2018年2月7日 星期三


Kira Rehfeld博士和Thomas Laepple博士領導的團隊比較了格陵蘭(冰芯)的數據、採集自世界各地數個海域的沉積物數據,還有從南極取得的冰芯樣品。他們證實冰河期溫度劇烈波動的現象在全世界的表現絕非一致,而是各地皆有不同。比方說,末次冰河期高峰時熱帶的溫度變化比現今還要強烈三倍,而格陵蘭的冰芯則顯示當地的變動幅度比現今還要強個70倍。「格陵蘭的冰芯無疑是瞭解過往氣候的重要鑰匙。話雖如此,我們的研究證明從格陵蘭冰芯得出的結論並非總是能代表整個世界。」主持青年研究員小組的Laepple如此解釋。他同時也是歐洲研究委員會資助的青年研究小組SPACE的主持人。
第一作者Kira Rehfeld和其同僚的成果為首次彙整並比較總計來自99個研究地點的不同類型氣候資料。在氣侯學界,冰芯通常被視為黃金標準,因為它的分層相當分明且連續,不像從海床取出的沉積物時常受到構造運動、洋流或海洋生物影響導致層狀構造毀損。AWI的研究人員設計出某些運算方法使他們在計算不同類型的古氣候資料時,可以估計各類資料的不確定因素和可能誤差來源,並將這些因子納入他們的分析當中。Laepple表示:「如此這般,我們可以比較地球歷史上不同時期的沉積物樣品和冰芯。」
進行氣候模擬的研究人員先前於2014年提出一套假說,來解釋在溫暖氣候條件下氣溫變動幅度會降低的機制。但直到現在RehfeldLaepple 和其同僚才首度利用過往的全球氣候資料來佐證這套理論。AWI的研究人員接著描述了他們的下個目標:「我們的計劃是詳細研究短期的氣溫變化在過去是如何隨著時間改變,以及和長期氣候變遷的關係為何。為了達成這項目標,我們需要更為可靠的氣候紀錄,並增進我們對它們運作方式的理解。」要把古氣候紀錄的準確度提升至可以同時反映極端事件的水準,可能會是未來數年最大的挑戰之一。

Climate variability – past and future
Researchers compare global temperature variability in glacial and interglacial periods
If you want to know how the climate will change in the future, you need to look at the past. By looking at the climate changes that took place thousands of years ago, we can improve predictions for future climate. Comparing layers in the ice-core samples and ocean sediments has allowed researchers to deduce e.g. how the average temperature on Earth has changed over time, and also how great the variability was. From the height of the last glacial period 21,000 years ago to our current interglacial period, the Earth has warmed by an average of five degrees Celsius. In view of future global warming, it’s vital for today’s global population to know whether temperatures will rise steadily, or whether there will be sudden, major fluctuations. The frequency of extreme events represents an essential benchmark for climate change adaptation measures, since, when it comes to flood protection, transport and building materials, we need to be prepared for the worst-case scenario, and not just for “average” changes.
Climate researchers from the Helmholtz Young Investigators Group ECUS at the Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research (AWI) in Potsdam have now investigated how temperature variability changed as the Earth warmed from the last glacial period to the current interglacial period. To date it has been assumed that temperatures varied greatly during the last glacial, while the current interglacial was largely characterised by small temperature variations. This interpretation was based on water isotope data from central Greenland ice cores.
The team, led by Dr Kira Rehfeld and Dr Thomas Laepple, compared the Greenland data with that from sediments collected in several ocean regions around the globe, as well as from ice-core samples gathered in the Antarctic. They demonstrate that the phenomenon of major temperature fluctuations during glacial periods has by no means manifested uniformly worldwide, but has instead varied from region to region. For instance, in the Tropics the temperature variations were three times as intense as today at the height of the last glacial, whereas the ice cores from Greenland indicate variations that were 70 times as intense. “The ice cores from Greenland are without a doubt an important key to understanding the climate of the past. That being said, our study confirms that the conclusions regarding Greenland aren’t always representative of the entire world,” explains Young Investigators Group leader Laepple, who also heads the ERC-funded Young Investigators Group SPACE.
The achievement of first author Kira Rehfeld and her colleagues: they have for the first time gathered and compared data from diverse climate archives and a total of 99 research sites. In the climate research community, ice cores are generally considered the gold standard, because their layers are highly consistent, unlike sediment layers from the seafloor, which are frequently marred by tectonic shifts, currents or marine organisms. The AWI researchers have devised mathematical methods that allow them to estimate the uncertainties and potential sources of error while assessing various paleoclimate archives, and to take these factors into account in their analyses. “As such, we can compare the sediment samples with the ice cores for various epochs in the planet’s history,” says Laepple.
The more intensive variations during glacial periods are due to the greater difference in temperature between the ice-covered polar regions and the Tropics, which produced a more dynamic exchange of warm and cold air masses. “If we then follow that idea to its logical conclusion, it tells us the variations will continue to lessen as global warming progresses,” says Rehfeld – simply because the difference in temperature between the warming North and the Tropics will decline. “However, our data covers timeframes spanning centuries and millennia – we can’t zoom in on just a handful of years, which means we can only draw indirect conclusions regarding the extreme events that shape weather,” explains climate researcher Rehfeld, who is currently pursuing research with the British Antarctic Survey (BAS).
Climate modellers had previously postulated the mechanism of reduced variability under warmer climatic conditions in 2014. Yet with their analysis, Rehfeld, Laepple and colleagues are the first to reinforce this theory with global climate data from the past. The AWI researchers describe their next endeavour as follows: “We plan to investigate in detail the changes in short-term variations in the past and their relation to long-term climate changes. To do so, we need reliable climate archives, and to improve our understanding of how they work.” Increasing the accuracy to a level at which paleo-archives can also reflect extreme events will likely be one of the greatest challenges for the years to come.
原始論文:Kira Rehfeld, Thomas Münch, Sze Ling Ho, Thomas Laepple. Global patterns of declining temperature variability from the Last Glacial Maximum to the Holocene. Nature, 2018; DOI: 10.1038/nature25454
引用自:Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research. "Climate variability -- past and future."

