rocks record first evidence for photosynthesis that made oxygen
A new study shows that
iron-bearing rocks that formed at the ocean floor 3.2 billion years ago carry
unmistakable evidence of oxygen. The only logical source for that oxygen is the
earliest known example of photosynthesis by living organisms, say University of
Wisconsin-Madison geoscientists.
"Rock from 3.4 billion
years ago showed that the ocean contained basically no free oxygen," says
Clark Johnson, professor of geoscience at UW-Madison and a member of the NASA
Astrobiology Institute. "Recent work has shown a small rise in oxygen at 3
billion years. The rocks we studied are 3.23 billion years old, and quite well
preserved, and we believe they show definite signs for oxygen in the oceans
much earlier than previous discoveries."
「34億年前的岩石顯示出當時的海洋基本上是毫無丁點自由氧的。」威斯康辛大學麥迪遜分校地質科學系的Clark Johnson教授說。他也是NASA天體生物學研究所的成員。「最近的研究表示氧氣濃度在30億年前有小幅的上升。我們研究的岩石年代為32.3億年且保存相當良好,而我們確信它們展現的訊號明確表示出海洋出現氧氣的時間要比先前的研究早了許多。」
The most reasonable
candidate for liberating the oxygen found in the iron oxide is cyanobacteria,
primitive photosynthetic organisms that lived in the ancient ocean. The
earliest evidence for life now dates back 3.5 billion years, so oxygenic
photosynthesis could have evolved relatively soon after life itself.
最有可能釋放發現於這些氧化鐵中的氧氣的候選人便是藍綠菌,這是一種生活在遠古海洋的原始光合生物。生命已經出現的證據目前最早可追溯至35億年前,因此產氧光合作用(oxygenic photosynthesis)相當有可能在生命出現不久之後就演化出來了。
Until recently, the
conventional wisdom in geology held that oxygen was rare until the "great
oxygenation event," 2.4 to 2.2 billion years ago.
The rocks under study,
called jasper, made of iron oxide and quartz, show regular striations caused by
composition changes in the sediment that formed them. To detect oxygen, the
UW-Madison scientists measured iron isotopes with a sophisticated mass
spectrometer, hoping to determine how much oxygen was needed to form the iron
"Iron oxides contained
in the fine-grained, deep sediment that formed below the level of wave
disturbance formed in the water with very little oxygen," says first
author Aaron Satkoski, an assistant scientist in the Geoscience Department. But
the grainier rock that formed from shallow, wave-stirred sediment looks rusty,
and contains iron oxide that required much more oxygen to form.
「在波浪影響深度之下的深層細粒沉積物中含有的氧化鐵,為在氧氣相當少的水中形成。」第一作者,地質科學系的助理教授Aaron Satkoski說。但在較淺處,會受波浪攪動的粗顆粒沉積物則帶有鏽色,而含有的氧化鐵需要較多氧氣才能形成。
The visual evidence was
supported by measurements of iron isotopes, Satkoski said.
The study was funded by
NASA and published in Earth and Planetary Science
The samples, provided by
University of Johannesburg collaborator Nicolas Beukes, were native to a
geologically stable region in eastern South Africa.
樣品由共同作者,約翰尼斯堡大學的Nicolas Beukes提供,來源為南非東部的地質穩定區。
Because the samples came
from a single drill core, the scientists cannot prove that photosynthesis was
widespread at the time, but once it evolved, it probably spread. "There
was evolutionary pressure to develop oxygenic photosynthesis," says
Johnson. "Once you make cellular machinery that is complicated enough to
do that, your energy supply is inexhaustible. You only need sun, water and
carbon dioxide to live."
Other organisms developed
forms of photosynthesis that did not liberate oxygen, but they relied on
minerals dissolved in hot groundwater -- a far less abundant source than ocean
water, Johnson adds. And although oxygen was definitely present in the shallow
ocean 3.2 billion years ago, the concentration was only estimated at about 0.1
percent of that found in today's oceans.
Confirmation of the iron
results came from studies of uranium and its decay products in the samples,
says co-author Brian Beard, a senior scientist at UW-Madison. "Uranium is
only soluble in the oxidized form, so the uranium in the sediment had to
contain oxygen when the rock solidified."
Measurements of lead formed
from the radioactive decay of uranium showed that the uranium entered the rock
sample 3.2 billion years ago. "This was an independent check that the
uranium wasn't added recently. It's as old as the rock; it's original
material," Beard says.
"We are trying to
define the age when oxygenic photosynthesis by bacteria started
happening," he says. "Cyanobacteria could live in shallow water,
doing photosynthesis, generating oxygen, but oxygen was not necessarily in the
atmosphere or the deep ocean."
However, photosynthesis was
a nifty trick, and sooner or later it started to spread, Johnson says.
"Once life gets oxygenic photosynthesis, the sky is the limit. There is no
reason to expect that it would not go everywhere."
of Wisconsin-Madison. "Ancient rocks record first evidence for
photosynthesis that made oxygen." ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 6 October