南極底層水(Antarctic Bottom Water)是全球海洋環流系統的一部份,其沿著冰冷的深海海床,將氧氣、碳及其他營養成分供應至全球海洋。過去十年以來,科學家一直觀察著南極底層水的變化。由伍茲霍爾海洋研究所(WHOI)最新進行的研究指出,這些變化正往出人意料的方向進行,而可能對海洋和氣候造成重大影響。
刊登在1月25日《科學前緣》(Science Advances)期刊的論文中,由WHOI的海洋學家Viviane Menezes和Alison Macdonald領導的研究團隊發表南極底層水(AABW)在2017年至2016年期間以驚人的速率變淡許多――此改變可能會改變海洋環流而最終造成海平面上升。
Revelle從南極往北航行至澳洲的航次,期間他們每3海浬就得在頻繁發生的暴風雨當中採集數據。在船上實驗室,他們跟研究共同作者,斯克里普斯海洋研究所的Courtney Schatzman合力以鹽溫深感測器(CTD sensors)分析樣品的鹽度、溫度與其他性質。而原始數據目前由Schatzman持有。
Antarctic bottom waters freshening at
unexpected rate
Shift could disturb ocean circulation and
hasten sea level rise, researchers say
In the cold depths along the sea floor, Antarctic Bottom Waters
are part of a global circulatory system, supplying oxygen-, carbon- and
nutrient-rich waters to the world's oceans. Over the last decade, scientists
have been monitoring changes in these waters. But a new study from the Woods
Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) suggests these changes are themselves
shifting in unexpected ways, with potentially significant consequences for the
ocean and climate.
In a paper published January 25 in Science
Advances, a team led by WHOI oceanographers Viviane Menezes and
Alison Macdonald report that Antarctic Bottom Water (AABW) has freshened at a
surprising rate between 2007 and 2016 -- a shift that could alter ocean
circulation and ultimately contribute to rising sea levels.
"If you change the circulation,
you change everything in the ocean," said Menezes, a WHOI postdoctoral
investigator and the study's lead author. Ocean circulation drives the movement
of warm and cold waters around the world, so it is essential to storing and
regulating heat and plays a key role in Earth's temperature and climate.
"But we don't have the whole story yet. We have some new pieces, but we
don't have the entire puzzle."
The puzzle itself isn't new: past
studies suggest that AABW has been undergoing significant changes for decades.
Since the 1990s, an international program of repeat surveys has periodically
sampled certain ocean basins around the world to track the circulation and
conditions at these spots over time. Along one string of sites, or
"stations," that stretches from Antarctica to the southern Indian
Ocean, researchers have tracked the conditions of AABW -- a layer of profoundly
cold water less than 0°C (it stays liquid because of its salt content, or
salinity) that moves through the abyssal ocean, mixing with warmer waters as it
circulates around the globe in the Southern Ocean and northward into all three
of the major ocean basins.
The AABW forms along the Antarctic ice shelves,
where strong winds cool open areas of water, called polynyas, until some of the
water freezes. The salt in the water doesn't freeze, however, so the unfrozen
seawater around the ice becomes saltier. The salt makes the water denser,
causing it to sink to the ocean bottom.
"These waters are thought to be
the underpinning of the large-scale global ocean circulation," said
Macdonald, a WHOI senior research specialist and the study's co-author.
"Antarctic Bottom Water gets its characteristics from the atmosphere --
for example, dissolved carbon and oxygen -- and sends them deep into the ocean.
Then, as the water moves around the globe, it mixes with the water around it
and they start to share each other's properties. It's like taking a deep breath
and letting it go really slowly, over decades or even centuries."
As a result, the frigid flow plays a
critical role in regulating circulation, temperature, and availability of
oxygen and nutrients throughout the world's oceans, and serves as both a
barometer for climate change and a factor that can contribute to that change.
A past study using the repeat survey
data found that AABW had warmed and freshened (grown less saline) between 1994
and 2007. When Macdonald and Menezes revisited the line of stations, they
measured how AABW has changed in the years since.
During the austral summer of 2016, they
joined the crew of the research ship R/V Revelle and cruised north from
Antarctica to Australia, braving frequent storms to collect samples every 30
nautical miles. In a shipboard lab, they analyzed the samples using data from
conductivity-temperature-depth (CTD) sensors, which measure the water's
salinity, temperature and other properties, with support from study co-author
Courtney Schatzman of the Scripps Institution of Oceanography, who processed
the raw data.
The team found that the previously
detected warming trend has continued, though at a somewhat slower pace. The
biggest surprise, however, was its lack of saltiness: AABW in this region has
grown fresher four times faster in the past decade than it did between 1994 and
"I thought, 'Oh wow!' when I saw
the change in salinity," said Menezes. "You collect the data and
sometimes you spend 2 to 3 years to find something, but this time we knew what
we had within hours, and we knew it was very unexpected."
Such a shift, were it global, could
significantly disrupt ocean circulation and sea levels.
"The fresher and warmer the water
is, the less dense it will be, and the more it will expand and take up more
space -- and that leads to rising sea levels," Macdonald said. "If
these waters no longer sink, it could have far reaching affects for global
ocean circulation patterns."
Questions remain around the cause of
the shift. Menezes and Macdonald hypothesize that the freshening could be due
to a recent landscape-changing event. In 2010, an iceberg about the size of
Rhode Island collided with Antarctica's Mertz Glacier Tongue, carving out a
more-than-1,000-square-mile piece and reshaping the icescape of the George
V/Adelie Land Coast, where the AABW observed in this study is thought to form. The
subsequent melting dramatically freshened the waters there, which may have in
turn freshened the AABW as well. Future studies could use chemical analysis to
trace the waters back to the site of the collision and calving and confirm the
原始論文:Viviane V.
Menezes, Alison M. Macdonald and Courtney Schatzman. Accelerated
freshening of Antarctic Bottom Water over the last decade in the Southern
Indian Ocean. Science Advances, January 2017 DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.1601426
引用自:Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. "Antarctic bottom waters
freshening at unexpected rate: Shift could disturb ocean circulation and hasten
sea level rise, researchers say." ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 25 January