賓州大學地質科學系的教授Demian Saffer表示:「此區域位於海溝附近,是這道板塊邊界系統中最淺的部分。如果在此發生的滑移產生了地震,就有機會形成大型海嘯。」
參與此計畫的還有德國布萊梅大學海洋環境科學中心的Achim J Kopf、紐西蘭地質與核子科學研究所暨美國德克薩斯大學地球物理研究所的Laura M. Wallace、日本神奈川縣海洋科技機構的木村俊則和町田祐彌、日本東京大學地球與行星科學系的井出哲、加拿大地質調查所太平洋地質科學中心的Earl Davis,以及所有IODP 365航次上登船的科學家。
Japanese slow earthquakes could shed light
on tsunami generation
Understanding slow-slip
earthquakes in subduction zone areas may help researchers understand large
earthquakes and the creation of tsunamis, according to an international team of
researchers that used data from instruments placed on the seafloor and in
boreholes east of the Japanese coast.
area is the shallowest part of the plate boundary system," said Demian
Saffer, professor of geosciences, Penn State. "If this region near the
ocean trench slips in an earthquake, it has the potential to generate a large
tectonic plates meet here, the Pacific Plate and the Eurasian Plate, in a
subduction zone where the Pacific plate slides beneath the Eurasian plate. This
type of earthquake zone forms the "ring of fire" that surrounds the
Pacific Ocean, because once the end of the plate that is subducting -- sliding
underneath -- reaches the proper depth, it triggers melting and forms
volcanoes. Mt. St. Helens in the American Cascade Mountains is one of these
volcanoes, as is Mt. Fuji, about 60 miles southwest of Tokyo. Subduction zones
are often also associated with large earthquakes.
researchers focused their study on slow earthquakes, slip events that happen
over days or weeks. Recent research by other groups has shown that these slow
earthquakes are an important part of the overall patterns of fault slip and
earthquake occurrence at the tectonic plate boundaries and can explain where
some of the energy built up on a fault or in a subduction zone goes.
valuable results are important for understanding the risk of a tsunami,"
says James Allan, program director in the National Science Foundation's
Division of Ocean Sciences, which supports IODP. "Such tidal waves can
affect the lives of hundreds of thousands of people and result in billions of
dollars in damages, as happened in Southeast Asia in 2004. The research underscores
the importance of scientific drillship-based studies, and of collecting
oceanographic and geologic data over long periods of time."
2009 and 2010, the IODP (Integrated Ocean Drilling Program, now the
International Ocean Discovery Program) NanTroSEIZE project drilled two
boreholes in the Nankai Trough offshore southwest of Honshu, Japan, and in 2010
researchers installed monitoring instruments in the holes that are part of a
network including sensors on the seafloor. Saffer and Eiichiro Araki, senior
research scientist, Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology,
co-lead authors, published their results today (June 16) in Science. The two boreholes were 6.6
miles apart, straddling the shallow boundary of slip in the last major
earthquake in this area, which occurred in 1944 and measured magnitude 8.1. The
accompanying tsunami that hit Tokyo was 26 feet in height.
we had these data, no one knew if zero percent or a hundred percent of the
energy in the shallow subduction zone was dissipated by slow earthquakes,"
said Saffer. "We have found that somewhere around 50 percent of the energy
is released in slow earthquakes. The other 50 percent could be taken up in
permanent shortening of the upper plate or be stored for the next 100- or
150-year earthquake. We still don't know which is the case, but it makes a big
difference for tsunami hazards. The slow slip could reduce tsunami risk by
periodically relieving stress, but it is probably more complicated than just
acting as a shock absorber."
researchers found a series of slow slip events on the plate interface seaward
of recurring magnitude 8 earthquake areas east of Japan. These slow earthquakes
lasted days to weeks, some triggered by other unconnected earthquakes in the
area and some happening spontaneously. According to the researchers, this
family of slow earthquakes occurred every 12 to 18 months.
area where these slow earthquakes take place is uncompacted, which is why it
has been thought that these shallow areas near the trench act like a shock
absorber, stopping deeper earthquakes from reaching the surface," said
Saffer. "Instead we have discovered slow earthquakes of magnitude 5 or 6
in the region that last from days to weeks."
earthquakes typically go unnoticed because they are so slow and very far
researchers also note that because earthquakes that occur at a distance from
this subduction zone, without any direct connection, can trigger the slow
earthquakes, the area is much more sensitive than previously thought. The slow
earthquakes are triggered by the shaking, not by any direct strain on the area.
question now is whether it releases stress when these slow earthquakes
occur," said Saffer. "Some caution is required in simply concluding that
the slow events reduce hazard, because our results also show the outer part of
the subduction area can store strain. Furthermore, are the slow earthquakes
doing anything to load deeper parts of the area that do cause big earthquakes?
We don't know."
part of this project were Achim J Kopf, MARUM-Center for Marine Environmental
Sciences; Laura M. Wallace, GNS Sciences, New Zealand and University of Texas
Institute of Geophysics; Toshinori Kimura and Yuya Machida, Japan Agency for
Marine-Earth Science and Technology, Kanagawa, Japan; Satoshi Ide, Department
of Earth and Planetary Science, University of Tokyo; Earl Davis, Pacific
Geoscience Centre, Geological Survey of Canada; and IODP Expedition 365
shipboard scientists.
National Science Foundation and the IODP funded this work.
原始論文:Eiichiro Araki et al. Recurring and triggered
slow-slip events near the trench at the Nankai Trough subduction megathrust. Science,
2017 DOI: 10.1126/science.aan3120
引用自:Penn State.
"Japanese slow earthquakes could shed light on tsunami generation."
ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 15 June 2017.