刊登於2017年2月23日的《自然》(Nature),此發現的重要之處在於對科學家所稱的「渾沌太陽系」(chaotic solar system)理論首次提出了鐵證。這項理論於1989年提出,說明太陽系當前狀態的些微改變會在數百萬年後顯現出來,而對地球氣候造成巨大影響――這些影響會反映在地球歷史的岩石紀錄之中。
在數千萬年前恐龍仍統治地球之時,北美淺海形成了一組由石灰岩和頁岩交互堆疊的岩層。由威斯康辛大學麥迪遜分校的地質科學教授Stephen Meyers,和西北大學行星與地球科學教授Brad Sageman領導的團隊,利用在這組岩石中找到的證據,發現了8700萬年前火星和地球之間發生的「共振變換」(resonance transition)所產生的訊號。共振變換是渾沌理論中「蝴蝶效應」產生的後果,其概念係指非線性系統中初始狀態的微小改變,經過一段時間後會產生巨大的影響。
Meyers、Sageman和威斯康辛大學麥迪遜分校的研究生Chao Ma(本研究為其論文內容的一部份)為了找出共振變換的訊號,探討了科羅拉多州Niobrara岩層中的地質紀錄。此岩層為沉積物於數千年萬間逐層累積在白堊紀西部內陸海道(Cretaceous Western Interior Seaway)的寬廣淺海中而形成。這座淺海從現今的北極海延伸至墨西哥灣,將北美洲分成了東西兩半部。
這項新研究由美國國家科基金會贊助,主要建立於先前對Niobrara層的地層紀錄進行的縝密調查,以及天文年代學的重大研究成果。後者是西北大學Sageman的前研究生Robert Locklair撰寫論文期間所進行的研究。
由Ma、Meyers和Sageman發現的火星―地球間共振變換的年代也經由放射性定年得到佐證。放射性定年為一種定年方法,利用岩石中元素放射性衰變的速率,來定出岩石的絕對年代。近年來,威斯康辛大學麥迪遜分校的地質科學教授Bradley Singer以及其他科學家設計出準度及精度更加提高的放射性同位素定年法,它們被用在共振變換的定年而得到許多收穫。
自日心說――地球和行星皆繞著太陽轉動的學說――於16世紀問世以來,行星環繞太陽的運動方式就一直是科學家深感興趣的議題。從18世紀開始,對於行星環繞太陽的主流看法是將其視為一座時鐘,具有準週期(quasiperiodic)性且高度可預測的軌道。然而1988年,電腦對外行星的計算結果指出冥王星的軌道具有混沌性質。1989年,現任職於巴黎天文台的天文學家Jacques Laskar提出了混沌太陽系的概念。
From rocks in Colorado, evidence of a 'chaotic
solar system'
Plumbing a 90 million-year-old layer cake of sedimentary rock in
Colorado, a team of scientists from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and
Northwestern University has found evidence confirming a critical of how the
planets in our solar system behave in their orbits around the sun.
The finding, published
Feb. 23, 2017 in the journal Nature, is important
because it provides the first hard proof for what scientists call the
"chaotic solar system," a theory proposed in 1989 to account for
small variations in the present conditions of the solar system. The variations,
playing out over many millions of years, produce big changes in our planet's
climate -- changes that can be reflected in the rocks that record Earth's
The discovery promises not only a
better understanding of the mechanics of the solar system, but also a more
precise measuring stick for geologic time. Moreover, it offers a better
understanding of the link between orbital variations and climate change over
geologic time scales.
Using evidence from alternating layers
of limestone and shale laid down over millions of years in a shallow North
American seaway at the time dinosaurs held sway on Earth, the team led by
UW-Madison Professor of Geoscience Stephen Meyers and Northwestern University
Professor of Earth and Planetary Sciences Brad Sageman discovered the 87
million-year-old signature of a "resonance transition" between Mars
and Earth. A resonance transition is the consequence of the "butterfly
effect" in chaos theory. It plays on the idea that small changes in the
initial conditions of a nonlinear system can have large effects over time.
In the context of the solar system, the
phenomenon occurs when two orbiting bodies periodically tug at one another, as
occurs when a planet in its track around the sun passes in relative proximity
to another planet in its own orbit. These small but regular ticks in a planet's
orbit can exert big changes on the location and orientation of a planet on its
axis relative to the sun and, accordingly, change the amount of solar radiation
a planet receives over a given area. Where and how much solar radiation a
planet gets is a key driver of climate.
"The impact of astronomical cycles
on climate can be quite large," explains Meyers, noting as an example the
pacing of Earth's ice ages, which have been reliably matched to periodic
changes in the shape of Earth's orbit, and the tilt of our planet on its axis.
"Astronomical theory permits a very detailed evaluation of past climate
events that may provide an analog for future climate."
To find the signature of a resonance
transition, Meyers, Sageman and UW-Madison graduate student Chao Ma, whose
dissertation work this comprises, looked to the geologic record in what is
known as the Niobrara Formation in Colorado. The formation was laid down layer
by layer over tens of millions of years as sediment was deposited on the bottom
of a vast seaway known as the Cretaceous Western Interior Seaway. The shallow
ocean stretched from what is now the Arctic Ocean to the Gulf of Mexico,
separating the eastern and western portions of North America.
"The Niobrara Formation exhibits
pronounced rhythmic rock layering due to changes in the relative abundance of
clay and calcium carbonate," notes Meyers, an authority on
astrochronology, which utilizes astronomical cycles to measure geologic time.
"The source of the clay (laid down as shale) is from weathering of the
land surface and the influx of clay to the seaway via rivers. The source of the
calcium carbonate (limestone) is the shells of organisms, mostly microscopic,
that lived in the water column."
Meyers explains that while the link
between climate change and sedimentation can be complex, the basic idea is
simple: "Climate change influences the relative delivery of clay versus
calcium carbonate, recording the astronomical signal in the process. For
example, imagine a very warm and wet climate state that pumps clay into the
seaway via rivers, producing a clay-rich rock or shale, alternating with a
drier and cooler climate state which pumps less clay into the seaway and
produces a calcium carbonate-rich rock or limestone."
The new study was supported by grants
from the National Science Foundation. It builds on a meticulous stratigraphic
record and important astrochronologic studies of the Niobrara Formation, the
latter conducted in the dissertation work of Robert Locklair, a former student
of Sageman's at Northwestern.
Dating of the Mars-Earth resonance
transition found by Ma, Meyers and Sageman was confirmed by radioisotopic
dating, a method for dating the absolute ages of rocks using known rates of
radioactive decay of elements in the rocks. In recent years, major advances in
the accuracy and precision of radioisotopic dating, devised by UW-Madison
geoscience Professor Bradley Singer and others, have been introduced and
contribute to the dating of the resonance transition.
The motions of the planets around the
sun has been a subject of deep scientific interest since the advent of the
heliocentric theory -- the idea that Earth and planets revolve around the sun
-- in the 16th century. From the 18th century, the dominant view of the solar
system was that the planets orbited the sun like clockwork, having
quasiperiodic and highly predictable orbits. In 1988, however, numerical
calculations of the outer planets showed Pluto's orbit to be "chaotic"
and the idea of a chaotic solar system was proposed in 1989 by astronomer
Jacques Laskar, now at the Paris Observatory.
Following Laskar's proposal of a
chaotic solar system, scientists have been looking in earnest for definitive
evidence that would support the idea, says Meyers.
"Other studies have suggested the
presence of chaos based on geologic data," says Meyers. "But this is
the first unambiguous evidence, made possible by the availability of
high-quality, radioisotopic dates and the strong astronomical signal preserved
in the rocks."
原始論文:Chao Ma,
Stephen R. Meyers, Bradley B. Sageman. Theory of chaotic orbital
variations confirmed by Cretaceous geological evidence. Nature,
2017; 542 (7642): 468 DOI: 10.1038/nature21402
引用自:University of Wisconsin-Madison. "From rocks in Colorado, evidence
of a 'chaotic solar system'." ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 22 February