2017年9月30日 星期六


顯微鏡下的黑色石墨顆粒,可能具有地球遠古生命留下的訊號。 Credit: Komiya et al. Nature, 10.1038/nature24019
對於某些人來說,此研究增添了更多證據暗示地球初期充斥各種不同形式的生物。「接受這項事實吧!」倫敦大學學院的地球化學家Dominic Papineau如此表示。他在三月跟其他學者發表的一篇研究中,於加拿大魁北克發現可能為微生物的化石,其年代至少可以追溯至37.7億年前。
「當我讀到這篇研究我想說『又來了。』」斯德哥爾摩瑞典自然史博物館的地質學家Martin Whitehouse表示。2002年他參與的研究批評了一篇在格陵蘭發現遠古生命的類似報告。

研究人員從加拿大拉布拉多稱作Saglek岩塊的地區採集岩石樣品。Credit: Komiya et al. Nature, 10.1038/nature24019
但此描述反而促使其他科學家提出警語。「這些石墨沉積物的年代比作者宣稱的年輕許多。」華沙波蘭科學院地質科學研究所的地質學家Monika Kusiak,與澳洲伯斯科廷大學的地質學家Daniel Dunkley表示。他們都曾經進行研究企圖闡明Saglek岩塊的地質史,並主張研究人員推論中被片麻岩穿過的岩石,實際年代比片麻岩還要年輕。
拉布拉多包括Saglek岩塊在內的古老岩石可以直接跨過拉布拉多海連結到格陵蘭。「它們有許多相似之處。」哥本哈根丹麥自然史博物館的地質學家Minik Rosing表示。他的研究領域為格陵蘭的岩石中可能由生命留下來的化學訊號。「這邊的地質狀況極為複雜。」

Oldest traces of life on Earth may lurk in Canadian rocks
Researchers report chemical evidence of organisms that lived 3.95 billion years ago, but scepticism abounds.
The microscope view shows dark grains of graphite that could contain traces of ancient life on Earth. Credit: Komiya et al. Nature, 10.1038/nature24019
Ancient rocks in northeastern Canada could contain chemical traces of life from more than 3.95 billion years ago, a new study suggests1. If confirmed, the finding would be among the earliest known signs of life on Earth.
To some, the work adds to growing evidence that the young Earth was teeming with many different kinds of organism. “Accept it!” says Dominic Papineau, a geochemist at University College London who, in March, co-authored a report of possible fossilized microbes from Quebec that date back at least 3.77 billion years2.
But others are sceptical that the latest work will hold up to scrutiny. Many previous claims of ancient life have been hotly contested — in part because rocks that formed billions of years ago have been severely heated and squished, making the geological context hard to interpret, and in part because the chemical traces of life can be difficult to distinguish from reactions that do not involve living organisms.
“When I read this I thought, ‘here we go again,’” says Martin Whitehouse, a geologist at the Swedish Museum of Natural History in Stockholm who, in 2002, co-authored a study3 that criticized a similar report of ancient life in Greenland.
Rock block
The latest work investigated a set of rocks from northern Labrador, known collectively as the Saglek block. A team led by Tsuyoshi Komiya and Yuji Sano of the University of Tokyo visited the area between 2011 and 2013, fanning out among the rocky outcrops to gather samples while armed guards kept watch for polar bears.
In the 28 September issue of Nature, the researchers report analysing carbon isotopes in powdered rock and in individual graphite grains from the Saglek area. In some of the samples, they found relatively low amounts of the isotope carbon-13 compared to carbon-12, a lighter isotope with one less neutron in its nucleus. Organisms prefer to use carbon-12 to make organic compounds, and so material in which microbes once lived — like the Saglek rocks — becomes enriched in the lighter isotope.
Finding evidence of life in these ancient, highly deformed rocks “is surprising and exciting”, says Komiya. He says that he and his group have ruled out other possible explanations for the skewed ratio of carbon isotopes, such as decomposition of the mineral siderite. And the graphite seems to have crystallized at roughly the same temperature as that experienced by the rocks around it as they were squeezed and heated, which suggests the graphite isn’t just contamination that arrived later.
Researchers sampled rocks from an area in Labrador, Canada, called the Saglek block. Credit: Komiya et al. Nature, 10.1038/nature24019
In previous papers45, Komiya’s team described the geological history of the Saglek block, and used uranium–lead dating on ancient zircon crystals inside a type of metamorphic rock called gneiss to conclude that the gneiss was 3.95 billion years old. They say that the graphite containing hints of life must be at least that old, because it lies within rocks that are apparently shot through with — and thus presumably older than — the 3.95-billion-year-old gneiss.
Yet that scenario prompts other scientists to raise a warning flag. “The graphite is in much younger sediment than the authors claim,” say geologists Monika Kusiak of the Institute of Geological Sciences at the Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw and Daniel Dunkley of Curtin University in Perth, Australia, who have been working to unravel the geological history of the Saglek block. They argue that the rocks that are supposedly shot through with the gneiss are not, in fact, older than it.
“Everything else in this paper is resting on the geochronology, and the geochronology is just not well-founded,” adds Whitehouse. “It’s a house of cards.”
Komiya says that he stands by his team’s interpretation.
Labrador links
The debate over the results resembles one that began in 1996, when a US–Australian–British team reported finding biologically altered graphite from at least 3.86 billion years ago inside grains of a mineral called apatite, in rocks on Akilia island off southwestern Greenland6. That work was criticized on many fronts7, although some still argue that Akilia's rocks contain traces of ancient life.
Labrador’s ancient rocks, including the Saglek block, lie directly across the Labrador Sea from Greenland. “There are a lot of similarities,” says Minik Rosing, a geologist at the Natural History Museum of Denmark in Copenhagen who has studied possible chemical traces of life in Greenland rocks8. “It's extremely complex geology.”
He applauds Komiya's team, but says that more remains to be done. “It's a good example of very sophisticated and high-quality analytical work,” he says. But the rocks are so complicated, he explains, that the graphite being studied “could be as young as 2.7 billion years old, and still pass all the tests”.

原始文章:Alexandra Witze. Oldest traces of life on Earth may lurk in Canadian rocks. Nature, 2017. doi:10.1038/nature.2017.22685

2017年9月29日 星期五


減壓作用是地函發生部分熔融的主要方式之一。一般來說,在中洋脊下方或者隱沒帶後方,地函岩石上湧的時候便會發生此種熔融現象。對此作用一項合理的推論是,岩石感受到的壓力變化或許可以無關於穩定而緩慢的地函對流,而是施加於地球表面的壓力發生迅速變化。過往科學家曾特別提出冰層後退或是海平面變動導致的壓力變化,可以調節大範圍火山系統產生與噴發的岩漿多寡。然而,它在不同地體構造的影響規模有多大,以及在地質紀錄中會留下什麼樣的痕跡,卻都還是爭論中的議題。Pietro Sternai和其同僚在《自然地質科學》撰寫的論文中,呈現出的證據指出大約600萬年前的墨西拿鹽度危機(Messinian salinity crisis)期間,一部分地中海蒸發的同時火山活動也跟著增加。他們提出當時海平面降低數公里造成地函受到減壓作用影響,是最能解釋岩漿活動為何激增的原因。

(i) 地中海盆地在大約570550萬年前發生的大規模蒸發現象和海平面迅速下降,可以減少地殼和下方地函受到的壓力。(ii) 地函減壓導致部分熔融。(iii) 另一方面,地殼減壓的同時產生拉伸,讓更多岩漿以岩脈的形式往地表移動。(iv) 最終導致地表火山活動增加。Sternai和其同僚利用數值模型顯示這一連串的事件,可以解釋地中海盆地的火山活動為何在大約560萬年前出現一段異常高峰期。

Volcanology: When less water means more fire
Decompression is the primary way to partially melt Earth's mantle. Such melting occurs routinely as mantle rocks upwell beneath a mid-ocean ridge or behind a subduction zone. A corollary of this process is that rocks may also feel changes in pressure that have nothing to do with slow and steady mantle convection, but instead relate to rapid shifts in the loads that weigh on Earth's surface. In particular, pressure changes due to ice-sheet retreat or sea-level variability have been proposed to modulate the amount of magma produced and erupted in a wide range of volcanic systems1, 2, 3, 4. The magnitude of this modulation across different geodynamic settings, and its signature in the geological record, however, remain a matter of debate5, 6. Writing in Nature Geoscience, Pietro Sternai and colleagues7 present evidence for enhanced volcanism coincident with partial evaporation of the Mediterranean Sea during the Messinian salinity crisis, about six million years ago. They argue that this boost in magmatism is best explained by decompression of the mantle caused by a kilometre-scale drop in sea level at that time.
It has long been thought that rapid shifts in surface loads due to changes in the global hydrological cycle could perturb mantle pressure from the top down, causing decompression melting. For example, the removal of an ice sheet approximately 2-km thick within about 2,000 years would decompress the mantle ten times faster than decompression associated with steady mantle upwelling. This effect can account for the increase in volcanic productivity documented in Iceland between 10,000 and 8,000 years ago1, 2. Similarly, pressure changes associated with glacial/interglacial sea-level fluctuations are now thought to modulate the magma supply at mid-ocean ridges by about 10% (refs 4,5).
Sternai et al.7 bring an original perspective into this discussion by considering the magmatic consequences of the Messinian salinity crisis. This crisis marked an episode of massive evaporation and salt deposition in the Mediterranean basin that was triggered by the closure of the Gibraltar Straight, and was potentially associated with spectacular sea-level drop8. The Mediterranean region is tectonically complex because the convergence between the African and Eurasian plates has created several small-scale subduction systems9 that provide numerous opportunities for hot mantle to ascend, melt and fuel volcanism at the surface. However, using a compilation of existing age data that constrain the timing of volcanism, the researchers show that an anomalously high number of eruptive and intrusive events occurred in these systems during the Messinian salinity crisis, around 5.6 million years ago.
Sternai et al.7 propose that this pulse in volcanism, which occurred mostly along the edges of the Mediterranean basin, was a response to sea-level-driven decompression of the underlying mantle. To convincingly establish this connection, they first calculate the magnitude of the change in surface load associated with a kilometre-scale sea-level drop, and then determine whether this change in load would have been felt in parts of the mantle and crust that sourced and stored the anomalous volcanism. Although the latter may seem trivial when considering the effect of global sea-level change on a mid-ocean ridge, it is not straightforward that unloading near the centre of the Mediterranean Sea would have consequences for volcanic systems located far away from the centre, along the edge of the basin (Fig. 1). Geodynamic modelling, however, reveals that if the stress fluctuations were sufficiently large and rapid, they could have been transmitted through the visco-elastic lithosphere and upper asthenosphere, hundreds of kilometres inland beyond the Mediterranean shores.
Figure 1: Mechanisms for enhanced volcanism in the Mediterranean during the Messinian salinity crisis.
Large-scale evaporation and rapid sea-level fall in the Mediterranean basin about 5.7 to 5.5 million years ago would have unloaded the crust and underlying mantle (i). Mantle decompression leads to partial melting (ii), whereas crustal unloading and extension allows more magma to migrate towards the surface via dykes (iii), generating increased volcanism at the surface (iv). Sternai and colleagues7 use a numerical model to show that this sequence of events could explain an anomalous pulse of volcanism in the Mediterranean basin about 5.6 million years ago.
Various loading paths, representing scenarios of salt precipitation that loads the lithosphere and evaporative drawdown that unloads the lithosphere, were tested in the models. Only a rapid and large magnitude sea-level drop can exert a sizeable pressure modulation on the magma production and storage areas, which is consistent with the idea that the Messinian salinity crisis was associated with significant sea-level change. Unloading at the surface is proposed to not only generate additional melt in the mantle, but also to promote volcanic eruptions because reduced stress in Earth's crust creates conditions that are favourable for initiating magma-filled dyke intrusions. Unfortunately, geodynamic models that self-consistently handle deformation and melt transport through the brittle lithosphere are rare10, and the time necessary for any extra melt to reach the surface is debated. To accurately quantify the sensitivity of magma transport and extrusion to transient forcings warrants the development of novel modelling frameworks.
Additional difficulties in identifying top-down controls on magmatism include incomplete preservation and potential sampling bias in the time-series of magmatic activity. Mitigating these issues is difficult to do because we can only work with the geological record that is available to us. Identifying a particular source of external variability — in this case surface unloading — in a complex system with multiple sources of internal variability is especially challenging. One advantage of studying the Messinian salinity crisis is that this was a sudden pulse-like event during which other geodynamic forcings on magmatic activity can be considered mostly steady. Sternai and colleagues adopt a large-scale data collection approach to identify synchronicity in volcanic events across the entire pan-Mediterranean region, which argues against intrinsic fluctuations specific to each magmatic system. To further test these ideas will require a thorough characterization of the background, unperturbed magma output of the Mediterranean domain, and to account for the diversity of melt-generation modes beyond just decompression melting.
Sternai and co-workers7 show that rapid and large-scale sea-level fall during the Messinian salinity crisis could have decompressed the mantle, boosted magma production and increased surface volcanism. This proposed link will motivate the collection of high-resolution field data that better constrain the timing of volcanism in the Mediterranean, along with the development of novel approaches for coupled lithosphere–magma dynamics. The influence of surficial loading on magmatic activity remains a contentious question in geodynamics. Knowledge of the physical processes at play during such interactions is not only critical for our understanding of magmatic systems, but also because appreciation of the volcanic response to changes at Earth's surface may allow the identification of previously unrecognized retro-actions in the global climate system3.
原始文章:Jean-Arthur Olive. Volcanology: When less water means more fire, Nature Geoscience, 2017. doi:10.1038/ngeo3040

2017年9月25日 星期一


大氣中的氧對於複雜生命的存活與生長來說至關重要。在地球歷史中有將近一半的時光,地球大氣處於缺氧狀態。接著,於2324億年前左右發生的大氧化事件中(Great Oxygenation Event ,GOE)氧氣含量急遽上升,開啟了大氣氧濃度逐步上升的趨勢。是什麼原因造成了大氧化事件時氧氣濃度飆升,至今仍未明瞭。SmitMezger《自然―地質科學》(Nature Geoscience )撰寫的文章中,提出約莫在大氧化事件發生的10億年之前,上部大陸地殼總成分產生了改變,造成地表化學反應消耗的氧氣減少,使得大氣中的氧氣可以累積起來。
SmitMezger彙整出全球碎屑沉積物的化學成分資料庫,年代涵蓋了地球歷史大部分時間。它們利用稀有元素鉻和鈾的比例(以太古宙之後來自大陸地殼的沉積物當作現今平均值進行標準化),重建出地殼礦物組成隨時間如何變化。具體來說,研究人員是利用了難熔礦物(refractory mineral)碎屑中鉻和鈾的分異作用彼此不同的特性。除非受到有氧風化作用而影響到溶解度,不然這兩種元素在岩石裡都是屬於不活動元素。有氧風化進行時,鉻會跟鉻鐵礦之類的礦物結合,鈾則會跟鋯石之類的礦物結合。但是,因為鋯石幾乎不會存在於基性或超基性地殼中,所以沉積物的鉻/鈾比可以用來指示源區成分為何。研究人員的觀察結果跟過去研究一致:在大約3324億年前地殼成分發生了改變,上部大陸地殼的性質從基性超基性岩為主轉變成酸性岩為主;礦物組成也從橄欖石和輝石為主,變成含有石英和長石之類的礦物。

Smit and Mezger現在提出這種太古宙上部大陸地殼的常見成分或許能吸收氧氣,因而抑制早期地球大氣中的氧含量。(Source: Elis Hoffmann)
地殼從基性為主轉變成較為酸性可能跟全球地質作用的動力機制改變有關,從靜止蓋層(stagnant lid)的構造作用型態變成開始跟今日運行的板塊構造作用較為類似。隨著隱沒作用開始進行,基性上部地殼受到侵蝕並循環回地函,造成地殼中層演化程度較高的酸性地殼露出地表。基性地殼減少造成露出地表的蛇紋岩變少,使得蛇紋岩化作用再也無法成為大量消耗氧氣的機制,因此讓大氣的氧含量得以增加。

Geochemistry: Oxygenation by a changing crust
Atmospheric oxygen is vital for the development and habitability of complex life. Earth's atmosphere lacked oxygen for nearly half of the planet's history. Oxygen levels then rapidly increased about 2.3 to 2.4 billion years ago, during the Great Oxygenation Event (GOE)123, which initiated a stepwise rise in atmospheric oxygen concentrations1. The reason for this increase during the GOE is unclear. Writing in Nature Geoscience Smit and Mezger4 propose that a change in the bulk composition of the upper continental crust about one billion years before the GOE would have caused a decrease in oxygen-consuming reactions at Earth's surface, allowing oxygen to build up in the atmosphere.
Most of Earth's atmospheric oxygen is produced via photosynthesis by plants (including phytoplankton) and cyanobacteria. The GOE is thus probably related to an increasing population of cyanobacteria. However, cyanobacteria are likely to have evolved much earlier than the GOE5, when they formed oxygen oases — small-scale oxidized environments. An earlier increase in atmospheric oxygen could have been mitigated by the composition of the oceans and continents1,678: reducing agents such as reduced iron introduced by hydrothermal fluids into the Archaean oceans, as well as the more iron-rich mafic crust that characterized the younger Earth, may have reacted with any free oxygen, creating oxygen sinks that prevented its accumulation in the atmosphere. Only with a change in crustal composition could oxygen concentrate in the atmosphere. However, the precise nature of the sinks that hampered oxygenation of the atmosphere is ambiguous.
Smit and Mezger4 compile a global database of clastic sediment chemical compositions that covers most of Earth's history. Using the ratio of the trace elements Cr and U (normalized to the modern average value for post-Archaean sediment derived from continental crust), they reconstruct changes in crustal mineral composition through time. Specifically, the researchers take advantage of the different partitioning behaviours of Cr and U in refractory detrital minerals — both elements are immobile unless oxidative weathering influences the solubility. During oxidative weathering, Cr combines with minerals such as chromites, while U combines with minerals such as zircon. However, zircon is largely absent in mafic and ultramafic crust, so the Cr/U ratio can be used as a fingerprint of the composition of the source area for the sediments. In line with past work678, the researchers observe a change in crustal composition about 3.3 to 2.4 billion years ago from a dominantly mafic–ultramafic upper continental crust that consisted mainly of minerals such as olivine and pyroxene, to a dominantly felsic upper crustal composition, comprising minerals such as quartz and feldspar.
Based on their Cr/U database, Smit and Mezger propose that minerals within the mafic–ultramafic crust were hydrated during hydrothermal alteration, forming serpentine minerals. Serpentines are a class of minerals that incorporate OH groups into their crystal lattice and release H2 in oxygen-scavenging reactions4. These reactions transform the host rock into a serpentinite, which is found exposed in typical Archaean greenstone belts (Fig. 1). Since serpentinization triggers the production of reducing species4, surface waters in the presence of serpentinites would have been highly alkaline and could have influenced cyanobacterial habitats, acting as a sink for the bacteria-produced oxygen.
Figure 1: Serpentinites from the Isua Greenstone Belt of southern West Greenland, which is more than 3.7 billion years old.
Smit and Mezger4 now argue that these typical components of Archaean upper continental crust may have acted as an oxygen sink, suppressing oxygen levels in Earth's early atmosphere.   Source: Elis Hoffmann

The transition from a dominantly mafic to a more felsic crust was probably related to a changing style of global geodynamics, from a stagnant-lid tectonic regime towards the onset of plate tectonic processes similar to those active today9. With the onset of subduction, the upper mafic crust was eroded and recycled into the mantle, leaving the more evolved felsic crust from mid-crustal levels exposed at the surface of the continents. Removal of the mafic crust would reduce the amount of exposed serpentinites, minimizing serpentinization as an important sink for oxygen thereafter, and allowing oxygenation of the atmosphere.
The model of serpentinization as a primary oxygen sink stands independent from previous suggestions that the higher abundance of reduced iron species available for oxygen reduction was responsible for the delay in the rise of atmospheric oxygen following the expansion in cynobacterial populations. Indeed, Smit and Mezger show that the Cr/U ratios are similar in a number of rock types with variable compositions, yet the same iron abundance, implying that iron content was not the primary control on free oxygen availability. The serpentinization model also leaves some freedom for compositional heterogeneities within late Archaean upper continental crust. The dilution of the influence of serpentinites on the chemistry of continental runoff by the end of the Archaean may have led to partial oxidation of the upper ocean water column4, while sub-seafloor serpentinization in the oceanic crust kept the lower water column anoxic beyond the Archaean1.
Although serpentinization is certainly an important process in introducing reduced reagents into the environment before the GOE, it is not the only process. Other key sinks for extracting oxygen from the atmosphere include weathering of volcanic glasses8, sulfur-bearing minerals in mafic and ultramafic rocks7, a change in volcanic gas composition10, increased subaerial volcanism11, and hydrothermal Fe precipitation in seawater3. After three billion years, the subduction of more felsic ocean floor sediments may have changed the redox conditions in subduction zones, potentially leading to more oxidized gases being emitted at arc volcanoes, triggering further oxygenation7.
Smit and Mezger4 show that serpentinization may have buffered the redox conditions on the Archaean Earth, mitigating the accumulation of atmospheric oxygen. The importance of this process should now be quantified using numerical models and compared with the sulfur isotope record — the only quantitative record of oxygen on Earth across this time period2. If serpentinization was indeed a critical process during the Archaean, the low density of serpentine may also have had a profound impact on geodynamic processes such as crustal recycling and stabilization of continental crust on the early Earth.
原始論文:Matthijs A. Smit and Klaus Mezger. Earth’s early O2 cycle suppressed by primitive continents. Nature Geoscience, 2017.  doi:10.1038/ngeo3030.
引用自:J. Elis Hoffmann. Geochemistry: Oxygenation by a changing crust. Nature Geoscience, 2017. doi:10.1038/ngeo3038
