noise interferometry)的技術和其他地球物理觀測方法,研究人員可以測得在火山內部傳遞的能量。他們發現能量傳遞的速度,跟觀察到岩石的膨脹收縮量之間有很好的關係,因此這項技術可以用來更精準地預測火山噴發的時間。他們的結果發表在期刊《科學進展》(Science
'Bulges' in
volcanoes could be used to predict eruptions
A team
of researchers from the University of Cambridge have developed a new way of
measuring the pressure inside volcanoes, and found that it can be a reliable
indicator of future eruptions.
Using a technique called ‘seismic noise interferometry’ combined
with geophysical measurements, the researchers measured the energy moving
through a volcano. They found that there is a good correlation between the
speed at which the energy travelled and the amount of bulging and shrinking
observed in the rock. The technique could be used to predict more accurately
when a volcano will erupt. Their results are reported in the journal Science Advances.
Data was collected by the US Geological Survey across Kīlauea in Hawaii, a very
active volcano with a lake of bubbling lava just beneath its summit. During a
four-year period, the researchers used sensors to measure relative changes in
the velocity of seismic waves moving through the volcano over time. They then compared
their results with a second set of data which measured tiny changes in the
angle of the volcano over the same time period.
As Kīlauea is
such an active volcano, it is constantly bulging and shrinking as pressure in
the magma chamber beneath the summit increases and decreases. Kīlauea’s
current eruption started in 1983, and it spews and sputters lava almost
constantly. Earlier this year, a large part of the volcano fell away and it
opened up a huge ‘waterfall’ of lava into the ocean below. Due to this high
volume of activity, Kīlauea is
also one of the most-studied volcanoes on Earth.
The Cambridge researchers used seismic noise to detect what was
controlling Kīlauea’s
movement. Seismic noise is a persistent low-level vibration in the Earth,
caused by everything from earthquakes to waves in the ocean, and can often be
read on a single sensor as random noise. But by pairing sensors together, the
researchers were able to observe energy passing between the two, therefore
allowing them to isolate the seismic noise that was coming from the volcano.
“We were interested in how the energy travelling between the
sensors changes, whether it’s getting faster or slower,” said Clare Donaldson,
a PhD student in Cambridge’s Department of Earth Sciences, and the paper’s
first author. “We want to know whether the seismic velocity changes reflect
increasing pressure in the volcano, as volcanoes bulge out before an eruption.
This is crucial for eruption forecasting.”
One to two kilometres below Kīlauea’s lava
lake, there is a reservoir of magma. As the amount of magma changes in this
underground reservoir, the whole summit of the volcano bulges and shrinks. At
the same time, the seismic velocity changes. As the magma chamber fills up, it
causes an increase in pressure, which leads to cracks closing in the
surrounding rock and producing faster seismic waves – and vice versa.
“This is the first time that
we’ve been able to compare seismic noise with deformation over such a long
period, and the strong correlation between the two shows that this could be a
new way of predicting volcanic eruptions,” said Donaldson.
Volcano seismology has traditionally measured small earthquakes at
volcanoes. When magma moves underground, it often sets off tiny earthquakes, as
it cracks its way through solid rock. Detecting these earthquakes is therefore
very useful for eruption prediction. But sometimes magma can flow silently,
through pre-existing pathways, and no earthquakes may occur. This new technique
will still detect the changes caused by the magma flow.
Seismic noise occurs continuously, and is sensitive to changes that
would otherwise have been missed. The researchers anticipate that this new
research will allow the method to be used at the hundreds of active volcanoes
around the world.
原始論文:Clare Donaldson, Corentin Caudron, Robert G. Green,
Weston A. Thelen and Robert S. White. Relative seismic velocity
variations correlate with deformation at Kīlauea
volcano. Science Advances,
2017 DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.1700219
引用自:University of
Cambridge. "'Bulges' in volcanoes could be used to predict