2018年11月22日 星期四


Talia Ogliore


剛在華盛頓大學完成博士學位研究的Chen Cai 表示:「研究人員知道隱沒帶可以把水帶進地球內部,但不知道到底有多少。」以他為第一作者的這篇研究發表於1115日當期的《自然》(Nature)期刊。
此研究的經費來自美國國家科學基金會海洋科學部門,計畫主任Candace Major 評論:「研究顯示隱沒帶遠比之前認為的還能攜帶更多水到地球深處,直到地表之下數十公里的地方。這項結果強調出隱沒帶在地球的水循環中具有的重要地位。」
Cai在這項研究中的研究顧問,華盛頓大學聖路易斯分校文理學院的地球與行星科學特聘教授Doug Wiens表示:「過往的研究在預估有多少水隱沒至超過60英里(100公里)深的地方時有很大的分歧。計算過程中的不確定性主要來自隱沒下去的上部地函一開始含有的水分多寡。」
太平洋板塊的西側和馬里亞納板塊在馬里亞納海溝緩緩聚合,在此太平洋板塊滑行至馬里亞納板塊下方而沒入地函深處。為了進行這項研究,研究人員部署了涵蓋馬里亞納海溝,由19個被動式海底地震儀組成的地震網,再加上七個架設在島上的地震儀。他們運用這些儀器在一年多的時間中傾聽地球發出來的各式聲響――從周遭噪訊(ambient noise)至實際發生的地震。


Seismic study reveals huge amount of water dragged into Earth’s interior
Slow-motion collisions of tectonic plates under the ocean drag about three times more water down into the deep Earth than previously estimated, according to a first-of-its-kind seismic study that spans the Mariana Trench.
The observations from the deepest ocean trench in the world have important implications for the global water cycle, according to researchers in Arts & Sciences at Washington University in St. Louis.
“People knew that subduction zones could bring down water, but they didn’t know how much water,” said Chen Cai, who recently completed his doctoral studies at Washington University. Cai is the first author of the study published in the Nov. 15 issue of the journal Nature.
 “This research shows that subduction zones move far more water into Earth’s deep interior — many miles below the surface — than previously thought,” said Candace Major, a program director in the National Science Foundation’s Division of Ocean Sciences, which funded the study. “The results highlight the important role of subduction zones in Earth’s water cycle.”
“Previous estimates vary widely in the amount of water that is subducted deeper than 60 miles,” said Douglas A. Wiens, the Robert S. Brookings Distinguished Professor in Earth and Planetary Sciences in Arts & Sciences and Cai’s research adviser for the study. “The main source of uncertainty in these calculations was the initial water content of the subducting uppermost mantle.”
To conduct this study, researchers listened to more than one year’s worth of Earth’s rumblings — from ambient noise to actual earthquakes — using a network of 19 passive, ocean-bottom seismographs deployed across the Mariana Trench, along with seven island-based seismographs. The trench is where the western Pacific Ocean plate slides beneath the Mariana plate and sinks deep into the Earth’s mantle as the plates slowly converge.
The new seismic observations paint a more nuanced picture of the Pacific plate bending into the trench — resolving its three-dimensional structure and tracking the relative speeds of types of rock that have different capabilities for holding water.
Bringing water down
Rock can grab and hold onto water in a variety of ways.
Ocean water atop the plate runs down into the Earth’s crust and upper mantle along the fault lines that lace the area where plates collide and bend. Then it gets trapped. Under certain temperature and pressure conditions, chemical reactions force the water into a non-liquid form as hydrous minerals — wet rocks — locking the water into the rock in the geologic plate. All the while, the plate continues to crawl ever deeper into the Earth’s mantle, bringing the water along with it.
Previous studies at subduction zones like the Mariana Trench have noted that the subducting plate could hold water. But they could not determine how much water it held and how deep it went.
“Previous conventions were based on active source studies, which can only show the top 3-4 miles into the incoming plate,” Cai said.
He was referring to a type of seismic study that uses sound waves created with the blast of an air gun from aboard an ocean research vessel to create an image of the subsurface rock structure.
“They could not be very precise about how thick it is, or how hydrated it is,” Cai said. “Our study tried to constrain that. If water can penetrate deeper into the plate, it can stay there and be brought down to deeper depths.”
An important part of Earth’s water cycle
The seismic images that Cai and Wiens obtained show that the area of hydrated rock at the Mariana Trench extends almost 20 miles beneath the seafloor — much deeper than previously thought.
The amount of water that can be held in this block of hydrated rock is considerable.
For the Mariana Trench region alone, four times more water subducts than previously calculated. These features can be extrapolated to predict the conditions under other ocean trenches worldwide.
“If other old, cold subducting slabs contain similarly thick layers of hydrous mantle, then estimates of the global water flux into the mantle at depths greater than 60 miles must be increased by a factor of about three,” Wiens said.
And for water in the Earth, what goes down must come up. Sea levels have remained relatively stable over geologic time, varying by less than 1,000 feet. This means that all of the water that is going down into the Earth at subduction zones must be coming back up somehow, and not continuously piling up inside the Earth.
Scientists believe that most of the water that goes down at the trench comes back from the Earth into the atmosphere as water vapor when volcanoes erupt hundreds of miles away. But with the revised estimates of water from the new study, the amount of water going into the earth seems to greatly exceed the amount of water coming out.
“The estimates of water coming back out through the volcanic arc are probably very uncertain,” said Wiens, who hopes that this study will encourage other researchers to reconsider their models for how water moves back out of the Earth. “This study will probably cause some re-evaluation.”
Moving beyond the Mariana Trench, Wiens along with a team of other scientists has recently deployed a similar seismic network offshore in Alaska to consider how water is moved down into the Earth there.
“Does the amount of water vary substantially from one subduction zone to another, based on the kind of faulting that you have when the plate bends?” Wiens asked. “There’s been suggestions of that in Alaska and in Central America. But nobody has looked at the deeper structure yet like we were able to do in the Mariana Trench.”
原始論文:Chen Cai, Douglas A. Wiens, Weisen Shen, Melody Eimer. Water input into the Mariana subduction zone estimated from ocean-bottom seismic dataNature, 2018; 563 (7731): 389 DOI: 10.1038/s41586-018-0655-4
引用自:Washington University in St. Louis. "Seismic study reveals huge amount of water dragged into Earth's interior."

