Moysiuk以及共同作者英國杜倫大學的Martin Smith,和多倫多大學與皇家安大略博物館的Jean-Bernard Caron,主要是依據從英屬哥倫比亞著名的伯吉斯頁岩中最新發現的化石來完成他們的論述。
Paleontologists classify mysterious ancient
cone-shaped sea creatures
One branch on the tree of life is a bit more crowded today. A
team of scientists led by 20-year-old University of Toronto (U of T)
undergraduate student Joseph Moysiuk has finally determined what a bizarre
group of extinct cone-shaped animals actually are.
Known as hyoliths, these marine
creatures evolved over 530 million years ago during the Cambrian period and are
among the first animals known to have produced mineralized external skeletons.
Long believed to belong to the same
family as snails, squid and other molluscs, a study published today in the
scientific journal Nature shows that hyoliths are instead more
closely related to brachiopods -- a group of animals which has a rich fossil
record, although few living species remain today.
Brachiopods have a soft body enclosed
between upper and lower shells (valves), unlike the left and right arrangement
of valves in bivalve molluscs. Brachiopods open their valves at the front when
feeding, but otherwise keep them closed to protect their feeding apparatus and
other body parts.
Although the skeletal remains of
hyoliths are abundant in the fossil record, key diagnostic aspects of their
soft-anatomy remained critically absent until now.
"Our most important and surprising
discovery is the hyolith feeding structure, which is a row of flexible
tentacles extending away from the mouth, contained within the cavity between
the lower conical shell and upper cap-like shell," said Moysiuk.
"Only one group of living animals -- the brachiopods -- has a comparable
feeding structure enclosed by a pair of valves. This finding demonstrates that
brachiopods, and not molluscs, are the closest surviving relatives of hyoliths.
"It suggests that these hyoliths
fed on organic material suspended in water as living brachiopods do today,
sweeping food into their mouths with their tentacles," Moysiuk said.
Moysiuk, who studies Earth sciences and
ecology & evolutionary biology, completed this project as part of the
Research Opportunity Program at U of T, a special undergraduate research
program in the Faculty of Arts & Science.
The distinctive appearance and
structure of the hyolith skeleton has obstructed previous attempts to classify
these animals. All hyoliths had an elongated, bilaterally symmetrical
cone-shaped shell and a smaller cap-like shell which covered the opening of the
conical shell (known as an operculum). Some species also bore a pair of rigid,
curved spines (known as helens) that protruded from between the conical shell
and operculum -- structures with no equivalents in any other group of animals.
Examination of the orientation of the
helens in multiple hyolith specimens from the Burgess Shale suggests that these
spines may have been used like stilts to lift the body of the animal above the
sediment, elevating the feeding apparatus to enhance feeding.
Moysiuk and coauthors Martin Smith at
Durham University in the United Kingdom, and Jean-Bernard Caron at the Royal
Ontario Museum (ROM) and U of T were able to complete the descriptions based
mainly on newly discovered fossils from the renowned Cambrian Burgess Shale in
British Columbia.
"Burgess Shale fossils are
exceptional because they show preservation of soft tissues which are not
usually preserved in normal conditions," said Caron, Moysiuk's research
supervisor, who is the senior curator of invertebrate palaeontology at the ROM
and an associate professor in U of T's Departments of Earth Sciences and
Ecology & Evolutionary Biology.
"Although a molluscan affinity was
proposed by some authors, this hypothesis remained based on insufficient
evidence. Hyoliths became an orphaned branch on the tree of life, an
embarrassment to paleontologists. Our most recent field discoveries were key in
finally cracking their story, around 175 years after the first description of a
Caron led recent fieldwork activities to
the Burgess Shale which resulted in the discovery of many specimens that form
the basis of this study. The key specimens came from recently discovered
deposits near Stanley Glacier and Marble Canyon in Kootenay National Park,
about 40 kilometres southeast of the original Burgess Shale site in Yoho
National Park.
The Burgess Shale is one of the most
important fossil deposits for studying the origin and early evolution of
animals that took place during the Cambrian period, starting about 542 million
years ago. Hyoliths are just one of the profusion of animal groups that
characterize the fauna of the 'Cambrian Explosion'. They became a diverse component
of marine ecosystems around the globe for more than 280 million years, only to
go extinct 252 million years ago, prior to the evolution of the first
"Resolving the debate over the
hyoliths adds to our understanding of the Cambrian Explosion, the period of
rapid evolutionary development when most major animal groups emerge in the
fossil record," said Smith, who started this research at the University of
Cambridge and who is now a lecturer in paleontology at Durham University.
"Our study reiterates the importance of soft tissue preservation from
Burgess Shale-type deposits in illuminating the evolutionary history of
creatures about which we still know very little."
The Burgess Shale, from which the
specimens were recovered from several locations, is part of the Canadian Rocky
Mountain Parks World Heritage Site. It is one of the most important fossil
deposits for understanding the origin and early evolution of animals that took
place during the Cambrian Explosion starting about 542 million years ago.
Parks Canada protects this globally
significant site, and supports peer-reviewed scientific research that continues
to enhance our understanding of these rich paleontological deposits. This
discovery adds another element to the dramatic story of early animal evolution
that Parks Canada guides share enthusiastically with hundreds of park visitors
every year.
Funding for the research was provided
primarily by the Royal Ontario Museum and a Natural Sciences and Engineering
Research Council of Canada Discovery Grant to Caron.
Moysiuk, Martin R. Smith, Jean-Bernard Caron. Hyoliths are Palaeozoic
lophophorates. Nature, 2017; DOI: 10.1038/nature20804
引用自:University of Toronto. "Paleontologists classify mysterious ancient
cone-shaped sea creatures." ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 11 January 2017.