儘管磁場對於地球上的生命來說十分重要,我們卻還尚未完全明瞭地球磁場的成因。關於地磁的起源有許多理論,但是許多專家認為它們並不完整或含有瑕疵。近日由符茲堡大學的科學家做出的新發現或許提供了一個全新角度來解釋地磁起源。他們的發現刊登於當期的《自然通訊》(Nature Communications)。根據這篇文章,此效應的關鍵潛藏於元素鎳的特殊結構之中。
Sangiovanni表示:「用來解釋地球磁場的標準模型中,對地核內部金屬的導電度和導熱性採用的數值跟現實並不相符。」參與研究的人員包括同單位的博士生Andreas Hausoel和博士後研究員Michael Karolak;以及跟Giorgio Sangiovanni長期合作,維也納大學的Alessandro Toschi和Karsten Held;最後還有來自德國漢堡、(薩勒河畔)哈雷和俄羅斯葉卡捷琳堡的科學家。
地球的中心大約位在6400公里深的地方,此處溫度為6300℃,壓力則為350百萬巴左右。地核最主要的金屬――鐵和鎳於此環境下形成的實心球體構成了地球的內核。在內核之外則包裹著一層液態的外核,組成同樣是以鐵和鎳為主。外核的液態金屬流動可以加強電流而形成地球磁場――至少常見的地球發電機(geodynamo)理論是如此述說的。「但是該理論具有某些矛盾之處。」Giorgio Sangiovanni表示。
鎳的出現會讓情形截然不同。「我們發現在相當高的溫度下,鎳會展現出一種獨特的異常性質。」這位物理學家如此解釋,「鎳也是強關聯金屬。不同於鐵,鎳的強關聯性主要是由其特殊能帶結構所造成,而非單獨源自電子―電子關聯作用。我們將此效應命名為『能帶結構誘發關聯性』(band-structure induced
Andreas Hausoel接著解釋:「在室溫下,鐵的原子排列方式就像是一個假想立方體中,有一顆原子位於中心位置,周圍的原子則位在角落上,形成的晶格結構我們稱為體心立方堆積(bcc)。」但隨著溫度和壓力增加,此結構會產生變化:鐵原子會靠得更緊而形成一種六方晶格,物理學家稱為六方最密堆積(hcp)晶格。結果使鐵喪失了它大部分的關聯性。
實際上,符茲堡大學固態理論物理部門的研究重點並不是地球核心發生的事物。Sangiovanni、 Hausoel和他們的同事的研究重心為低溫下強關聯電子的性質。他們探討量子效應和所謂的多粒子效應這些下一世代的資料處理器和能量儲存裝置感興趣的現象。在此篇論文中,超導體和量子電腦也被列為關鍵字。
Quantum mechanics inside Earth's core
Physicists from the University of
Würzburg have discovered surprising properties of nickel. They could help
unravel some mysteries about Earth's magnetic field.
Without a magnetic
field life on Earth would be rather uncomfortable: Cosmic particles would pass
through our atmosphere in large quantities and damage the cells of all living
beings. Technical systems would malfunction frequently and electronic components
could be destroyed completely in some cases.
Despite its huge
significance for life on our planet, it is still not fully known what creates
the Earth's magnetic field. There are various theories regarding its origin,
but a lot of experts consider them to be insufficient or flawed. A discovery
made by scientists from Würzburg might provide a new explanatory angle. Their
findings were published in the current issue of the journal Nature Communications. Accordingly, the
key to the effect could be hidden in the special structure of the element
between theory and reality
"The standard
models for Earth's magnetic field use values for the electric and thermal
conductivity of the metals inside our planet's core that cannot square with
reality," Giorgio Sangiovanni says; he is a professor at the Institute for
Theoretical Physics and Astrophysics at the University of Würzburg. Together
with PhD student Andreas Hausoel and postdoc Michael Karolak, he is in charge
of the international collaboration that was published recently. Among the
participants are Alessandro Toschi and Karsten Held of TU Wien, who are
long-term cooperation partners of Giorgio Sangiovanni, and scientists from
Hamburg, Halle (Saale) and Yekaterinburg in Russia.
At Earth's centre at a
depth of about 6,400 km, there is a temperature of 6,300 degrees Celsius and a
pressure of about 3.5 million bars. The predominant elements, iron and nickel,
form a solid metal ball under these conditions which makes up the inner core of
the Earth. This inner core is surrounded by the outer core, a fluid layer
composed mostly of iron and nickel. Flowing of liquid metal in the outer core
can intensify electric currents and create Earth's magnetic field – at least
according to the common geodynamo theory. "But the theory is somewhat
contradictory," Giorgio Sangiovanni says.
induced correlation effects
"This is because
at room temperature iron differs significantly from common metals such as
copper or gold due to its strong effective electron-electron interaction. It is
strongly correlated," he declares. But the effects of electron correlation
are attenuated considerably at the extreme temperatures prevailing in Earth's
core so that conventional theories are applicable. These theories then predict
a much too high thermal conductivity for iron which is at odds with the
geodynamo theory.
With nickel things are
different. "We found nickel to exhibit a distinct anomaly at very high
temperatures," the physicist explains. "Nickel is also a strongly
correlated metal. Unlike iron, this is not due to the electron-electron interaction
alone, but is mainly caused by the special band structure of nickel. We
baptised the effect 'band-structure induced correlation'." The band
structure of a solid is only determined by the geometric layout of the atoms in
the lattice and by the atom type.
Iron and nickel
in Earth's core
"At room
temperature, iron atoms will arrange in a way that the corresponding atoms are
located at the corners of an imaginary cube with one central atom at the centre
of the cube, forming a so-called bcc lattice structure," Andreas Hausoel
adds. But as temperature and pressure increase, this structure changes: The
atoms move together more closely and form a hexagonal lattice, which physicists
refer to as an hcp lattice. As a result, iron looses most of its correlated
But not so with
nickel: "In this metal, the atoms are as densely packed as possible in the
cube structure already in the normal state. They keep this layout even when
temperature and pressure become very large," Hausoel explains. The unusual
physical behaviour of nickel under extreme conditions can only be explained by
the interaction of this geometric stability and the electron correlations
originating from this geometry. Despite the fact that scientists have neglected
nickel so far, it seems to play a major role in Earth's magnetic field.
Decisive hint
from geophysics
The goings-on inside
Earth's core are not the actual focus of research at the Departments of
Theoretical Solid-state Physics of the University of Würzburg. Rather
Sangiovanni, Hausoel and their colleagues concentrate on the properties of
strongly correlated electrons at low temperatures. They study quantum effects
and so-called multi-particle effects which are interesting for the next
generation of data processing and energy storage devices. Superconductors and
quantum computers are the keywords in this context.
Data from experiments
are not used in this kind of research. "We take the known properties of
atoms as input, include the insights from quantum mechanics and try to
calculate the behaviour of large clusters of atoms with this," Hausoel
says. Because such calculations are highly complex, the scientists have to rely
on external support such as the SUPERMUC supercomputer at the Leibniz
Supercomputing Centre (LRZ) in Garching.
And what's the Earth's
core got to do with this? "We wanted to see how stable the novel magnetic
properties of nickel are and found them to survive even very high
temperatures," Hausoel says. Discussions with geophysicists and further
studies of iron-nickel alloys have shown that these discoveries could be
relevant for what is happening inside Earth's core.
原始論文:A. Hausoel, M. Karolak, E. Şaşɩoğlu, A. Lichtenstein, K. Held,
A. Katanin, A. Toschi, G. Sangiovanni. Local magnetic moments in iron and
nickel at ambient and Earth’s core conditions. Nature Communications,
2017; 8: 16062 DOI: 10.1038/ncomms16062
引用自:University of Würzburg. "Quantum mechanics inside Earth's