運用德國電子同步加速器研究所(DESY)的PETRA III光源和其他設施產生的X光,以拜羅伊特大學的Leonid
Dubrovinsky為核心的研究團隊,解決了一項長久以來分析從月亮和火星來的隕石時所面臨的謎題。刊登在期刊《自然通訊》(Nature Communications)的這篇研究,可以解釋兩種不同的二氧化矽礦物為何能在隕石中共存,即便正常來說形成它們所需的條件大不相同。結論同樣也意謂之前對隕石形成環境的推測結果,必須要重新仔細審視才行。
科學家研究了一種稱作方矽石(cristobalite)的二氧化矽礦物。第一作者,拜羅伊特大學高溫高壓地科研究中心的Ana Černok表示:「在研究隕石之類從外星來的樣品時,科學家對此礦物特別感興趣,因為它們是二氧化矽礦物在地外物質中的主要型態。」她現在於英國公開大學進行研究。共同作者,里昂高等師範學校和國家科學研究中心的Razvan Caracas接著表示:「方矽石跟石英有相同的成分,但構造卻差異甚大。」
利用(法國)格勒諾布爾的歐洲同步輻射裝置和DESY的PETRA III製造出來的強力X光,科學家現在可以前所未有地得到方矽石的構造在高達83 GPa(1 GPa=10億帕斯卡),相當於大氣壓力82萬倍左右的壓力下會如何變化的影像。「研究顯示在各方向均等或是幾乎均等的情況下――我們稱之為靜水壓力(hydrostatic)或者準靜壓(quasi-hydrostatic)條件――壓縮方矽石的時候,它會呈現出稱作方矽石X-I的高壓相。」共同作者,DESY的Elena Bykova解釋。她任職於實驗進行的場所,PETRA III的極端條件光束線P02.2。「當壓力釋放後,此高壓相會回復成一般的方矽石。」
High-pressure experiments solve meteorite
analysis reveals unexpected behaviour of silica minerals
With high-pressure experiments at
DESY's X-ray light source PETRA III and other facilities, a research team
around Leonid Dubrovinsky from the University of Bayreuth has solved a long
standing riddle in the analysis of meteorites from Moon and Mars. The study,
published in the journal Nature
Communications, can explain why different versions of silica can
coexist in meteorites, although they normally require vastly different
conditions to form. The results also mean that previous assessments of
conditions at which meteorites have been formed have to be carefully
scientists investigated a silicon dioxide (SiO2) mineral that is called
cristobalite. "This mineral is of particular interest when studying
planetary samples, such as meteorites, because this is the predominant silica
mineral in extra-terrestrial materials," explains first author Ana Černok
from Bayerisches Geoinstitut (BGI) at University Bayreuth, who is now based at
the Open University in the UK. "Cristobalite has the same chemical composition
as quartz, but the structure is significantly different," adds co-author
Razvan Caracas from CNRS, ENS de Lyon.
from ubiquitous quartz, cristobalite is relatively rare on Earth's surface, as
it only forms at very high temperatures under special conditions. But it is
quite common in meteorites from Moon and Mars. Ejected by asteroid impacts from
the surface of Moon or Mars, these rocks finally fell to Earth.
researchers have also found the silica mineral seifertite together with
cristobalite in Martian and lunar meteorites. Seifertite was first synthesised
by Dubrovinsky and colleagues 20 years ago and needs extremely high pressures
to form. "Finding cristobalite and seifertite in the same grain of
meteorite material is enigmatic, as they form under vastly different pressures
and temperatures," underlines Dubrovinsky. "Triggered by this curious
observation, the behaviour of cristobalite at high-pressures has been examined
by numerous experimental and theoretical studies for more than two decades, but
the puzzle could not be solved."
the intense X-rays from PETRA III at DESY and the European Synchrotron
Radiation Facility ESRF in Grenoble (France), the scientists could now get
unprecedented views at the structure of cristobalite under high pressures of up
to 83 giga-pascals (GPa), which corresponds to roughly 820,000 times the
atmospheric pressure. "The experiments showed that when cristobalite is
compressed uniformly or almost uniformly -- or as we say, under hydrostatic or
quasi-hydrostatic conditions -- it assumes a high-pressure phase labelled
cristobalite X-I," explains DESY co-author Elena Bykova who works at the
Extreme Conditions Beamline P02.2 at PETRA III, where the experiments took place.
"This high-pressure phase reverts back to normal cristobalite when the
pressure is released."
if cristobalite is compressed unevenly under what scientists call
non-hydrostatic conditions, it unexpectedly converts into a seifertite-like
structure, as the experiments have now shown. This structure forms under
significantly less pressure than necessary to form seifertite from ordinary
silica. "The ab initio calculations confirm the dynamical stability of the
new phase up to high pressures," says Caracas. Moreover it also remains
stable when the pressure is released.
came as a surprise," says Černok. "Our study clarifies how squeezed
cristobalite can transform into seifertite at much lower pressure than
expected. Therefore, meteorites that contain seifertite associated with cristobalite
have not necessarily experienced massive impacts." During an impact, the
propagation of the shock wave through the rock can create very complex stress
patterns even with intersecting areas of hydrostatically and
non-hydrostatically compressed materials, so that different versions of silica
can form in the same meteorite.
results have immediate implications for studying impact processes in the solar
system," underlines Dubrovinsky. "They provide clear evidence that
neither cristobalite nor seifertite should be considered as reliable tracers of
the peak shock conditions experienced by meteorites." But the observations
also show more generally that the same material can react very differently to
hydrostatic and non-hydrostatic compression, as Dubrovinsky explains. "For
materials sciences our results suggest an additional mechanism for the
manipulation of the properties of materials: Apart from pressure and
temperature, different forms of stress may lead to completely different
behaviour of solid matter."
原始論文:Ana Černok, Katharina Marquardt, Razvan Caracas, Elena
Bykova, Gerlinde Habler, Hanns-Peter Liermann, Michael Hanfland, Mohamed
Mezouar, Ema Bobocioiu, Leonid Dubrovinsky. Compressional pathways of
α-cristobalite, structure of cristobalite X-I, and towards the understanding of
seifertite formation. Nature Communications, 2017; 8: 15647
DOI: 10.1038/ncomms15647
Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY. "High-pressure experiments solve meteorite
mystery: X-ray analysis reveals unexpected behaviour of silica minerals."
ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 7 June 2017.