers only flow a few times per year when it rains, moving sediment infrequently.
Additionally, arid rivers tend to experience brief, intense rainstorms, which do not create flow over the entire river length. 
These links between climate, streamflow and long profile shape are explained in the paper using a numerical model which simulates the evolution of river profiles over time in response to streamflow characteristics.
The authors show that regardless of all other potential controls on river profiles, streamflow characteristics have a dominant effect on the final profile shape. They demonstrate that the differences in the climatic expression of streamflow explain the variations in profile shape across climatic regions in their database.
Dr Katerina Michaelides, also from Bristol’s School of Geographical Sciences, who led the research added: “Traditional theory included in textbooks for decades describes that river long profiles evolve to be concave up. Existing theories are biased towards observations made in humid rivers, which are far better studied and more represented in published research than dryland rivers.
“Our study shows that many river profiles around the world are not concave up and that straighter profiles tend to be more common in arid environments.”
“I think dryland rivers have been understudied and under-appreciated, especially given that drylands cover ~40% of the global land surface. Their streamflow expression gives unique insights into the climatic influence on land surface topography.”
原始論文:S-A. Chen, K. Michaelides, S. Grieve and M.B. Singer. Aridity is expressed in river topography globally'Nature, 2019 DOI: 10.1038/s41586-019-1558-8
引用自:University of Bristol. "Climate signature identified in rivers globally."

2019年9月12日 星期四


這幅藝術家的示意圖表現了消滅所有非鳥類恐龍的小行星撞擊。圖片來源:NASA/Don Davis.

2019年9月9日 星期一


這道由夷陵帶刺蟲(Yilingia spiciformis)留下的痕跡化石年代為5.5億年。包括維吉尼亞理工大學的肖樹華在內的科學團隊,於中國發現了這道足跡。圖片來源:維吉尼亞理工大學

2019年9月6日 星期五


by Marcie Grabowski

2019年9月4日 星期三


位在圖片中間像是一團泡沫的鐘乳石即為洞穴灰華的潛流增生。由於其生長位置剛好為海平面,因此可以精確指出大約350萬年前的海平面高度。圖片來源:UNM Newsroom

2019年9月2日 星期一

